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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Had a little time to write on my Mission report. If I read what I've written, then it looks more like a tutorial.

Got all biomes on Tellumo and wants to go back to orbit. Everything that is not needed comes on the trash.

First the ISRU, MaterialBay etc...



Then the empty wings and the landing gear



Who needs jet engines if they do not give anything



Empty fuel tanks? Away with it....



Goes anyway good




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1 hour ago, Zeiss Ikon said:

Wasn't Alan the one who (historically) opened the hatch too soon after landing and sank his Mercury capsule?  Glad to see your Alan didn't make that mistake...

Of course he did, but fortunately the rescue team was near to pic-up mr.Alan.......in kerbal world the mistakes are must to do! :wink:

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Tripover rover's exploration of Rald continues, interrupted only by the intermittent signal as the Porcupine relay passes overhead, and the deep darkness of an eclipse forcing his solar panels offline.


And from here on, I shall be using Bon Voyage, because it's going to save my sanity on 100km trips at 10m/s :) 

12 hours ago, regex said:

Oh, I was talking more about the layout you were using.

Just a manual process :)  Draw lines, fudge screenshots around them. Takes maybe 15-20 minutes for each, but it's a nice way to wrap up missions ^^

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2 hours ago, Zeiss Ikon said:

Wasn't Alan the one who (historically) opened the hatch too soon after landing and sank his Mercury capsule?  Glad to see your Alan didn't make that mistake...

1 hour ago, MikeZDB said:

Of course he did, but fortunately the rescue team was near to pic-up mr.Alan.......in kerbal world the mistakes are must to do! :wink:


Nope. Alan Sheppard had a successful sub orbital flight. Virgil I "Gus" Grissom had the capsule mishap upon splash down. In the end it turned out equipment failure prematurely detonated the explosive bolts on the capsule hatch. He went on to fly Gemini 3 and  was of the Apollo 1 crew, and we all know what happened to him.


Edited by GDJ
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Drawing Tripover rover's mission to a close by climbing the tallest mountain on Rald - and it's terrifying! Towering 20km above the plains, the sky darkens during the ascent until a few bright planets begin to shine overhead even though it's midday. Numerous points of interest are identified with Rover Science, and a satisfying amount of data is sent back to Mo'dur station for analysis.


(Finding clouds in the crater was a welcome surprise - apparently the terrain in 3.2x is taller than my inexpertly edited/copied atmosphere, and it looks epic :)  Also, Bon Voyage + Rover Science = very good return on investments for wheeled vehicles. Set the autopilot, switch vessel and timewarp while the rover trundles its way to its destination - stop at any point to look for interesting rocks.)

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4 hours ago, Zeiss Ikon said:

Wasn't Alan the one who (historically) opened the hatch too soon after landing and sank his Mercury capsule?  Glad to see your Alan didn't make that mistake...

GDJ got to it first - that was Gus Grissom you were thinking about. Alan Sheppard is famous for the Sheppard's Prayer - "Oh Lord, please don't let me fu[REDACTED FLUFFY BUNNIES] up."

Incidentally, Grissom's craft, Liberty Bell 7, was on display at the Kansas Cosmosphere; it's currently on loan but should be back by 2018. They also have the CM Odyssey on display (a.k.a. Apollo 13, the real one, sans Tom Hanks). Lots of cool stuff to see if you ever happen to find yourself in central Kansas for some reason...

Seen Liberty Bell a couple of times, and Odyssey once. What always strikes me about them is how insanely small they are. I mean, I'm pretty sure I'd get claustrophobic fast, even if I didn't get my butt stuck in the hatch (for how small those things are). The guys who rode those things had some serious stones...



(1.1.3) After a slow end to my last week, things picked up again yesterday. My day began with an aerial survey and crew reports approximately 1400 kilometers to the east of KSC, done by pilot Jenwin Kerman aboard a Bad Idea 5a surveyor plane:

Bad Idea 5a at sunrise.

