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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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6 hours ago, Misguided Kerbal said:

I've been busy recently trying to get into Stellaris, but last night I decided to take a break from the constant menus and I ended up spending about an hour or so working on the design of a resupply vehicle.

Stellaris? Thats a fun game!

Now to what i actually did

Flew a plane on Eve! The white speck in the back is the Habitat the Kerbals lived in for the last year.


Thanks to Explodium Breathing Engines for making this entire thing possible in the first place.


Eventually ran out of fuel, I was about halfway to the EAV.


So I had to send a new plane!


Got to Eve.


And landed there.


Now going to fly them the rest of the way to the EAV.


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2 minutes ago, tajwo said:

I tried flying that VTOL thing that comes with the game. I can't even get it to take off half of the time without rapidly disassembling it but I think I can fly it rather well other than that. I need to work on my landings too.



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Is that KSP 1.0.5?

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Passerine - MK2 Airliner Based on the Stinger design by @Hotel26

I didn't really have a airliner in the MK2 size for the KSRGAP contracts so this fills a hole in the fleet. 



Passenger capacity for small or medium sized flights

Effortlessly takes off and the dual mode panther engines let's you reach your cruising altitude quickly. 

Available on KerbalX: Passerine

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Preparing the Wyvern Mk2 for it's maiden flight in order to try to extract graviolium from the newly captured asteroid and take it home for further analysis.

It's a hybrid between my Sphinx Class and my Manticore Class SSTOs. Hope they will do the job and find the legendary graviolium in the asteroid. At first flight Jeb, Bill, Valentina and Kenneth Kerman will be on board.

Due to the expensive gravi tanks, this titan costs almost 700.000 kerbal dollars.


(Part clipping only for visuals, no functional cheating)




Take off in 3... 2... 1...





Edited by Rakete
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So, it turns out that the Explodium R.A.P.I.E.R. was an absolutely awful choice for an engine.


Using the cheat menu, I switched it to the Explodium Panther.

And flew it the rest of the way there.



Then I crashed it. Nothing important broke, thankfully.


Ran all the kerbals all the way to the EAV.


Bill is carrying the ladder to get up there.






First stage gone.




Changing inclinations to rendezvous with Aphrodite station.


I had the DeltaV, but not the patience, so i just teleported it there.


Docking is by far my least favorite part of KSP.


Used Lizsey to give Jeb, Bob, and Bill jetpacks.


It kind of looks like Skylab here.


Crew Retriever!



Again, I had the DeltaV but not the patience, so teleport.


The Klaw is very helpful here.



Goodbye Eve!

kLHz8Zv.pngGoodbye Eve- Part 2 Electric Boogaloo


Hello Kerbin!






The total mission time: 3 Years, 135 Days, 13 Hours.

I am never going to land on Eve with Kerbals AGAIN. (at least not until KSP 2)

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1 hour ago, Rakete said:

Preparing the Wyvern Mk2 for it's maiden flight in order to try to extract graviolium from the newly captured asteroid and take it home for further analysis.

It's a hybrid between my Sphinx Class and my Manticore Class SSTOs. Hope they will do the job and find the legendary graviolium in the asteroid. At first flight Jeb, Bill, Valentina and Kenneth Kerman will be on board.

Due to the expensive gravi tanks, this titan costs almost 700.000 kerbal dollars.


(Part clipping only for visuals, no functional cheating)




Take off in 3... 2... 1...





Looks sick! I can never get spaceplanes of those size to work :0.0::confused:

Anyways for what I did; yesterday I did a lot of stuff but the clock struck midnight before I could post so I will just recount them here along with what I have done today. The first thing I did was orbit my mining ship from the surface of the Mun and dock it to the station to test out the new refinery module I added. Unfortunately I made a bit of a mistake when activating the refinery as the mining ship being still docked to the station meant it was also getting refueled, which while not the end of the world was not my intention as I had enough DV to land and refuel.


Among my other Munar exploits I revisted the Mun Buggy I had on the surface and took Nelzor for a little drive. The buggy works surprisingly well despite the Mun's lower gravity, and the flat planes looked like a nice place to set up a potential surface base until I checked my scansat and found the place had no ore. There is a similar flat section to the west of the buggy but I do not have the patience to drive all the way over there. :blush: 0Cm4dWW.jpg

In interplanetary exploits I had the sudden urge to go to Moho. I'm not sure why as I think the launch window was not open but I just decided to go regardless. To do so I sent a scansat up first to scout the planet and test how I would be doing the orbits. Then I used the same Spaceship and rocket I used on my Eeloo mission as it has way too much delta-v so the mission would be guaranteed to return home.


While the Moho crew were speeding on to Moho(considering they would be encountering closer to periapsis) I realized I had a Dres launch window coming up. I was a little inspired by a Dres base that I had seen on the KSP reddit to build my own system around Dres, however I was not really in the mood to design such an endeavor so I just did the same routine I had done for Moho where I launched a Scansat to scout and my mothership to land on the planet. This time I just left it in a parking orbit around Kerbin and used the maneuver node planner to burn in 15 days. I should really name this thing someday.


My Moho crew arrived to the planet a lot faster than I expected. Also the apogee was about 40km higher than it was the last time I fiddled with it which was weird but not the end of the world. After a long circularization burn I decided to just go right ahead and land on the surface. UER6tqd.jpgjQatmGd.jpg

For some reason my computer crashed froze after the landing as I tried to manually save and when I booted up the game after a restart the lander was saved as on a suborbital trajectory. I quickly took control of it and ended up crashing at 40 m/s which for some reason just bounced the craft wildly from which point I was able to land unharmed.



