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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Well I like Tantares' new probes and rovers but those tinnyyyy little wheels don't go well with Parallax right now so I made the Munokhod ... hover. Why use BonVoyage if you can hover at 40 m/s. :confused:

I think Komrade @Beale might like that.


Edited by hendrack
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More tinkering with my 1.10 JNSQ build - actually adding more mods.  How did I never install FASA before?  It's Atlas put a Mk1 pod into LKO in JNSQ with just under 100 m/s to spare.  I really need to look at modifying a tech tree to my liking and get my career restarted.


Booster separation


Not only does the Atlas have enough dV to put the pod in orbit, I added a pair of Sepratrons to push the core down to a 54km Pe after pod separation so it would reenter & not litter LKO


Jettisoning retro-rocket pack after deorbit burn.



I also fired up a Near Future open-cycle nuclear engine at the pad to see what the exhaust looked like.  For an added bonus, the highly irradiated pad now saves thousands of funds a year as it no longer requires electric lighting at night.



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56 minutes ago, Cavscout74 said:

For an added bonus, the highly irradiated pad now saves thousands of funds a year as it no longer requires electric lighting at night.

That is kind of concerning.

In KSP today I landed a base on Minimis, with a science lab. I had a few Hiccups on getting it there, such as a gravity assist from the moon, and me time warping too fast without a good quicksave, (I teleported it because I didn't want to launch again) but I landed it successfully. I also forgot to install batteries, I will put them on tomorrow.


Nice View of the Flag from the science bay window.

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Sent a crew up to do some crewed orbit contracts- this required a longer stay in orbit than I originally planned so I sent 3 crew instead of a possible 5 to save on life support, completely forgetting to check the hydrogen/oxygen for the fuel cells...

They survived, but the pod ran out of battery whilst descending on its main chutes. Suffice to say, lessons have been learnt and the next models in the series have been retrofitted with solar panels to help the fuel cell fuel last longer.

I’m also one tech node away from building a prototype ISRU mining system to send to Mars and/or its moons, ahead of eventually sending a crewed mission out there. Making some fuel on site would be much better than having to ship it all out from Earth, but until I try it I have no idea how, or even if, such a thing is possible on the scale required.

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2 hours ago, modus said:

Just cookin' up a little something for the Kraken







To post pictures on this forum you will need to upload your screenshots to a sharing service like Imgur.com (it's free) and copy the links they provide into your posts here. 

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7 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

To post pictures on this forum you will need to upload your screenshots to a sharing service like Imgur.com (it's free) and copy the links they provide into your posts here. 

Yeah I used dropbox but guess something went wrong...

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44 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

To post pictures on this forum you will need to upload your screenshots to a sharing service like Imgur.com (it's free) and copy the links they provide into your posts here. 

Yeah, I learned the hard way too lol ;)

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15 hours ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

In KSP today I landed a base on Minimis, with a science lab. I had a few Hiccups on getting it there, such as a gravity assist from the moon, and me time warping too fast without a good quicksave, (I teleported it because I didn't want to launch again) but I landed it successfully. I also forgot to install batteries, I will put them on tomorrow.

That looks like the big brother to my Mun outpost in my abandoned 1.11 career - all was good till I tried to surface attach a light to the base.  Hopefully you will have better luck!!

Even looks like we took the same approach to land it.....


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2 hours ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

@The Destroyer:o Wow. Just wow.

Where did you get those nuclear reactors from? I might need some of those for my own Mars mission (hopefully also in the '60s, just at the very very end...). Also- Season 1? Does that mean *gasp* there will be moar!?!? :D

They're Snap-10As from Near future electrical. You probably need the latest RP-1 to get the configs for them.


Also, there will indeed be more! Not for awhile though, maybe several months.

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More testing and a little bit of adjusting mods:

I now have the MH parts able to put a Mk2 pod into LKO in JNSQ without needing SRB's to get off the pad, although it still needs some work to be perfect



Has some tiny engines to finish orbital insertion with a few dozen m/s left over for small maneuvers, plus a pair of sepratrons for de-orbiting



Edited by Cavscout74
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Today was a learning experience.


First I learned that the inflatable airlocks do not dock with normal docking ports but do dock with each other.  I should have been able to guess that - but it was a surprise all the same.