Mission was completed successfully and Jenwin returned safely to KSC 27 with about a 20% fuel reserve. Landing was a bit harsh but the gear held.

Replacement contract was to catch a new class A tater and none were in sight, so I went ahead and warped ahead for a pair of new contracts. One was an offer to haul a Hammer booster to a bad altitude/speed combination, so I passed that up. The other was an LKO junk hauling mission - for a small object weighing exactly ten tonnes. Due to the weight alone, I launched a Bill Clinton 7b long-range grabber probe and carried out the mission; BC7b has the bouncy house, which I figured was going to be needed in this case. The object turned out to be a default NRAP test weight, and it was retrieved successfully though I lost the bouncy house at splashdown (should've jettisoned it when the chutes opened).

Replacement contract there was a VIP mission for Minmus orbit, adding to the growing list of tourists waiting flight. I warped ahead again to get rid of the crummy Hammer mission and picked up a contract to mine 550 ore from Mün, easily done with the Piper Alpha refinery. The next contract was equally lame, so I warped ahead and in the process the Tater Catcher 7 on a mission to catch and put a class C asteroid into orbit around Kerbin left Kerbin's SOI. A correction burn was affected that put the probe at a 18 kilometer intercept with the rock in 4 days. Going back to KSC, I accepted a contract first to test a set of Medium landing gear splashed, which was done with a Lusitania 7 floating test rig, and then I did a contract for orbital Kerbin science, which pilot Buremy Kerman took care of with the Kerbinport space station. Next contract was lame, so I set my alarm for its expiration and then set about catching me a 90 tonne chunk of errant space debris. Rendezvous and grabbing was successful, and a correction burn was affected to put the rock at a 50 kilometer periapsis with a 35 degree inclination (this from a 70-degree inclined collision course). Tater Catcher 7 still has about 1,400 m/s of delta-V remaining even with its cargo in tow, so I'll be making an attempt to reduce the inclination even further as it approaches Kerbin. It will re-enter Kerbin's SOI in about another sixty days.

Occurs to me that I didn't take any screenies of Tater Catcher 7 and its space potato; I should remedy that and post it up tomorrow morning...

Noted another class-C asteroid had been naturally captured by Kerbin; might take the time to try and catch it as well. Going to be harder to do owing to the fact that it's already in Kerbin's orbit...

Next new contract was for science data from Minmus; I did my usual drill with these and sent engineer Barna Kerman out from the Deepwater Horizon refinery to the nearby crane rover Lunkhead, and had her use the rover's 88-88 antenna to transmit an EVA report. Replacement was ore from Minmus, so Barna got back into the refinery and hammered that one out as well. Finally, the replacement contract for that one was another VIP mission, this time for a Münar flyby. Currently have fourteen contracts, eight of which ride on the Duna/Ike expedition, four tourist/VIP missions, the tater-catching and an LKO rescue mission. I'll probably dispatch one of the Superfortress 7 ferry craft at Kerbinport to conduct the rescue mission, then treat the subject of that mission as a tourist, sending whoever it is on flag-planting missions at both Mün and Minmus. And I'll be bringing up the tourists later today.

I ended my night with the Barnacle 7 submersible design, which was based heavily on Whiskey Tango Foxtrot's submersible design and is in fact a near copy (my design put ore ballast tanks fore and aft, setting them both at 70% full, and adding decouplers to ditch the landing gear when it got to the water). Using TAC to re-balance the ore load, I had some measure of success getting it to dive:

Barnacle 7 on an early morning dive. Can't actually see the KSC 27 marker buoys in this shot but they're all floating on the surface...

Worked well enough right up until it got "stuck" right there on the edge of the continental shelf and wouldn't budge again, even at full reverse thrust and balanced ballast; reverted it since it was mainly for fun anyway and I didn't set any world's firsts records, and the game crashed shortly thereafter, ending my night. I think I've still got too many floaty parts on the sub, as can be seen by that 20-degree....angle of attack, I guess I'll call it. Worked best with the front tank re-ballasted to about 87%, and even then it took some measure of control to keep it from nosing straight down. Might try again with the design later.

