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An new experimental aircraft, Oculus Corvinus (Raven's eyes) is a stealth aircraft designed to be as low profile as possible


It's tailless flying wing design gives it excellent stability at very low speed. It's able to glide gently at very low airspeed (as low as 20m/s)


Despite that, when the need arise, it's surprisingly highly agile, pulling off tight turns and smooth maneuvering



It's also extremely fast



The only problem is, it glides too well. The wing generates so much lift that at one point, when it lands, the moment the wheel touches the ground (at 60m/s), it bouces the craft back into the air, causing it to glide for at least a couple kilometers away

Edited by ARS
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38 minutes ago, Brikoleur said:

Is it possible to play RSS without MechJeb? I mean, can you even make orbit?

I don't use MechJeb. I do use kOS for guidance though.

You can more or less eyeball it, though getting a precise orbit will be difficult. Most people just use MJ I think.

Also it's pretty tedious to fly by hand, since ascent takes about 7-8 minutes.

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1 hour ago, ARS said:

The only problem is, it glides too well. The wing generates so much lift that at one point, when it lands, the moment the wheel touches the ground (at 60m/s), it bouces the craft back into the air, causing it to glide for at least a couple kilometers away

Very interesting. It sounds like that could be addressed by putting your nose gear lower than your main gear, so that the craft is slightly nose-down when resting on it. That ought to stick it to the runway on landing. Of course you'll have to pull back on the stick a bit on take-off but by the sound of it that shouldn't be a problem.

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2 hours ago, Brikoleur said:

Is it possible to play RSS without MechJeb? I mean, can you even make orbit?

Absolutely, the basic rules of the game don't change, rocket science is rocket science on any scale after all. It just requires a little more precision than you'd need for eyeballing builds and boosts around Kerbin, but a gravity turn is a gravity turn.

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2 hours ago, Brikoleur said:

Is it possible to play RSS without MechJeb? I mean, can you even make orbit?

You can play RSS with no other mods at all. You just need big rockets, a payload fraction of 1-2% is typical. I built one that put 50 tonnes to LEO and was semi-reusable too.

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Today in KSP, I was feeling kind of bored so I decided to play one of the older KSP versions I have, 0.22. In a 0.22 career that I made I decided to land on the mun and took some nice images from orbit and after landing on the surface. After planting a flag, I ran out of fuel in the ship shortly after getting into munar orbit again, which means I'm going to have to send a rescue mission in the near future, which shouldn't be too hard. 

Here are the images I took :)






Edited by Johnster_Space_Program
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I encountered a really annoying bug. Anyone have any idea what may cause it?


Those ships use Restock, Restock+ and USI-LS. Also I have both DLCs. I have upgraded the R&D building. For some reason I can transfer fuel between individual tanks on the tanker but not on the shuttle?

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5 minutes ago, fulgur said:

I encountered a really annoying bug. Anyone have any idea what may cause it?


Those ships use Restock, Restock+ and USI-LS. Also I have both DLCs. I have upgraded the R&D building. For some reason I can transfer fuel between individual tanks on the tanker but not on the shuttle?

Is crossfeed enabled on the docking ports?

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7 minutes ago, fulgur said:

I encountered a really annoying bug. Anyone have any idea what may cause it?


Those ships use Restock, Restock+ and USI-LS. Also I have both DLCs. I have upgraded the R&D building. For some reason I can transfer fuel between individual tanks on the tanker but not on the shuttle?

Someone's already mentioned docking ports - I'm going to point out that you're attempting to transfer across a decoupler.

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Strange one alright. Neither of those are modded tanks? Any modulemanager patches that might cause conflicts? Radial vs node attachment? idk mate, usually it's just a crossfeeding issue. Might have to build a few test articles on launch clamps to eliminate part configurations until you find the culprit.

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Expedition Ike

"The Intermission of expedition Eeloo"

I really don't know this wasn't a hard mission. It was fun sure but not hard or challenging like what the program is for a first time with crew to every body. 

Unlike most of my other missions here is the website: https://maarlandersinnovation.wordpress.com/2019/06/28/ike-expedition-completed/ and here is my favorite moments






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9 hours ago, ARS said:

it glides too well

Update: (I am rewriting my suggestion)

Aim to touch down at around 20 m/s then.  I eventually solved problems at rotation and touch-down with e.g. tail-draggers and craft with low-slung engines well aft simply by ensuring I nailed the right speed for touchdown.

Or else (if you can bear to slightly disfigure your magnificent airplane) place a drag chute on its underbelly and deploy on short final with an action key also for Cut Chute and ditch it as soon as the speed drops into the vicinity of 20 m/s.  Or if you're low enough and the gear is strong enough, just let it drop onto the ground and Park.  I operate a couple of STOL aircraft that way.  :)

Edited by Hotel26
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9 hours ago, Brikoleur said:

Very interesting. It sounds like that could be addressed by putting your nose gear lower than your main gear, so that the craft is slightly nose-down when resting on it. That ought to stick it to the runway on landing. Of course you'll have to pull back on the stick a bit on take-off but by the sound of it that shouldn't be a problem.

1 hour ago, Hotel26 said:

Aim to touch down at around 20 m/s then.  I eventually solved problems at rotation and touch-down with e.g. tail-draggers and craft with low-slung engines well aft simply by ensuring I nailed the right speed for touchdown.

Thank you for the suggestions. I managed to solve the gliding problem by applying 2 methods, the first is putting a low-power reverse engine inside the cargobay (that performs reverse thrust to assist braking) and touching down at much lower airspeed :)

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Wasn't exactly today.


I was watching some Bond movies again and felt the need to replicate a little something from one of the earlier movies...






...You only live twice to be exact.

I taught it would be fun to see if it was possible to make fully working version of Little Nellie, the little auto-giro James Bond uses to scout the volcano and shoot down the baddie helicopters.

It's quite good fun to fly and is pretty well stocked in the armament side of things with machine-guns, rockets and missiles. I even taught of adding some smoke, flare and chaff dispensers in the rear tubes, unfortunately they would have stuck out like a sore thumb, so i dropped them.

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Today in KSP i managed to get the first semi-successful flight of my stock 1:1 Saturn V replica. After 3 rebuilds and way too much auto-strut fiddling i managed to get the S1-C to NOT blow up mid way through its flight, and staging to the S-II was a success, but due to piloting error the craft spun out of control after that.

I have a feeling testing is going to go quite slowly considering the 2.2k part count and my less top of the line computer..


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I made an airstrip. I tested it at the desert dessert airstrip.



I made a super light and slow plane (I should really have used one engine)


And after a few attemps crashed landed on it :)



I had set the brakes to operate at 50 "strength" but it still tipped over. I think I'll rebalance the plane so it isn't a tail-dragger and can land on three braking wheels (nose and wings) like a modern plane. On the plus side this plane can "fall with style" at about 17m/s.


Going to drive the landing strip into the sea now and land on water now!

(no, I didn't have anything productive planned for today, thanks for asking :cool:)

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