This meant the need to abandon by base in Mare Orientale and relaunch both the operations hub and Molab.  I have not launched the new mission yet but I have gotten everyone home safe and sound and scuttled the old installation.

qTaycvKYoo6xA-80NnRQ5A1tYCQh0OjfJaQjnJukMC3HL0hm1zc_dyVYDyVF4Q0Sbnw6v_7pIs_2pHsHM3WtpnUIfPDUhG_ncIQZ-4XVgPScFCm03piB9KpJEDgAPRO_89lmqzlsCAESince I was doing that anyway I launched a mission to bring Val home since she had snuck aboard the unmanned launch of the Skylab prototype.  Once she was safely home I launched my revised Skylab into a polar orbit.  I know it isn't as useful as a way-point in a polar orbit but it's built in Scansat functions are more useful there and I don't really need skylab to be a functional waypoint station.


This station could dock 2 Apollo crews at the same time with ample living space for all and there is a Docking Senior at the back in case I chose to launch an expansion to in in the future.


I needed to adjust the orbit of my ore scanner around the moon.  Biome wise, currently the Highlands are the most rich at a little over 9% ore density while Mare Orientale is the third highest density at 4.5% and has interesting craters and dunes to explore.  I think a full Highland base might be a better first step with other smaller colony sites following up once I've worked out the problems.


While I don't need to plan habitat space as I'm not dealing with life-support this time around, I still do because it feels right.  As such the plan is to have ~ 6 launches per colony site.  

  1. Colony Ops - a revised version on my Jamestown inspired colony I landed before.
  2. Molab - a pressurized rover for excursions from the base.
  3. The hub - storage and communications equipment for managing a larger crew.
  4. The Refinery - drills, ore tanks, and more to begin making the colony long term.
  5. The hab module - nicer accommodations for off time complete with expanded solar power production
  6. A fuel module - stores excess fuel from Ore to use to refuel landers.

My hope is that if I can get this to work well on the Moon I can get all of the same equipment modified for and launched to Mars on the next window.

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After landing on Duna (legitimately, as in no cheat/hyperedit) for the first time ever since June 8 2014 when I purchased 0.23.5 (too many Krakendamned back-to-square-one with every major update), made the foolish choice to start a Duna Elcano because why not, and discovered that in the intervening six years I've become more vulnerable to motion sickness while playing games, which is not helping my stomach endurance in running an Elcano. Especially on Duna. :confused: 

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I built a ring station with so many freakin' lights on it that at 120km it lights up a significant portion of the dark side of the Mun! I imagine I'm going to have to submit an Environmental Impact Statement now...


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Did some more work on my JNSQ Mk 2 designs.  The parachute is almost perfect - I think it's actually right where it needs to be now, but I haven't tested the latest update.  The base Gemini-like design can make orbit with a few m/s remaining, and has two pairs of sepratrons for abort/deorbit.   The improved General Purpose Vehicle mates the Mk2 to a payload bay and a full stage with just over 2000 m/s dV.  The "base" model Dawngrazer-Acorn GPV can reach orbit with a few hundred m/s remaining - enough for LKO rescues, bringing personnel to a station, etc.  The "extended range" version replaces the 1.25m radial boosters with 1.875 and adds an intermediate stage.  It reaches LKO with about 300-400 m/s remaining in the intermediate stage, plus the full 2000 in the upper stage, giving it enough range to reach Mun orbit & return.  A hydrolox version was also built which gives similar dV with significantly lower total mass.

Abort test at low altitude



Dawngrazer-OMV second stage ignition


one pair of deorbit sepratrons firing - they are enough for a 125km orbit without needing the 2nd pair


First attempt at the Dawngrazer-Acorn GPV-ER.  This attempt turned out to be about 200 m/s short of being able return to Kerbin from Mun orbit.  The redesigned version adds almost 600 m/s total dV but hasn't been test-flown yet


The Acorn GPV in orbit.  Has a small solar panel and a small hydrolox fuel cell for primary power with a monoprop APU for backup, 6 days of life support for the crew and 6 open wedges on the US2 core for anything else needed for the mission (including extra life support for Mun missions)


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