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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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I installed Kerbal Joint Reinforcement a while back, in order to keep part counts under control by reducing strut-spam.

Today I got all too well acquainted with the various unpleasant symptoms of KJR's docking port bugs.

Thank goodness for recent quicksaves.

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Final flight testing before publication of the STS Extended Operations Module, renaming to STS Service Module. Will require KAS, IR, and Tweakscale (for IR).

Chasing a prototype SBS-3 ComSat from the upcomming STS-5 subassembly release I'm working on.





Capture successful, and I have struts in the KAS containers to hold 'er down and bring it back to KSC.

Everything you see in the bay is attached via a single, yes single, subassembly. A work of art in its own right. I'll have to post a vid when I release it or shortly after. :)


Edited by inigma
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Today I made the Screamchaser for my rocket company Mullet Dyne's Advanced Operations

The result of some serious forum necro posting, the Screamchaser represents the pinnacle of 6 to orbit panic. As ever, Dinklestein directed the vehicle to be fully kitted out in the most luxurious fashion so it features mod cons such as wings and seats. Easily capable of orbits over 1MKM the Screamchaser also comes fitted with lights, antenna, ladder, RCS/SAS, and a docking port.

Getting to space is easy, just fly it like you stole it, but put a touch of RCS on during the gravity turn. Returning to the surface even at high energy is simple - Put the angle of attack wherever you want (30-40 degrees is about right) and leave RCS on. Once the reentry heat has dissipated point nose down slightly, and glide in for the perfect touch down.

Total part count is 117 for the whole sha-bang :)CRAFT FILE

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I have the new fast barge!! i named it "Take a chance on me" (Who gets the reference)

Landed the first stage on it for a few test runs because i want to make it go further and have more fuel on landing and still having issues.


SpaceX: 5mKdMvP.jpg

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  Slugy said:
I made a shuttle inspired by this article.

115 parts on the pad, only solids and fuel tanks dropped: 40t to orbit and has a 280m/s dV, detachable crew section for Bill's safety (and the other 3 Kerbals with him).

Has a couple of jets so I can actually land on the runway ...


Clever design. Putting the ETs and boosters above the low wing eliminates the balance problems that plague shuttles in KSP.
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Today, I repurposed an orbiting MunProbe to finish off one temperature survey contract and tackle a good chunk of a second one. It's still in orbit, and can probably handle more temperature survey contracts for several years, even with the middling amount of fuel left to it.

The combination of the new Fine Print style contracts and the limited funds (not to mention part and mass limits) is forcing me to economize more than I would have in previous career saves. Before, I'd have spammed the Mun with probes for each new contract. Now, probes are being used for extended missions... much like real space programs, in fact. It has certainly added a new dimension to my game. I'm eager to see how far my new frugality will carry me once I start exploring the planets.

EDIT: Nice barge and a good landing. L3GO. I take it you're an ABBA fan? :)

Edited by AndrewBCrisp
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Test flights of the Twyford class continue. 002 (single tailfin+B9 long-leg landing gear) made the first fully fuelled test flight to Kirbin City Airport.


For noise abatement purposes, takeoff was towards the city. A sharp turn to starboard and throttle back until clear, then pile on the beans and head back to KSC.


Meanwhile, Jeb and Bill take a break from building the new orbiting hotel complex.


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I seem to have given birth to an actual story. Too much mulling over the fates of my Kerbals whilst sitting in traffic. So if anyone's following my 6.4x Münbase posts, the story is now here: Shadows of the Kraken I'll probably post brief illustrated mission reports here unless it fully devolves into *gasp* literature. Now, to await the inevitable afterbirth: the critic.

Meanwhile, this is what's in store for Ed, Ed, & Billy:


"...what is it Ed?"

"I don't know Billy. I do not know."

"I'm afraid...."

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Managed to corrupt my career save over the weekend. I think what happened was that I somehow managed to open up two instances of KSP at the same time and some of the parts got loaded into one, while the rest got loaded into the other. Total fluke - that utterly managed to nuke every craft I had out there. Fortunately the game simply reported all the deployed Kerbals as MIA and the next time I fired up my game I had all of them back. Still, the glitch also cancelled out my "Explore Minmus" contract, and I was in pretty dire need of those funds...

So after all that I got back to the business of fulfilling the current set of contracts I had. Built a series of transporter spaceplanes ala DocMoriarty (with Turbojet/24-77 combos instead of RAPIERs as I still haven't got the R&D up to Level 3 yet). Also installed a mod that takes care of the whole intake-intake-intake-engine business for you with a push of a single button; I owe whoever built that thing a couple of beers. I also need to find the damn thing again so I can add it to my list of recommended mods for spaceplane users...

EDIT: Ah - found it again; it's Intake Build Aid by LordFjord. Removes one of the most aggrevating things about building spaceplanes at the push of a button. Lets you run your three-intake fed turbojets full blast all the way to 38k. Now officially on my "recommended mods" list.

Anyway, I used planes to launch two six-tonne probes and a six-Kerbal, 11 tonne space station core to LKO. The station core is going to a Kerbolar orbit, while both probes are Mun bound (I'll need to send the second one on to Minmus, though, as I didn't fully read the terms of the contract when I launched the thing - an oversight corrected in the second flight. I did have a mishap where the payload attached to the frame of the plane instead of the decoupler to which it was supposed to attach, throwing the plane's CoM almost far enough for it to exhibit lawn dart behavior, and obviously it was a surprise when I got to orbit and couldn't offload the payload - had to come back down with the payload still loaded, which was frustrating but I managed it. At this point I've got about five missions in progress and about √300,000; I need to start finishing out some things so I can get moar bux to finish upgrading KSC...

Edited by capi3101
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Exceeding speed limit? Not anymore, I guess...


Somehow the mountain in the background doesn't look as impressive as when the wheel broke on the way down

P.S. Looking at the screenshot folder... is it a tendency?




Or is it just the tendency to make screenshots at such occasions?

Edited by Alchemist
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Nothing much, just testing stuff.

-Ground testing my massive six-engine interplanetary booster. I intend this one to have enough dV to go and return from any point in kerbin system, and to be fully reusable (modular).


-Smaller test: Using monopropellant boosters as a thrust reverser to help the brakes during landing. Made a VSTSL (Very Short Takeoff-Standard Landing), put an RCS in and two monopropellant thrusters facing foward.


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