Edited by capi3101
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Took a break from space. I need things to actually send to planets before going there.

Like a lot of twin-boom aircraft in reality (assuming two engines), this is quite beefy with a TWR of 0.9 and top speed of 150m/s.



Central nacelle can be extended backwards with cargo stuff.



Mods: Mk IV Spaceplane System (props), Moar Mk1 (long fuel fuselage), Airplane Plus (cockpit, bay, wing segments), Procedural Parts w/ Freedom Textures (cones).

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On ‎06‎.‎02‎.‎2017 at 5:54 AM, _Rade said:

Made a propeller driven plane that can fly faster than 900 km/h.



craft file https://kerbalx.com/Rade/Jastreb

You have almost beaten the record of the real fastest propeller plane ever made. That one was the Tupolev TU 95 "Bear". If I recall correctly, that one came close to 925km/h. Is a medium to long range russian bomber with four counter rotating propellers and highly swept back wings. A really fascinating plane, one of my favourites.


I don't own this picture mind you, it is from Wikipedia.

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12 minutes ago, The Budgey Admiral said:

You have almost beaten the record of the real fastest propeller plane ever made. That one was the Tupolev TU 95 "Bear". If I recall correctly, that one came close to 925km/h. Is a medium to long range russian bomber with four counter rotating propellers and highly swept back wings. A really fascinating plane, one of my favourites.

The US equivalent, B-36 Peacemaker, is also quite unusual, being a six-engined pusher. Only half the speed though.


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3 hours ago, eddiew said:

Voyage + Rover Science = very good return on investments for wheeled vehicles. Set the autopilot, switch vessel and timewarp while the rover trundles its way to its destination - stop at any point to look for interesting rocks.)

This... will need to remember this. Also, nice Rald. :D

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Today this weekend recently... yeah, recently... I sent out a test probe to Tellumo as a final shakedown to make sure my 6.4x/@Galileo's Planet Pack/Rald save is ready for a "real" career playthru instead of just goofing around with everything.




Ok, that one kind of exploded. Here's the real one:


Gael at 6.4x. Those mountains are over 10km high, and they're "small." :D


(That crater goes all the way back down to the sea)

First stage burns out after only 35 seconds:


Second stage: (epic skybox by @JadeOfMaar)


Sun so bright it makes the ship transparent. :cool:


Ready to head off for Tellumo, a Super-earth (superkerbin?) class planet beyond the orbit of Gael.


Rald peeking out from behind Gael as we leave them behind.


Glamour shot.


Arrival at Tellumo... after I figured out antennas needed a big tweak with Kerbalism at 6.4 scale.


On approach... comm good, all systems nominal...

Separation of entry probe... probe buss will now adjust it's path to swing by Tellumo, no hope of braking into orbit at these speeds!


Dat vue doe!


There's a tiny moonlet just visible over the limb, buried in the ring system.


Meanwhile, entry probe prepares for it's fiery arrival...


This. Just... this:


....aaaaaand, unfortunately, hitting Tellumo's atmosphere at over 15 kilometers per second, the entry probe simply vaporizes like a certain team's hope of winning a certain game...


Probe buss continues on alone. Primary mission accomplished, everything works. I shall have to save the discovery of what marvels lie on the surface of Tellumo for my actual playthrough, working title: ALIEN SKIES.




Edited by CatastrophicFailure
Oops... flarped and hit the Send button halfway thru.
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di di di dddii ticka ticka ticka.... !!NEWS FLASH!! This just in!

