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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Things have gone a little over the top in RO. Before this, I actually had a plan. Apollo style or Ares style lunar landing mission with one or two launches depending on the mission style. Well I decided to go with single launch since I'm lazy. However, first the second stage didn't have enough TWR to get into orbit before falling back into the atmosphere so I added moar engines. So then I got into LEO but I had only 2200 m/s left and Trans-lunar injection requires around 3200 m/s. So I messed around with different designs for a bit, some were just edited version of the original and some were just different rockets altogether. Then things started straying off from the original plan.

I decided that another plausible mission plan would be a direct mission to the Moon's surface and back to Earth meaning that there is no return vehicle left in orbit, the whole thing is the lander and the return vehicle at once. And I was trying to make it practical! I ended up with a pretty good two stage 180 ton spacecraft that could carry 3 kerbals and support them all for over 100 days. 180 tons. How the hell am I going to get that to the Moon? Well not with a little dinky Ares V, that is for sure. I mean that kind of rocket is a baby rocket. :P I've got 18000 tons in a 3 stage rocket and it has way more than enough DV to get 180 tons to the moon and probably to Mars.

But that's it for now.


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@DunaRocketeer it is cool. I take it the idea is the wings act like giant airbrakes to help shed speed, clever, and nice work fitting the whole bunch in a cargo bay.

I wonder if a two-way wing rather than four-way would be acceptable aerodynamically? That way it could go up in a long cargo bay and avoid the need to assemble it on-orbit, just claw the target and go.

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3 minutes ago, cantab said:

@DunaRocketeer it is cool. I take it the idea is the wings act like giant airbrakes to help shed speed, clever, and nice work fitting the whole bunch in a cargo bay.

I wonder if a two-way wing rather than four-way would be acceptable aerodynamically? That way it could go up in a long cargo bay and avoid the need to assemble it on-orbit, just claw the target and go.

I think a double wing would work well, perhaps spin stabilise on the way down. Four wings ended up being huge overkill, so a stripped down system would be worth having a go at.


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I have a contract today. This will surely be interesting.



In addition, I have noticed that the exploration of the Gauss system from the GPP will be very challenging. That's why I started to document the whole thing in a mission report. Here is the link.

A Journey to Gauss

Until now, however, only pictures I have shown here. I'm not up to date with the story. The best things I show, of course, also here in the topic.



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Using RSS+RSSVE, but not RO (do difficult so far...). Got a good lifter off the ground that does consistent 400 km circular orbits.


Hitch Hiker one over Shark Bay ....400km.


Multi cube launcher....


You can never have enough space junk.....


Edited by algwat
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To the hellish depths of Jupiter.  My delivery stage did anyways, took 75 minutes of somewhat boredom, part fascination, smidge of OCD.

Worse yet i wrote a mission data page and a mission log RSS Jupiter Mission.  Very dark down there.  I left mechjeb down there too.  I'm making a personal task of recovering material data and goo from flying Low, where it is at least 275 atmospheres pressure and pretty hot also.  Not sure that I'll send manned mission. Too much 26G aerobraking.

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24 minutes ago, joacobanfield said:

I was going to the Mun when my solar panels stopped working. I look around, and see...

This is why I prefer fuel cells over solar.  One objection I have; in the tech tree, fuel cells are much further along/more expensive than solar panels, yet historically, NASA had fuel cells more than adequate for Moon voyages before they had any but the most basic solar panels.

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I have been playing since 0.2.3. In that time I have learned to get to orbit, circularize, Hohmann transfer, and make inclination changes. Those skills will take you about anywhere. I have landed on and returned from Mun, Tylo, and Eve (in 1.0.5 I think). I learned to do these things without MJ, but I have never docked two ships starting from 100 m apart on my own. Until today:


I did use MJ to rendezvous. Baby steps. I am still working on how to figure where to place the nodes. I will get this. I've used MJ so long I forgot that creating nodes with the stock gizmo is just not fun. So, determined to make an effort, I grabbed Precise Node. The learning curve isn't too bad. After tinkering a few minutes, I transferred to Mun, while setting the Pe at 12k. Added a node to circularize. After the burns, I created a return node with a 40 k Pe at Kerbin. Dropped the crew safely just west of the KSC mountains. A good day.

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Played around with my space telescope / relay satellite.

Works beauty as a telescope. I also altered it's range to 100 trillion metres. Why? Because I have a deep space probe that's about 40 trillion metres away. Could not communicate with it otherwise.

And it's darn pretty to look at.


Currently in orbit at 83 million metres, polar orbit.

