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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  On 6/21/2018 at 3:03 PM, septemberWaves said:

If ladders are a problem, why not make one of these?


Thanks for the suggestion!

I have a Krew Bus that does exactly as you suggest.  Just 3 clicks to transfer each passenger.

However, the purpose of VTOL on Nike is to land at rugged locations (far from airports).  It might be good, for example, for assaults on mountain tops, although I haven't determined yet how maneuverable it is via thrust vectoring on the descent under chutes.  (I did just publish Nike.  I think it's quite fun, even the climb to get back onboard.)

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Looking for the right angle on Moho...

"Is that it?"

"Nope. That's not the right angle. Punch it."


"There's something about the bumps on Dres that scare the p*** out of me."

"I feel ya."


"Yeah, look where you're aiming."


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I built this contraption that can ferry 7 tourists to orbit :)


It's a bit unstable during re-entry, but it gets the job done, and tourists love the spectacular view of the planet, and it's pretty stable when landed:


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  On 6/21/2018 at 12:57 PM, Mythical Donuts said:

is there any way to put images up without imgur?


Certainly.  You could use any other hosting site that allows third-party hosting (including Photobucket, if you don't mind paying them through the nose for the privilege).  Imgur has the advantage that the forum software is coded to auto-embed an image URL from Imgur; you'd need to use an "embed" code supplied by the site (and it may or may not work even then) for any other hosting site.  Even Dropbox or Google Drive can work, if your sharing is correctly set up, though you probably won't be able to embed images at all from those storage sites.

Specifically not supported is uploading images to be hosted by the forum -- as you can well imagine from this thread with more than 1700 pages, that would very quickly become unsupportable for the forum host.

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Launched a thing so obscenely large the game decided not to render clouds because it would be bad.


The game was probably right. Despite being only 233 parts, fps was horrible and staging events were taking several seconds between space and actually happening :/

Did KSP slow down? I'm on a pretty decent Ryzen 1600X with 32gb memory and an m.2 ssd. I don't feel like a 233 part ship should be this horribly sluggish...

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This is actually from a couple days ago (been away a while at college orientation), buttt....

I "flew" (only in the vaguest sense of the term) a plane in the corona.



Did anyone else know parts could turn these colors?

Spaghettified poor Doca Kerman upon attempting to use the EVA parachute in the corona as well.



I also messed around with mini stock missiles on a BAE Hawk.

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  On 6/21/2018 at 10:47 PM, eddiew said:

spite being only 233 parts, fps was horrible and staging events were taking several seconds between space and actually happening :/

Did KSP slow down?


Well an update was just released today, so it probably just broke one of your mods. That's the only explanation that makes sense as that kind of lag only occurs with vessels with about 1000 parts.

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Honestly, I spent a good portion of my gameplay today trying to figure out what's up with docking and specifically the Sr. Docking ports in my heavily modded 1.4.3 game. :mad:

I came back to the game over the weekend, worked on getting my mods updated, and read up on things I'd missed since 1.3 towards the end of last year. The last two days, I've gotten my mods where they need to be, but I keep running into problems docking. Like, I guess Sr. Ports don't work right anymore? or am I wrong?

It's very demoralizing to put time into a game like this and then get stuck when you can't dock craft in space. (And yes, I've checked all the various things that could be wrong.)

I even tested by stripping down to basic stock parts, using only Sr. ports. And they won't connect. Perfectly aligned, no clipping issues. And it won't lock into place.

Any suggestions?


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@scottadges Unfortunately I think it's just an issue with your mods, My game is up to date and modded as well and I haven't noticed any issues with the Sr. Docking ports. I'd just double check your mods and make sure they are up to date, and possibly try to troubleshoot and figure out which mod in particular is causing your issue.

As annoying as it is being forced to check through all your mods is a common occurrence whenever an update breaks something.

Lots of peeps having mod troubles following the new update I'm noticing.

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  On 6/22/2018 at 3:26 AM, Kronus_Aerospace said:

As annoying as it is being forced to check through all your mods is a common occurrence whenever an update breaks something.


Yeah, that's pretty much where I landed. I basically have to go back to square one and reload the mods, test ports, different configurations, yadda yadda. It's just really frustrating. And then I'll probably have to do it again once the majority of mods are updated to 1.4.4 in a week or so.

I guess that's where my frustration lies. Definitely not with the modders (they make this game what I want to play) and not really with the base game. It's this middle place where you have a relatively un-supportable configuration because all your mods are interacting differently. 

Anyway, thanks for commenting and listening to my rant! LOL

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I was "youtubing" for some aviation history and found this:

And then I look on what I did here:


And I'm wondering about how my designs can be somewhat similar "in spirit" as the soviet ones… :/

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  On 6/21/2018 at 10:47 PM, eddiew said:

Did KSP slow down? I'm on a pretty decent Ryzen 1600X with 32gb memory and an m.2 ssd. I don't feel like a 233 part ship should be this horribly sluggish...


It shouldn't especially with your specs. Speaking from experience though once I made a 800 ish part Christmas tree which lagged worse than some of the other monstrosities I've made...... No particular reason why AFAIK


As for what I actually did? I made a new heli based on a new (not sure if novel, I would be surprised if someone hadn't already did this...) engine that is able to be timewarped with due to a embedded claw in the design that latches on to the rotor disc (where the blowers point).




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First or second time working with turboprops in a while. Fun to do.

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I've been working on my new 1.3.1 hard career and enjoying the improved visuals with EVE installed.

Jeb descending through clouds after an early career mission:


Jeb in the "Interim Mun Lander" nearing the surface of Mun.  Limited to 30 parts, so there wasn't enough to add actual landing gear.

