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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 3552: a hologram AlamoVampire explaining that they are enjoying riding the joke into the ground and getting much needed laughs at how much absurd fun this has spiraled into. The hologram then looks at you and says: And knowing is half the battle!


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Floor 3556

Empty room. Bare concrete walls, ceiling, floor. Light provided by fluorescent tubes lining the floor edge.
In the center a PADD with a locked folder on the purpose of every subsequent floor. You can't open it because apparently the code is 0-0-0-Destruct-0 which will also trigger the Floor Termination System. There are no soundproofed areas in this room, but you try it anyway. 


You catch a glimpse of the files on several upstairs floors, but you soon black out and end up on the next floor with no memory of this one.

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Floor 3557: The editors offices for the publication of the Hitch Hikers Guige to the Galaxy. The office door has "Mostly Harmless" written on it.

In the background you can here someone playing "Journey of the Sorcerer" by "The Eagles".

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Floor 3561: No teleporter is found. Only a single item. A small page addressed to one person. It reads: To @Aerodynamic Kerbal you failed to read page 4, entry 1 of the Teleportation Handbook. Teleportation fails and self destructs if there is an artificial black hole with in 100,000 leagues of the teleportation device. 


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