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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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This picture is from my latest mission and is my new desktop background. KSP can really be gorgeous.


Background: My computer is a laptop with integrated graphics. I have the  potato set to maximum resolution (1600x900), ground scatter turned on, and rendering set all the way up to fantastic. I also have installed SVE and Scatterer, along with a number of other mods. I'm pretty sure the cooling fan base under the potato keeps it from melting down.

At launch, one second of game time is about 4 seconds of real time. It is worth it to me for the views. Anyway, in a recent thread I read it discussed how part count affected FPS. I have not really noticed. My fps seems to stay the same blazing (cough.. a really slow 25... cough) frames per second no matter what size ship I launch. So I tested it.

I grabbed my Apollo type ship from my 1.1.3 install and added it to my 1.2 game. It is all stock and 95 parts. I was correct. I had the same 25 FPS and I'm OK with that.

First launch was crewed by Bob and Bill. Jeb was busy playing stunt pilot and Val was in LKO. Ship circularized flawlessly around Mun. Bob, the science guy, transferred to the lander and performed a perfect landing. I transferred the remaining fuel from the lander stage into the ascent tanks as I did not realize crossover was enabled (apparently by default).

Launched the ascent stage and things began to get ugly. I noticed I was not gaining speed quickly at all, although the TWR was 1.5. I opened F12 and saw it was spamming some error I didn't recognize but I think the fuel flow was confused. Before I could decide what was happening the lander exploded. Bob sadly returned in the command module safely all alone.

I thought maybe this was either an error in my craft transferring to 1.2 or a possible bug in the fuel flow, so I launched again. This time Jeb was on board as well as Bob and the spawn of Bill. The mission went near perfect. Jeb and Bob did have a brief moment when the lander set down on a really steep incline. Thank you SAS for saving the guys. Ascent, docking, and return of the command module went extremely well. The landing was just west of the KSC mountain range. I never seem to be able to clear them.

No idea what caused the lander to crash in the first flight. I did disable crossover this time before dropping out of orbit in the lander and it worked.


Edited by Red Shirt
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4 hours ago, Galileo said:

I like being the villain. . . . Too much. 

So......that one planet in your planet pack is a manifestation of this evil then! :rolleyes: ...... and I've been helping it!


After who knows how long, I finally opened KSP 1.1.3 on my studio PC and dipped into a fairly obsolete sandbox profile. One that had no flights but the one where the HMS NANC Brown had her test flight to Eeloo but then the Kraken ate her and all the orange suits except Jeb...... I figured I'd pretend to officially resume the Lithia L's Jool mission and try to play for fun while some of us wait for Kopernicus to catch up to KSP 1.2.1.... I even cheated the ship's fuel down to a comfortable (but maybe not exact) low place like it could've been if I arrived for real.

Nailing the Pol encounter was far from a happy thing to do. It was quite practically the curse of Moho. I found even more trouble after releasing the LitheProbes and turning on the SCAN features... They don't have enough RTGs inside so, more unhappily, I had to turn on Infinite Electricity.


With the aid of Throttle Controlled Avionics, Lithia made an awesome touchdown on a 13° slope--the second time. The first time she landed, the megawatt radiators broke off, and every radiator is vital. My word...there's so much krakenpüpen all over the place. (Yes, I made up that word) It would be the worst thing to step (or clip) into, especially if SVT has spice for it.


Jeb quickly made his way into a hot seat on the Lithe Rider; Mk2 pill-style lander and the crew gathered around him for some idle chat as well as important discussion: Things in the far future like new science mods tech and possibly new planets... (as far as the kerbals in this timeframe know, the Galilean planets aren't a thing yet), and things in the near future like Duna colonization and Generation [Ar]...and snacks of course.


There go Jeb and Deb (Hah, Debra Kerman) beginning a trek across Pol, hoping to find something other than krakenpüpen on the face of Pol, or to see how far they can get on suborbital hops before the have to consider the fuel level. It's a good thing that the aerospike has an alternator in it or I'd be using infinite Ec for this craft too. This is actually a retro-burn as I needed to save and exit at that point.




