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Today I managed to get my "Monotropa" replaceable NPU-2500 magazine cluster into orbit without it simply exploding into an enormous fireball on the launchpad (launching a 1200 ton payload - 8000 on the launchpad - into orbit can be a little tricky). One of these clusters should provide a yet-to-be-developed nuclear-pulse-powered vessel with around 60 Dv for pushing around the 6.5-million ton asteroid I have captured in a very eccentric orbit around Kerbin (it should only take 6 or 7 of these clusters to get it fully circularized! no idea what it will take to get it's inclination to 0º).

Edited by Odonian
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Just now I reinstalled some mods and took another spaceplane design for a spin: another attempt at the Jonny Quest Dragonfly...but without the silly slope in the main wings. Things went pretty smoothly but the good part is when I came down for landing in a forgiving seaside grassland biome. High horizontal speed and ballet skipping over bumps were a breeze.

But then a rear wheel brushed a small stone and the plane rolled over and suffered a @CatastrophicFailure of structural integrity. : D

That one stone....out of nowhere!

*I tag you because it was such fun to see/read your rant about rock scatter being tangible now.*

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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35 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

Something tells me that it's probably vaguely illegal to make DIY SRBs without some sort of license.

If he's in Australia he could pop up to the Northern Territory. I'm pretty sure homemade fireworks/explosives are legal there. At least during winter. 

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38 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

Something tells me that it's probably vaguely illegal to make DIY SRBs without some sort of license.

I know it is in certain countries. I cannot speak for all countries but in Canada homemade rocket motors (ie experimental rocketry) is illegal according to federal law and Ttansport Canada.

I currently hold a L1 High Power CAR licence and do know of Canada regulations.

Edited by GDJ
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5 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Just now I reinstalled some mods and took another spaceplane design for a spin: another attempt at the Jonny Quest Dragonfly...but without the silly slope in the main wings. Things went pretty smoothly but the good part is when I came down for landing in a forgiving seaside grassland biome. High horizontal speed and ballet skipping over bumps were a breeze.

But then a rear wheel brushed a small stone and the plane rolled over and suffered a @CatastrophicFailure of structural integrity. : D

That one stone....out of nowhere!

*I tag you because it was such fun to see/read your rant about rock scatter being tangible now.*

Whoops, thanks for the reminder. I just installed SVT for 1.2 and I'd almost forgotten I need to pay attention before I start ramming boulders. Well, so much for having MechJeb make the trek across Duna's South Pole unaided. 

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5 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Whoops, thanks for the reminder. I just installed SVT for 1.2 and I'd almost forgotten I need to pay attention before I start ramming boulders. Well, so much for having MechJeb make the trek across Duna's South Pole unaided. 


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I decided not to kill the W key by making Bill hike 24km on Duna. I fought a titanic battle against a lack of symmetry and fuel to hop a rescue ship closer to Bill and his crewmates. Kept the throttle low and even, landing with about 30 units of liquid fuel left within 1km of Jebediah Station. Took a few goes as I had to keep manually pumping fuel around to even up the weight. Otherwise even a moderate amount of thrust easily overwhelmed the reaction wheels ability to stay on course.

LPC station released both its re-entry capsules into LKO and migrated slowly to the Mun with a lander attached. Bob said the lab would start to run low on data so something had to be done about it!

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16 minutes ago, Odonian said:

@eloquentJane I'm a little overwhelmed with parts right now, which is especially troublesome with the flickering UI bug, but I may have to check SpaceY out anyway. Thanks for the recommendation.

I've been able to get over a thousand tonnes to orbit in the past with just a 5-core rocket made with SpaceY's 5m diameter parts (with no asparagus either). I still haven't found a serious use for the 7.5m parts yet (other than testing them out, and designing launch vehicles that never actually got used). The 10m parts are only fuel tanks, a fairing, and some engine mounts, but by adding some of SpaceY's huge engines they'll be terrifyingly powerful.

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1 hour ago, GDJ said:

I know it is in certain countries. I cannot speak for all countries but in Canada homemade rocket motors (ie experimental rocketry) is illegal according to federal law and Ttansport Canada.