Launching a Titan MPV (Multi-purpose Vehicle), my workhorse for this phase of career (lv 2 pad & VAB):


MPV in orbit, with a kerbal enjoying the view


First space station for this career, waiting on a crew:






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  On 6/22/2018 at 2:38 AM, Kronus_Aerospace said:

Well an update was just released today, so it probably just broke one of your mods. That's the only explanation that makes sense as that kind of lag only occurs with vessels with about 1000 parts.


I don't run from the steam folder so no unexpected updates for me... Feels like I need to work out what the heck is slowing this game down then :( 

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  On 6/22/2018 at 2:48 AM, scottadges said:

Honestly, I spent a good portion of my gameplay today trying to figure out what's up with docking and specifically the Sr. Docking ports in my heavily modded 1.4.3 game. :mad:


Docking port physics changed after 1.3, and its still not quite right in 1.4.3. The attraction is a bit wonky and can end up making things worse.

Anyway, I launched the last part of my Duna mission yesterday.

I really wish that we could have fairing cross sections that weren't just circles, or "cutouts" for certain things to stick through fairings, because this payload fairing is huge:


The actual payload was on the lighter side (nominally 75 tons or so, full fueled around 120 tons- but full fueling was not desireable as the tug needed no oxidizer, and next stop was Mun for refueling, and the CoM would be too far off center if fully fueled.)

The payload mass was not insignificant, note the increase in dV and TWR after its jetissoned:




I'm pretty sure that I didn't open any previously closed tanks between those pics. As for the time difference, I cut engines, deployed the fairing, went to 5x time warp and back to 1x to make the fairing pieces disappear.

The surface base package:


It balances fairly well when the orange tank is empty, but I put some fuel in it, so I had to tweak thrust to keep things balanced (KER's torque readout really helps with that)


And obligatory recovered SSTO pic:

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Now all pieces of the mission are en route to Mun, where they will refuel and await the Duna departure window

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Ive been doing some updates and mods to some of my existing craft. I have a bunch of bigger projects in mind, but i just havent had the time (crazy considering im on holiday). And now im going away for most of the next two weeks, so projects will be on hold even longer.


I wanted to show a couple paint-jobs i made for two aircraft that are going to appear in the "KNS Reloaded" post.


A little "IJN special" paint-job for the Japanise heavy-fighter inspired Pheonix heavy fighter.


The second one is a USN inspired one for the Sea-Fortress, a PBY Privateer based naval heavy-bomber


The original non-painted ones had the new "Tempest" engines, but i had to change them cause they can't be painted yet.


The next update for the KNS post will most likely include the flight demonstration video i was talking about, and will most likely include all the ready to build on hulls i have.

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Just sent some relay lander stations to the Mun and made a ripoff Apollo 8 mission, sending some Kerbals on a trip around the Mun.

Oh and I deorbited my Duna orbiter after finishing exploration of Duna and Ike.

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Wished for bigger rockets. 5m diameter is really not enough for this size of expedition :(  Also I made Gael blue again. I think I broke it a while back and didn't really notice.


With the Spiceroquette parked up in orbit, the whole assemblage separates into three sections; return transfer stage, lab/habitat/ascent vehicle, and exploration scout-plane.


The plan is to send the ascent vehicle down first, because then if that fails the crew can... not return on the scout plane... because the return stage has a 2.5m docking port and the plane only has a 1.25. Well then. Best hope nothing goes horribly wrong.

(Also yes, I have come up with a cunning method to attach a stack separator to a shielded docking port because it bugs me so much that you can't attach them in the editor. Basically I stick the separator to the flat surface behind the port, then align it as if it were on the same node, then pull it out a bit. Works a charm. One annoying discovery; the RCS is using LFO, and thus the lab is carrying a bunch of monoprop it doesn't need, for an ascent that I already know is on quite a tight fuel margin.)


Almost disappointingly, nothing goes wrong, and the Spicelab comes to rest on a gentle slope in the Cinnamon Lowlands. With all systems reporting nominal, the crew initiates descent in the Spicehunter.


Which also goes surprisingly well, and in not a very long time the Spicehunter is cruising above the Paprika Terraces and looking for a likely landing spot.

Having learned lessons on Niven, the engineering team has equipped the Spicehunter for VTOL operations and as such pilot Jinx Gaelan has a much easier time of it than the Nirvana crew! A Banshee fan (MK2 Expanded) running off the power of a small nuclear reactor (Near Future) provides the bulk of the lifting force and allows the plane to float at very low forward velocities. Powerful air verniers (Thor Tech) on the ventral side provide the rest of the thrust required to fully arrest the descent, allowing the Spicehunter to set down on a dime.

(I did have a design with twin lift fans and no need for the verniers, but honestly, I love the stubby diamond look of the single-fan model and I'll sacrifice having to hit the RCS keys during landing and takeoff for the sake of better screenshots :P  It's balanced very finely around the fan, and there's a vertical probe core in the cargo bay which allows SAS to be set to radial out and essentially results in the craft orienting itself horizontally and hovering. Gentle pitch and yaw movements can adjust any drift. Thank you Squad for allowing us to bind 'control from here' to actions because that is so useful!)


And so the crew begin gathering samples of fine, dusty, pink deliciousness to take back to the lab for chemical analysis.

The VTOL engine makes taking off even easier than landing, raising the Spicehunter well clear of the terrain before the rear engines are engaged.



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Built a little space station in sandbox to try out Kerbalism; it keeps 2 kerbals alive and 78% sane for a 100-day mission.



Hoping to improve on the sanity figure, I added a centrifuge module. 100 days into their mission and the current crew is still 94% sane. Definitely an improvement.

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