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On 10/29/2016 at 1:08 PM, RoboRay said:

The "Kite" Plane in a Can finally goes somewhere...

I'm borrowing this design for a rover lander, and want to double check a detail...  the nose heatshield was attached to the propeller hub?

Edited by DerekL1963
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Update Day 3. - Attempt to save Rodney Kerman.... 

I had a series of Screen shots to show my multiple attempts at a rescue from Kerbin's orbit. Now i screwed this up royally i autosaved it before i tried to close upto Rodney's Debris... now i made a horrible mistake... i forgot to put some solar panels or batteries on my probe controlled command pod.... and so i couldnt actually control my ship... i reverted to the closest auto save. - it wont give me rescue rodney again GG KSP... So my next mission (tommorrow now) will be Mun Orbit and possibly landing if i can make it work.



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Nicely perfected the ye-olde Trijet locomotive, technology wise their the oldest in the fleet having been brought to life many years ago..

although I was sad to find I cant reverse wheel motor direction on the wheels for controlled descent of mountains by using an action group


to celebrate though, I took yet un-classed LJ-1001 to the mountains, away from the light green sands that surround KSC that I'm sure to everyone is the official testing ground onto the darker green with trees and mountains




stable as a rock at 30m/s with short periods of 45m/s using all 3 jet engines and running on electric power at 23 cruise with one engine just above idle for emergencies.. she did well.. the drive was smooth, relaxing and fine credit to all her ancestors so many years ago that died horribly before the design reached its apex.. resurrected in modern day to again ply the lands of kerbin



Wheelsound 1.2 mod works perfectly.. she's got wheel motor sounds back too.. modified and applied to my L1 Wheels. a reskin of the M1 with some configuration file edits.  I'm quite happy to say LJ-1001 looks like she'll live a long productive service life..

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21 minutes ago, DerekL1963 said:

I'm borrowing this design for a rover lander, and want to double check a detail...  the nose heatshield was attached to the propeller hub?

It attaches to the fairing base behind the propeller.  The only reason that fairing base is included is to put "floating" connection nodes out in front of the propeller part, since it doesn't have connection nodes.

Same thing on the tail... there's a fairing base in front of the rear prop to put connection nodes further back, so I can put the plane on a decoupler.

Edited by RoboRay
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2 minutes ago, RoboRay said:

It attaches to the fairing base behind the propeller.  The only reason that fairing base is included is to put "floating" connection nodes out in front of the propeller part, since it doesn't have connection nodes.


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Well, all good things come to an end... Except that was not good. xD

Too be honest the mission wasnt that exciting but it will forever be remember in Kerbal history.


       Elite Kerman - Theofurt Kerman - Bartster Kerman - Svetlana Kerman

.... You know what? Scrap all the bad stuff I said before, it was definetly worth it. :D


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Landed sixteen Kerbals on the Mun in a single go.

IVA view from the approach.



I didn't realize until I started EVAing Kerbals just how huge a 3.75m lander was.



All 13 crew (three tourists not shown).



Ascent image. To the left can be seen the slope I originally landed on, and spent an embarassing amount of dV launching off so I could land somewhere flatter.




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55 minutes ago, SmashingKirby148 said:

Well, all good things come to an end... Except that was not good. xD

Too be honest the mission wasnt that exciting but it will forever be remember in Kerbal history.


       Elite Kerman - Theofurt Kerman - Bartster Kerman - Svetlana Kerman

.... You know what? Scrap all the bad stuff I said before, it was definetly worth it. :D


Which mod is that pod from?

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First, a long run of rescue contracts. A batch of new rescue pods delivered to the orbit - the inflatable shelters are light and very draggy, and reasonably heat resistant too, making them excellent reentry vehicles. And in a pinch, they can hold two kerbals each.


But kerbals alone were not the only thing I was rescuing :)

This one was one "recover kerbal and hulk" which appeared to be a 10-ton MK3 lab. I strutted it to the deck with KAS pipes. The rest wasn't quite easy too, each requiring more than one kerbal to attach - the rocket engine was especially nasty - not surface attachable and 3 tons, so 3 kerbals; I had to attach a port to it and winch it to the deck - then detach the port as it would bring it over the 3-ton limit of 3 kerbals!