I currently hold a L1 High Power CAR licence and do know of Canada regulations.

IIRC, the L1 CAR license is similar to the L1 NAR/TRA Certification required here in the U.S. for high power rocketry.  L3 is for the really big stuff, as well as SOME amateur (or experimental, as you put it) rocketry.  Not sure what's required after that, but I'm sure it involves a lot of talking to the FAA, FBI, BATF, and probably a few more alphabet agencies.

@TheEpicSquared - I've seen people making wind tunnels for testing model rockets, and here's a couple of suggestions:

1. Have the fan pull the air through, instead of pushing it.  It helps smooth out the airflow around whatever you're testing.

2. Fill the intake opening of the tunnel with some sort of tubing, crosshatching, or something along those lines.  4-5cm long sections of paper towel tubes, lots of straws about the same length, vertical and horizontal flat pieces of cardboard set up to look like a screen... Any of those options will also go a long way towards smoothing out the airflow.

3. Since you seem to be making this out of several boxes, try lining the inside with single pieces of foil, wax paper, or something like that (something that comes in a roll from the grocery store).  Keep it as smooth as possible. This will help reduce turbulence of the air over your box section joints.

4. If you can, try to have a section (preferably where your test piece is located) pinch down, or get narrower.  This will somewhat increase your airflow in that section.

5. Water-thinned india ink applied to your test piece (in very tiny droplets) in the locations you want to look at may work better than trying to add smoke to observe airflow.  This only works if the air velocity is high enough.  I've done it and seen it done on model rockets, and those get up to a few hundred kph, so it MAY or MAY NOT work in your wind tunnel.



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6 minutes ago, Iqilipi said:

Learnt a valuable lesson regarding landing gear...


Actually I think there are two lessons here. One is that you should make sure your landing gear is lower than your engine, and the other is that if you land carefully enough on flat enough ground, the landing gear is somewhat obsolete.

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2 minutes ago, eloquentJane said:

Actually I think there are two lessons here. One is that you should make sure your landing gear is lower than your engine, and the other is that if you land carefully enough on flat enough ground, the landing gear is somewhat obsolete.


10 minutes ago, Iqilipi said:

Learnt a valuable lesson regarding landing gear...


I never use landing gear legs.

The gear with wheels, yes.

If you look at the damage in m/s that a gear can take they compare with the engines.

Plus you have less parts and weight.



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1 minute ago, Martian Emigrant said:

I never use landing gear legs.

The gear with wheels, yes.

If you look at the damage in m/s that a gear can take they compare with the engines.

Plus you have less parts and weight.

The impact resistance doesn't make much difference if you're careful enough about your landings, and the mass of landing gear usually doesn't make a hugely significant difference anyway. Plus, a vertical lander with plane wheels attached generally looks kinda ugly.

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today i used a visual mod and went overboard and took millions of pictures...


50 minutes ago, Iqilipi said:

Learnt a valuable lesson regarding landing gear...


ok lets go back to the drawing board woops! i forgot the parachute now... welp R.I.P kerbals

Edited by Program Kerbal Space
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44 minutes ago, Program Kerbal Space said:

today i used a visual mod and went overboard and took millions of pictures...


ok lets go back to the drawing board woops! i forgot the parachute now... welp R.I.P kerbals

Well you don't have to kill them as such.

You can get them to Kerbin and do a "Rescue Mission".



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Got a Mun gravity assist while performing my first Duna Landing. Unfortunately, I had already done plenty of periapsis kicking, but it was either use Mun's gravity to get to Duna, or use it to return to Kerbin.


The payload was one of my Kentipede mobile bases, which went in to aerocapture and ended up suborbital. Landed safely via parachutes, rockets, and lithobraking.

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6 hours ago, ThatHomelessGuy said:

From a garden center. It's used in fertilizers. Go into a garden center and tell them you need potassium nitrate or a fertilizer with High Potassium nitrate content. They will take care of you.

Garden center = anywhere that sells gardening / farming supplies.

Just look for stump remover. Pretty much pure KaNO3. I used to use it to make homemade rocket motors for model rockets.

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