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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  On 5/17/2016 at 11:22 PM, cantab said:

Completed a test flight of my "tailsitter" spaceplane/shuttle.

The New Shuttle Gallifrey


The goal is for this to take itself and a 5 ton payload to Serran (another moon of that blue gas giant Sonnah, with an oxy atmosphere too) with the aid of an external tank and boosters, then fly back to Kerbin as a spaceplane, and land just like you see here.


That looks like one of those old sci-fi movies from the 50's.

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@Puggonaut Lovely Skylab, I've long been a fan of that station. IMHO it'd be great to see the SLS launch a "Skylab 2"

@DChurchill That's kind of deliberate, or like a rocket out of comics and cartoons from the same period. I thought it was a plausible design to try, highly-swept wings and tail so it'd land on the tips, and it's turned out to be very nice aerodynamically too.

Those designs in turn I think derive from the grand-daddy of modern space rockets, the V-2.

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  On 5/18/2016 at 6:56 AM, JeanHavoc said:


My only complaint is the Kerbin system is now becoming clogged with derelict capsules of every sort.  I'm not sure what to do about this, to tell you the truth.  Plus I'm still trying to figure out how all these unfortunate Kerbonauts ended up stranded in the first place. 


Reclassify the capsules as Debris

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After a couple hundred days of no activity, things at KSC are getting busy.  While there are 12 contract currently under way, none of them required attention until now.  First up was the arrival of a ship at Duna and Ike to fulfill five contracts there.  This is the ship that will be permanently stationed in the system, during its capture burn: 


After achieving stable orbit and matching inclinations with a stranded kerbal in need of rescuing, the next burn for rescue intercept was plotted.  The attention of mission control was then switched to the Solar-ResQ-ResQ mission:


This ship had reached its periapsis around Kerbol and it was time to bring the apoapsis down.  The burn started with twin poodles firing hard.  Eventually that stage ran out of fuel and time came for the twin nuclear engine stage.  Decouplers fired, and...


The nuc engines kicked in simultaneously with the decouplers, causing meltdowns of explodey proportions!  Then engines were lost as well as the side-mounted fuel tanks, but the rest of the ship seemed intact…


This mission is now doomed to end incompleted, as there will not be nearly enough DeltaV to pick up the two kerbals in low solar orbit and return them to their home.  There is, however, enough to make the rendezvous with both, and perhaps get to Moho's orbit.  So, the last stage separated and continued the circularization burn:




After stewing in disappointment for a few days, everyone got back to work, switching their attention back to the Ike mission.  The first goal there was to rescue one of two kerbonauts, this one in a very high Duna orbit.  Rendezvous was achieved and the poor soul welcomed aboard.


Next was to travel to and achieve orbit around Ike, which went without a hitch.


There are three contracts to be completed there which will be accomplished in the coming days.   In 8 days is the launch of a new ship to Explore Pol, and the deep thinkers at mission control are already beginning to plan a rescue of the Solar-ResQ-ResQ mission, which shall be dubbed Solar-ResQubed.




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I flew my Kerman and Kerman rover over to the desert continent to investigate some anomalies reported there on a giant glider of fuel and engines that I strapped on to it.

gWE06dW.pngBartsby and Kirfal weren't too happy about it, but you can see the rover slung under the main body of the plane there.

YkX0rvj.pngAfter some fancy flying, it turned around and began flying to the desert.

5d7xyWx.pngSoon*, it was flying over the mountains, clearing them by about 2km.


0nWkSrU.pngDue to the slowness of my computer (Macbook Air 2014), the flight took a long time, and I had to reload quick saves after I had to quit KSP (I would quicksave, crash the plane, quit KSP, come back, reload the quicksave).

PKn4OY5.pngThe landing went okay, but the plane was destroyed (but since this is sandbox, who cares about the plane?).

Below: A picture showing the wreckage, with the rover in the centre (Bartsby and Kirfal are finally happy!).

WGL7joP.pngAnd finally, the map view showing where I landed (the base and probe, not the ship, which is my space station). It's a long drive to those anomalies, but at least I'm on the right continent.


Edited by spacebrick3
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Well, this was yesterday, but I built and crashed a dragon V2, and wrecked the administration building at least 6 times. I also put a bunch of satillites in orbit around the mun, and an unnamed someone *cough* *cough* Val *cough* was using a mun rover like a fighter jet!