At long last, BOB HAS ARRIVED at Minmus!  His arrival was overshadowed by the faster path Val and Pals took, and the trainees even beat our veteran scientist to the surface.  Make room for the next generation!  Much fun was had as the young ones played leap-ship and stack-a-Kerbal.  Not a very dignified follow-up to Val's first steps on Kerbin's most distant satellite...  Slow and Steady Bob realigned his orbit over the equator, pinned his periapsis to 250 km, and placed Minmus' first comm satellite as Val and Pals gallivanted on the surface.  Sir Slow then recovered his unmanned probe which (just barely) beat the first boots to ground.  Much science was collected, and our lab-coated friends feel certain they will be able to develop many new components from lessons learned.  Two more comm sats to go before Bob can unleash his full load of unmanned probes and set down himself.  In the meantime, the Kerblings are on their way to Mun, and are hoping for a lightly closer look at Kerbol if Val manages to squeak a bit of extra dV from the tanks.  The trainees couldn't be in better hands.

This was your Kerbal Network News !!NEWS FLASH!!  di di di dddii ticka ticka ticka....

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2 hours ago, String Witch said:

Took a break from space. I need things to actually send to planets before going there.

Like a lot of twin-boom aircraft in reality (assuming two engines), this is quite beefy with a TWR of 0.9 and top speed of 150m/s.



Central nacelle can be extended backwards with cargo stuff.



Mods: Mk IV Spaceplane System (props), Moar Mk1 (long fuel fuselage), Airplane Plus (cockpit, bay, wing segments), Procedural Parts w/ Freedom Textures (cones).


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Before I go home I want to go to Lilli. I need to refuel and have to take a dog for walkies (Jeb needs time out).

When I tested I was here once. At that time I wanted to land at the equator to have nice lighting. But that did not work, I just could not hit the ground. I was thrown back out of the orbit. I needed some time to find out why.
At the equator the surface speed is so high that you reach the escape speed of the planet and will be thrown out of the system.
But where is that not the case? ...... At the poles
So we have to swing into a polar orbit and land at one of the poles.

I have searched for a nice place for you to make a decent picture. In addition, it could not be a pit, otherwise the rocket is standing in the Pee of Jeb.



I have reached an orbit of 700km and now plan the transfer back home. In the tank I have over 6000 m/s dV. That should be much more than enough.8MGBg4f.jpg



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Said a few words that wern't polite..........

Picture the scene , capsule in a stable  orbit around Kerbin , setup in Retrogade after returning from the Mun .

All I have to do is hit "Z" on the keyboard to fire the motors and deorbit the 3 kerbal Pod

After that its hit the Spacebar to jettison the engines and fuel tank , hit it again to open the Parachutes .

Simple eh , we've all done that a few hundred times .

A split second before I hit the "Z" Key


Cassie runs up with a toy in her mouth an stomps on the Spacebar .

Oh well I had to launch another ship to rescue the now stranded Kerbals :lol:

Edited by Puggonaut 2
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Well shiver me timbers Kerbal-Matee.

Furthering my nautical experimentations I built an experimental Transport-Support-Vessel for the newly developed DSRV (Actually for an improved version).

Some more work is needed but the sea-trials are showing well.
The ship can do over 40 m/s.
Another exercise was conducted at sea with the new piloted, 8 rescue seat version.
That's when the flaws came out.
The sub couldn't dock with the support vessel....And the design team had omitted to install cabins for the rescued....
Jeb told them to get out.
And then left them bobbing.
While he dove for the remainder of the crew.
For those who are wondering how the ship dives and surfaces. It stems from an observation I made once. Cargo compartments float more when the doors are open. Conversely less when the doors are closed.
Getting there.
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8 hours ago, The Budgey Admiral said:

You have almost beaten the record of the real fastest propeller plane ever made. That one was the Tupolev TU 95 "Bear". If I recall correctly, that one came close to 925km/h. Is a medium to long range russian bomber with four counter rotating propellers and highly swept back wings. A really fascinating plane, one of my favourites.

I know about the Bear, one of my earlier airplanes used somewhat similar engine.



As for this model, I might be able to get few more m/s out of it with few modifications, but I think I'm getting close to the max speed for the propeller driven aircraft you can build in game.

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