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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 3588: You find yourself inside a Space Shuttle cargo bay. The klaxon and flashing light suggest that the cargo doors are about to open, and you aren't wearing a spacesuit.


(welcome to a new page floor.)

Edited by ColdJ
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Floor 3589:here on this floor the shuttle cargo bay is now open, you have no space suit on and its ok, you have a clean suit on as its time to load the cargo bay with gear to capture and return Hubble to be displayed proudly at the Smithsonian after a career well done!


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Floor 3592: This floor is filled completely with people, shoulder to shoulder, all trying to get a look at something behind a small window of bulletproof glass. You get a spyglass out of your bag of holding and try to see what they are trying to see. You can almost make out a plaque below it. It looks like in might say" Moaning Lisa". You assume it has something to do with the Simpsons.

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Floor 3955: You find yourself inside a massive gallery, halls stretch off in all directions. It is hung with with a multitude of paintings and littered with statues.

There is a painting hanging right in front of you that appears to depict an animal that usually stands on 4 legs, but in this case it is dressed in scholarly robes and appears to be giving a lecture to an ampitheatre of seated students. The title of the painting reads:

Dolor Asinum

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Floor 3960: You enter into to what appears to be an underground club from the 1920s in America. Men in suits and Fedoras and Ladies in straight dresses and pearls are all around. You notice your reflection and see you are also dressesd like the men but in mainly white with black accents. On a whim you reach into your pocket and find a coin. You see a Jukebox on the other side of the club (totally out of place for the era) and flip the coin towards it. It miraculously goes into the slot and the music starts. Your feet have a mind of their own and moonwalk you into the middle of the floor, all the men are suddenly in sync with you and you start dancing out the whole routine of the video for Smooth Criminal. This is going to be interesting.

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Floor 3969: There is a company running a Bungee Jump business on this floor. They attach you into a harness connected to what seems like an endless pile of rubber cord. They push you out the window and you fall for about a week. Finally you see the ground rushing towards you, you reach out your hand to just barely touch the ground before being flung back up the building. After another week you finally approach the level you were pushed out of but manage to go up one more floor before grabbing the window sill. You haul yourself in and remove the harness. You wonder what this floor will bring?

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