Then two kerbals to rescue from Minmus orbit, one with the craft, one without. The "craft" appeared to be a Caribou rover cabin, which can hold 3 passengers - so I sent just one SavingKlaw, picked the cabin with the passenger, encountered the other stranded kerbal and migrated her to the cabin. Then standard reentry, and... the irregular shape began acting as a turbine. The craft entered a spin so violent that...



This is STILL a single, continuous craft!

Luckily the spin stabilized before landing, because I'm sure it wouldn't withstand touch of Kerbin.

And then the SpySat reached Duna. I gathered all the orbital science I could gather, then deployed the jetwing, and flew to one of polar craters. It actually handles great! The engines have enough TWR for a vertical landing, and it can fly at 140m/s with 1/3 throttle, using very little fuel, a long, long way. Although - the four tiny solar panels, a single orbital relay, night time, 200 EC of own electricity, and that atmospheric analyzer... it takes over a day to transfer the atmospheric analysis alone. But I got all I could get from the polar crater, and soon I'll be flying to other biomes.




(on a stand, to catch more sunlight. It's near the pole, so the Sun is never far above the horizon.)

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We now have a new addition to the fleet: the MTU Eagle!


She's going to be ferrying two Peregrines to Titanus. She's also bringing something else, but that's classified I'll let that be a surprise. But before that I have to refuel her and the Peregrines.

She's slightly different from the MTU Horizon. For starters, her docking ports don't rotate (still upset over that :mad:). She's also got extra reaction wheels hidden in the nose. Turns out the rear fins were getting in the way of the Peregrines, so I had to have a kerbal get out and tactfully remove them. I definitely didn't just use Whack-a-Kerbal.

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Today, i launched the Arcadia Station's core module, which will function as a stopping point in Kerbin Orbit for Refueling and other ventures in the future. Its first big project will be acting as a launching point for the  Fire IV, a probe bound for Duna to serve as a communications relay for the manned mission the Hyperion I, the name Fire refers to the series being originally used in co-use with the Prometheus Lunar Missions. I'm also setting up the Prometheus VI which will function as an improved version of the Prometheus V adding , which was an Apollo Style Lander, the only problem at the moment is funding. This is all part of my Stock Campaign of course, and plans are also underway for a Gilly Relay I've dubbed the Fire VII Which will be unique in that it won't be actually orbiting Gilly, and will be one of the few landed Relays in the fleet because I want to. that's my only reason. I've never actually succeeded in an Interplanetary Mission, apart from the Fire III, which is now orbiting Jool (Only because of the super easy gravity well). But I'm really eager to get a probe in orbit of Duna. another problem is the distance of communications, which I'm having a bit of trouble with.

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3 hours ago, Starman4308 said:


Ascent image. To the left can be seen the slope I originally landed on, and spent an embarassing amount of dV launching off so I could land somewhere flatter.

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Duna-Tno. See what I did there?

Don't know if it works of the Mun. I guess it should. I landed a whole colony (16 ships) on a slope of Duna.

I found that if you rotate your ship using the SAS it will start slipping down hill. The direction of the rotation will give a left-right tendency to the craft so you can, to a point, steer.




Edited by Martian Emigrant
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I learned a lot.

  • I learned that around Jool you get a lot less energy from the Sun. Only about 4% compared to Kerbin, in fact. My lander's batteries were completely empty, despite having two 1x6 solar panels, and a bunch of single panels... the 3 OKTO2 probe cores sucked up the little charge that was being produced, so I had to hibernate them. *Makes note in Jool-5 planning book: Bring more solar panels.*
  • I learned that Laythe has more hills than flat surfaces.
  • I finally learned how the fuel priority system works (and immediately loved it).



6 hours ago, Sharpy said:



(on a stand, to catch more sunlight. It's near the pole, so the Sun is never far above the horizon.)

Dude, you have surf boards on your space ship. Gnarly, bro! *hides in a corner*

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I didn't do squat today... well okay I designed a space freighter, but was rudely interrupted by my computer's hard drive becoming corrupted. It's now basically useless for anything. Just hope I can somehow get most of my files off it. Fun times.

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