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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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That is ... unique ... :)

I would like a closer look of the crosssection of your carrier.

I'm at work right now. How do you do orthographic cross sections like I've seen in other posts? How bout I post the craft files when I get home?

That's really neat!

My brain tells me that it would be a bit... wiggly, though.

I guess if you are using struts (which I see), and a Sr. docking port, it shouldn't be that bad.

Docking the SSTO perfectly in line with the ship must have been a pain!

Yep. I tried using 2 ports but the SSTO would only connect to one or the other. Not to both. Using KAS struts would be a plus. Docking port Sr. Is located at the SSTO's CoM to minimize wobble.

Edited by Landge
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Kofeyh said that he had to build his plane sensibly because he has FAR. I said that daft stuff can fly in FAR, and proceeded to build this.


It doesn't fly very *well*, but it flies, and as you can see made it to the island.

Not captured in a still screenshot is how much the fuselage bounces up and down. I thought of strutting it, but decided to leave it flopping about for funnies sake.

Bill did not survive the attempt at landing.

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Test flight of my Lathe SSTO Carrier in LKO. After several redesigns of the docking boom I think this shows the most promise.


The concept behind this is the carrier will provide comfortable living space for the crew during their transit to Jool/Laythe.

Once in Laythe orbit the SSTO undocks, de-orbits, landing on one or more islands.

This cargo container setup carries 3 "supply" crates made out of the small structural panels.


I tried designing a mini rover for the crew that could fit inside but the wheels kept poking through the cargo bay doors and it wouldn't redock.

Here are the stock craft files: SSTO Carrier & Cargo SSTO

Action Keys:

0 = Toggle Carrier Solar Panels & Antennas

1 = Toggle SSTO Outer Turbojets

2 = Toggle SSTO Inner Turbojets

3 = Toggle SSTO LV-N

5 = Toggle SSTO Forward Dorsal Docking Port

6 = Toggle SSTO Ladder

9 = Toggle SSTO Cargo Bay Doors

I've made a mini rover with science experiments and room for four that fits in the longer stock bay. I can PM you the craft file.

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Being I scrapped my Ion ship, Algernon, I decided to recycle the project name and dedicate it to a new Space Station in Kerbin orbit (300km, fairly close to the plane of Mun). The Cupola is a nice touch. I'm about 1/2 way through the build... a very parts-conscience build this time. I added 1 'lifeboat' to it today. The crew will need to draw straws should there be an emergency - but I don't know how civil Kerbals are, so things could end up every Kerbal for himself.

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Have you ever had one of those moments where you just take an idea and run with it, without a whole lot of planning? Well, I do that too often. Yesterday I launched the increasingly-misnamed Plane Number One into orbit to dock with an Eve transfer vehicle in an attempt to land a spaceplane off-Kerbin. Well, I forgot batteries or a PB-NUK, so it took me a minute to figure out why it died in Kerbin orbit. Revert....

Today, with a PB-NUK and some batteries on board, I tried again. Here are the two ships docking in orbit. The lander (such as it is) will be coming home if all goes well:


At Eve, Bill and Bob wait in the orbiter, while Mitcott takes the plane down for a landing. Looks good so far:


Yes, I'm still running a stock game.


Got down low enough, opened the intakes, and found out that whatever Eve's atmosphere is, it won't work in a RAPIER. D'oh! No wonder I never see spaceplanes taking off from Eve.... So here's Mitcott, safe and sound, but of course he had nowhere near enough fuel to make orbit again, even after Bob topped off his tanks. Good thing the cargo bay's full of munchies. He's going to be planting flags for a long time....


Bill and Bob made it back home, only for my faulty lander design (which I forgot to save after I fixed it) to flip upside down when the chutes opened. The Science Jr. hit first, saving Bill and Bob, although the lander broke apart and scared them to death as pieces exploded around them.

So, apart from stranding Mitcott on Eve (whoops), the plan worked, somewhat. Everyone lived, at least.

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Well had fun getting this SSTO Plane up, yes it is dark. Just look at the speed and Altitude and Air intake:


Which soon after I flamed out. But, was still neet to do as I now have a decent Kerbal Rescue craft or return. Thing as inline docking port. Just need a station in orbit for it to dock too.

This SSTO suffered from a cracken attack and lost both Delta wings and flaps. But, it still landed at KSC without any problems and had no problem holding a heading at 80 degree mark when re-entering:


A nicer looking picture for first SSTO plane shown well above:


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I tried to design a ship to explore mun and minmus (and possibly other stuff later on).

So far it got:

A core of station science labs, a fission reactor and quad nuclear engines ( TWR is tiny, but 6.4km/s dV is nice to have), a karbonite converter and enough snacks for about two years in space.

A lander with all the needed science modules (at least those I got)

A small solar powered mining probe to refuel stuff.

Still missing: RCS to redock lander and miner :wink:, experiment modules, orbital science equipment, and a karbonite destiller for monoprop refuelling. The last two probably need to go as separate launches, but maybe I can still integrate them.

The only problem: my game is currently so unstable that I had to load it 5 times to get that far.

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I've made a mini rover with science experiments and room for four that fits in the longer stock bay. I can PM you the craft file.

Sure! I'd like to see how you manage to make your rover redock back inside the cargo bay. Maybe lowering the rear landing gear would work. It's tough trying to play stock when KAS has so many useful parts.

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Continued from here and here ...

I finally made some progress on my Laythe colony mission. I completed lander 3 which carries the jetboat and will now also serve as a vehicle bay. I also designed and completed the station core lander, where all other landers will be docked to, once they arrive on Laythe. After last weeks launch marathon to bring all four transfer stages up into orbit, i launched all four landers today and docked them to their transfer-stages. The complete colony is now ready for departure and Mission Commander Gregster Kerman, accompanied by Gilbart, Danwell, Hudgun, Fermund and Derely Kerman, now awaits launch orders from ground control, as the transfer window moves closer and closer. While waiting, a fifth ship, later serving as an orbital relay and fuel storage, already departed on a Laythe cartography mission. It also delivers 2 small spaceplanes into Laythe orbit prior to the arrival of the colony. Pictures of the cartography mission will follow soon.


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Got my refueller from the last page into orbit.



It was an eventful launch. I had fixed drogue chutes to the boosters to help with separation, but forgot about Deadly Re-Entry: when deployed they simply cut. On booster separation I lost two engine clusters and two Kerbodyne tanks from the first stage core, and later a third engine from overheating. I held it on course - ish - by limiting thrust on the opposite engines. On first stage separation I lost another engine, again I shutdown the opposite engine to proceed. Once in orbit I did some fuel balancing and discarded part of the second stage to shed the weight, then found the fairings were not separating cleanly - they would often strike the payload and destroy the thrust plate, causing the ship to fall into bits. After a few trial and error attempts I managed to release them one at a time.

Now to go and fill up my ship.

EDIT: I think I had so much extra fuel because I'd had KER in atmo mode, and with KR-2Ls involved that has a big impact.

Edited by cantab
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