Edited by GDJ
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I sent a hardened rover to the mun to take seismic readings. It's an interesting little thing; eight wheels attached to modular girder segments. Here's a picture, although it's unfortunately on the dark side at the moment:


It's got a couple of landing legs on each side that point straight sideways when they're extended; the idea was that it would be able to self-right if it flipped onto one of the sides. They weren't really needed, though, because two of the smallest reaction wheels along with the reaction wheel in the probe core are enough to flip it over from a stationary position in munar gravity. It can still use the legs to self-right, I tested that on Kerbin. But they're kind of superfluous.

Anyway, I got this thing landed, and just couldn't get it to move. No matter what I tried, the wheels wouldn't turn. I got frustrated enough that I was going to post in gameplay questions asking for help.

And then I remembered I had the brakes on.

Once I got it moving, it worked great. I sent this thing tumbling across the munar landscape at 35 m/s under no semblance of control, and no bits came off. All the innards are protected by the girders. I've named it 'Tumbleweed 1' due to its habit of going into uncontrolled spins in the direction of travel when it hits a bump at high speed.

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Did a few milk runs with my mining rig. Hit a couple of new biomes, and tried using Kerbnet to help with the landings, it's useful to get the ground altitude. I got some landing pics this time!

I got a daylight approach pic!Apocalyptica landed in one of the Moon's craters.Heading back to orbit


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1 minute ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Built some more or less to-scale replicas of various sci-fi vessels, because why not?


I think the Warhammer turned out well.

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Was going to take a break from messing about with airships, but Angel-125 released an update to Heisenberg last night that added conformal solar panels...  And they're *sweet*.   As much as I love NF parts, like the panels I previously used, I never could get them to fair neatly into the hull.  And Angel's panels not only fair neatly - they're huge.  They're size appropriate for a massive airship (10m hull diameter), each of the rows above are three of the largest panel (less in total than one row of NF panels).

Last KSP till Monday probably though...  big busy four day weekend coming up.

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Since my last update I have placed an station in Minmas orbit. It was meant to be in a normal orbit but somehow ended up retrograde. Unfortunately I forgot that detail when the next day I sent a lander from it towards Minmas. I was following my usual launch procedures so started at local dawn ...  or at least what I thought was dawn. As it was actaully dusk when I launched, my lander almost immediately entered the night side of Minmas at a height of 10Km and descending fast.

I spotted the error when I swapped from Map mode and realised my lander was in the dark. Rude words were spoken, then I realised my AGL was 3000m and that I was in a region where there are taller mountains, full power to the engine in a desperate attempt to climb out almost succeeded but alas it was not to be. I clipped the top of a mountain, lost the bottom half of the lander including the engine and my poor Kerbal spent his last minute spinning madly in his capsule. Before it finally crashed into  Minmas for the second time. 

Turns out you do not need much dV to flip a Space station in a low retrograde orbit in Minmas space. 3 burns later my staion is orbiting the right way.

With that debacle sorted it was time to start exploring mining and ISRU. A lot of hours of building, testing rebuilding etc later I have prototype miner and a prototype ISRU working on the surface of Minmas. Though it turns out I can land easily enough on Minmas but flying a 15t ISRU to land next to the miner not so easy. My initial landing was about 90m away. 30 minutes later I am only 30m closer and starting to turn the air blue in frustration. It took another 30 minutes of me bouncing over the miner many ... many times before I got to within 30m. Which was close enough to link the two vessels for resource transfer (using EVA Transfer mod)


Two of the ugliest craft I've made so far. The image also shows the nice flat landing zone I picked to try out precise landings for the very first time.

Future plans: I am 40 odd days from first transfer window to Duna followed 2 weeks later with a window to Eve. Currently planning on sending ion drive probes to both systems, let some robots test out my nascent interplanetary skills. However whilst they are en-route I will need something to occupy my kerbonauts. Moon bases look fun and there seem to be a couple of well liked mods to choose from. Will also need to develop a big refuelling station in Minmas orbit for the eventual manned missions to other planets.

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I launched just one but super cool mission-

The Moon Harvest

It is aimed to study how kerbal plants will behave in Mun soil! Today i delivered all the stuff i need to perfrom experiment!

(My own Moon harvest flag)


Moon Harvest capsule is landing in equatorial zone 147 km away from the eastern crater! (this is where my moon base is)


Surface around the area is very flat and even hospitable for growing plants (with some special adds to the soil of course)


Our rover "Gardener" carrying a box with grass samples


When all samples are delivered, only thing we have to do is wait!

A photo of finished "garden"


I will launch an other missions soon! One of them is ment to carry all samples back to Kerbin for further study!


Listening to

Oh hiroshima- in silence we learn

Explosions in the skies- postcard from 1956


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