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  On 5/18/2016 at 11:46 AM, Puggonaut said:

Race you round Kerbin they said..............



When I first saw this image I thought it looked a bit off.  Then I realized why; Skylab never looked that way in its operational configuration and seeing it as it was intended to be threw me off a little.  In retrospect, I wonder if the Russians ever had to repair any of their old Salyut stations due to launch complications?  Might be interesting to find out!

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  On 5/18/2016 at 8:01 PM, JeanHavoc said:

In retrospect, I wonder if the Russians ever had to repair any of their old Salyut stations due to launch complications?  Might be interesting to find out!


Launch complications? Well, one of the stations had attitude control malfunction and burned all its attitude thruster propellant before raising orbit... so it soon reentered due to drag and never even got an official name.

As for interesting stories, there was one case when on Salyut-7 (while there was no crew on board) some system (a circuit related to power distribution, if I'm not mistaken) malfunctioned and the station completely switched off. The story of fixing it features a docking to uncontrollable object with only laser distance meter as target-relative navigation (and they had to fly around the station because it stabilized the wrong way around), toweling the entire station (a pipe froze at some point and water leaked) before activating its power or heating (and it was rather cold... so they were wearing hats... and here is where that joke about a cosmonaut wearing ushanka comes from) and first time attaching a permanent module to the station (it was a TKS craft - multiple modules of Mir and Zarya module of ISS were later based on this hardware).

Another... malfunction of similar scale was when they were redocking Progress M-34 to Mir...

Edited by Alchemist
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Today I got my 1st complex kOS script working, at least under certain conditions.  It's an astrogation aid for warpdrive ships that does a bunch of vector math that I haven't touched since college decades ago.  It was painful having to relearn all that stuff.  But anyway, the script helps you get to your target needing only minimal dV to capture, thus making warpdrives actually useful.  Yay!

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Today I worked on my "Straight Outta Kerbin" Kerbin-only multi-assist route to Jool. In the last iteration, I reached Jool's orbit for a total of 1345dV, using only Mun/Kerbin encounters and deep space maneuvers, but I just missed my Jool encounter, needing to have an impossible 20km Kerbin periapsis on my second encounter to get there in time. I've restarted with a slightly later ejection date, and I've managed to optimize a thing or two this time, so I think I'll eventually be able to pull it off for right around 1300 m/s from LKO in only around 7 Kerbin years, by hopping up first to a 4:3 resonant orbit and then to a 2:1.

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A new day a new career save and Altair 1 stands on the launch pad


It's launch would signify our first step towards space travel but somehow everyone is having a lot of deja vu


After a bit of science farming The new program is up to this:


I'm keeping a log of all the images and have a rough Idea of a plot for this,

Also loving the tantares and contares for building my rockets, just wish Ihad a fairing earlier as the bottom rocket would look amazing with one!

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Jonesing for RSS. But while I wait, mucking around:


What do you do if you have a contract to deliver an 8 tonne 2.5m payload a quarter of the way around the world and all you have is Mk 2 parts? Some people would use a suborbital rocket. Those people are smart. Me, I built this monstrosity beauty:

At the end there, I didn't have the heart or the patience to limp the airframe back home, Though I did have the fuel. So I hit the abort, which breaks off the front of the aircraft and opens a parachute for safe landing.

I did manage to land the payload within 10 meters of the drop point.

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  On 5/19/2016 at 9:06 AM, Jovus said:

Jonesing for RSS. But while I wait, mucking around:


What do you do if you have a contract to deliver an 8 tonne 2.5m payload a quarter of the way around the world and all you have is Mk 2 parts? Some people would use a suborbital rocket. Those people are smart. Me, I built this monstrosity beauty:

At the end there, I didn't have the heart or the patience to limp the airframe back home, Though I did have the fuel. So I hit the abort, which breaks off the front of the aircraft and opens a parachute for safe landing.

I did manage to land the payload within 10 meters of the drop point.


How'd you connect both "frame rails" to the rear mk2 parts? Also, what contract mod?


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Committed a rookie mistake by running out of fuel and semistranding Jeb in orbit... I forgot that I haven't unlocked monoprop engines/RCS in the tech tree in my latest campaign, so there's a store of monoprop in the capsule that does me no good.   Argh.

I was able to lower periapsis to 62 km before running dry, so he'll land eventually; and I'll probably hurry things along with some judicious use of Jeb's trusty EVA jetpack.  Still:  argh.

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