Verbin plants the flag


Crew shot with Razor looking sharp


Verbin explores the hills of Moho to investigate some surface features seen on the descent


Not as dangerous as it looks


Taking a bite of the moho snacks


I didn't really wanna spend too much time on the surface as we hadn't brought any surface equipment or rovers with us so we quickly orbited and docked with the mothership. I was a little worried it wouldn't dock as the lander only had 2350m/s dv initially and 300 left after orbiting but luckily the orbital transfer burns were really light so I had no need to worry. Now they're just waiting for their transfer window in 323 days.

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Trying to slap together some fighter jets for BDA. I decided to go for an unconventional shape, then kept on adding things, then decided I needed more missiles....

What have I done?

It has a few manuverability issues, but plenty of firepower.


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9 hours ago, FezCool said:

the mining ship being still docked to the station meant it was also getting refueled, which while not the end of the world was not my intention as I had enough DV to land and refuel.

So just transfer the fuel where you want it...no? TAC Fuel Balancer helps a lot with this if you don't like using the stock PAWs. Also just a tip...you appear to have plenty of solar panels but it could help to keep your station horizontal, so the panels are on a vertical axis... then they will rotate to always get maximum exposure. 

Today the Kerbals were exploring Dres. First a rendezvous of 2 ships at an anomaly. 


It really is a spoiler if you haven't seen Dres anomalies



Then Jeb was eager to do some "real" flying after drifting in space so long. So he flew 100 m/s into the canyon


But they survived and got some amazing views at sunrise. 



Then launching he went really berserk and nearly achieved orbit inside the canyon. This one needed a video...

it took a few attempts but it was worth it :D 

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15 hours ago, FezCool said:

Looks sick! I can never get spaceplanes of those size to work :0.0::confused:

Can provide the craft files (all of my SSTOs are pure stock - except the new wyvern, which uses some parts from near future and blueshift to build the graviolium mining arm and storage in the cargo bay), if you want to try fiddling around with them. But the ascent profile descriptions written in the vessel description are unfortunately written in german :D. So you might have to do some guessing :D. The big mk3 sstos need maaany rapiers. Moar power, like tim taylor from the home improvement sitcom would say. :D

Here my further SSTO family: some of them already evolved further since that post and also the ssto family grew even further. Let me know if and which craft file you want. Maybe some reverse-engineering helps. 


But please note: For designing reasons I play with only 50% reentry heat in order to be able to make my crafts visually more pleasing. (Visuals are more important to me than sticking exactly to the part tolerances - yes, this is a questionable point of view, i know). Otherwise I would have e.g. to drop the mk1 cockpit for the smaller SSTOs cause it would really burn up within seconds, as the some of the stock parts are not that heat resistent, to match my visual design needs :cool:




11 hours ago, SkyFall2489 said:


Trying to slap together some fighter jets for BDA. I decided to go for an unconventional shape, then kept on adding things, then decided I needed more missiles....

What have I done?

It has a few manuverability issues, but plenty of firepower.


Mooooar missiles !!!! :D

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6 hours ago, Cupcake... said:

Had a bit of fun in the Jool system. :)



how do you control all the ships at the same time, i thought they might be one at first with a giant offset to make it appear like they are flying on their own but they change altitude and spin on their own axis too.

how do you do it?

also yet another great vid cupcake!

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Orbital Maneuvers in the Dark.

(or how Jeb and Bill survived a harrowing first test, only to go back and do it again, the right way)


RAPIER-based WHA-3, KSC to LKO and back, Take 001:



Effortlessly punching through mach 4. Space beckons.


"Just uhm... we have a problem."


"We seem to be missing half of our ship. I can see parts of it floating past the window."


"That's our starboard engine assembly over yonder, re-entering the atmosphere."


"Good to see you, KSC. We've had to learn to fly this thing all over again, but we're in stable orbit now. We could really use a rescue plan though. The explosion took our fuel cell, and battery power is running out. Shutting down all systems until you guys come pick us up. WHA-3 out."


The second sortie went without a hitch. WHA-3 tested spaceworthy - except someone forgot to fill the monoprop tanks. Docking will have to be tested some other time.



Second sortie. Going smoothly this time. Avoided overheating by choosing a slightly steeper ascent. Not the most fuel-efficient, but we get to keep both our engines.


Successful orbit. Looks like we carried a generous excess of LF (and a distinct lack of MP, ahem). This could be tuned for some (outboard?) payload capacity.


Bill gets to do the external check-up before reentry is attempted. Looks A-OK.


By choosing a very steep reentry, aerobraking is fast enough to stay well within thermal tolerances.


Overshot a bit, so landing from a 270(-ish) approach. Bill is still recovering from the vertical 180...


Back home. WHA-3 is certified spaceworthy. So, about that monoprop...


TL;DR: Jeb and Bill upgraded the WHA-3 to RAPIERs and made it to space and back... after going bada-boom during the first ascent (and still getting to orbit).



Too late now to make the last edits. Need to figure out how/where to add the MP tanks, and how and what kind of demonstration payload to include in place of the excess LF. I'm thinking a set of 4 comms relay sats under the wings. First sleep and work.


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