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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 4469: the area is pitch black. You see about 250 feet ahead a single pedestal being lit from above. You walk forward towards it. On the pedestal you find a 20 sided dice made from a blue sapphire. You feel compelled to roll it. You roll a natural 16. You hear 16 clicks come from floor 4470. You press on to floor 4470 where you find:


new page!

Edited by AlamoVampire
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Floor 4472: Once again you find yourself in complete darkness, and as before you can hear the echoing that denotes a huge cavern, you kneel and find rough hewn stone under your feet and some sort of stick. There is a petroleum like smell at one end of it and you guess it might be some sort of torch. You reach into your bag of holding to get a lighter, even though you know you have a modern, high powered torch in there, "When in Rome" as they say. You light the stick and a great greasy flame spouts up. The flame light flickers off a mixture of rough rock and carved columns that reach up far further than the light can reach. This place has a weight to it that makes it feel ancient and long abandonned. Suddenly as if set off by the light, you hear what sounds like many hundreds of foot falls stampeding in your direction, not wanting to tempt fate you start running away from the sound in the opposite direction. You run and run past column after column eventually reaching an opening, carved into the cavern wall, with some sort of runes around it. You barrel on through and shortly reach another, soundingly huge cavern with stairs going down into it. You can not see anything but darkness on either side, but the sound of slapping feet is still coming so you quickly run down the stairs. Many flights down you start to make out a dim but brightening blue light ahead, meanwhile the sounds behind suggest that a horde has reached and started making their way down, but you also hear unnatural screams falling without end, which suggests that whatever is chasing you care more about getting you than the safety of their fellows. Suddenly from the depths something enormous can be heard and then seen climbing up. It is like some demon, made of volcanic rock with the lava still coursing under the skin and seen through cracks. You are maddly dashing towards the blue light, hoping not to misstep. You reach the light which is floating between what looks like roots, upside down, coming out of a knarled branch. The branch is being held by an old looking man in grey robes with a long, flowing, grey beard. Just then you hear a massive cracking sound, you spin on the spot to take in the sight of the creature from below smashing into the staircase, smashing it and throwing multitudes of grotesque figures into the abyss. The old man suddenly speaks, and says "Run you fool". You sprint past him onto a stair climbing up. As you climb you hear the old mans voice boom out"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" Then there is a massive flash of light that illuminates the entire cavern, allowing you to see a hatch at the top of the stairs. When you reach it you quickly climb out through it.

Edited by ColdJ
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Floor 4480:  You climb out onto what appears to be some sort of metal grating floor, inbetween large metal crates that look to be each about 2 metres tall. The roof of this space looks to be atleast 15 metres above you. The lighting in this place is adequate but not exactly bright. Everything in this place seems to made of metal. You quietly make your way forward between the crates and start to hear what sounds like a man and a woman talking. As you round the corner of a crate you see them. They are conversing animatedly in what appears to be some kind of closed hangar. The woman has her back to you, the man is facing your way but hasn't noticed you yet. Behind him a large blocky craft of some sort with a cockpit and various protrusions is parked on the deck. It is sitting on landing legs that look as if they can be retracted into the craft. You start to walk towards them, but suddenly something sharp and huge bursts out of the mans chest and he rises into the air, a look of great shock on his face. Behind him, climbing out of a landing leg well is a thing of nightmares. Huge, black and almost skeletal. It has enormous horrible hands and uses them to pull the unfortunate man apart. His upper torso and head go right and his lower and legs go left. Strangely, instead of blood, he seems to be bleeding milk. You stand transfixed, terrified by what you are seeing. The woman on the other hand, moved immediately. Running through a large door in a wall to the right. The creature focuses on you and your survival instincts kick in. You bolt for an open floor access you barely even registered was there. The creature lets out a horrible keening and starts lumbering towards you. Just in time you dive into the hole and start crawling for your life. Unfortunately there is only deck grating above you and the creature starts pulling it up. You keep moving, barely staying ahead as it flings panel after panel aside. Then you hear it, a rhythmic, hydraulic sound, accompanied by metal clanking. The creature stops pulling up grating and turns toward the approaching machine. It is some sort of legged lifting machine and you can barely see the woman driving it as look through the grating. A titanic battle ensues and you take the time to get out of the floor, climb a ladder to an upper catwalk, that you hope is beyond reach. Looking down, you are amazed at how the woman is managing to use what appears to be a very utilitarian device to battle the monstrosity. You can see now that it has a long tail with a barb on the end, and that it was this that it used to impale the man. This causes you to look to where he was flung, Amazingly he seems to still be alive. You don't understand how. Suddenly lights on the floor, surrounding a large square panel, start to strobe yellow. And the panel moves to reveal a large recess, with another door at the bottom. There is a ladder running up the inside as well. You guess this must be the womans doing. She manages to wrestle the creature over the pit, but it holds tight to the machine and they both tumble in. From your view point you can see her trying to free herself from the machine but the safety belts have her lashed in. The creature is thrashing, pinned under the machine. You quickly make your way down, pulling a knife from your bag of holding as you go. You reach the pit and climb down the ladder till you are above her, being careful not to get hit by the flailing creature. Leaning out you saw at the belts till she is free and help her on to the ladder. Just as you both start to climb a finger from the creature manages to snag a boot lace on you and you are stuck, trying hard to just hold on. The woman seeing your prediciment, tells you to "Hold on very tight and take a deep breath". You do so and she opens up a panel and pulls a red lever. More strobing lights, now in red, and the doors below the creature open to the vaccum of space. Air tears by you and the strain on your leg is excruciating but finally the machine and creature tumble out and your lace snaps. The woman slams the lever back in and the doors vibrate closed. It takes awhile for the air pressure to feel right again but eventually you and the woman are able to climb back up and close the inner door. She thanks you for your help and goes to take care of her, apparently immortal, friend. You notice that one of the wall ladders has a hatch marked 4481 and head on up.

Edited by ColdJ
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Floor 4485: This shows research that amazingly floor 1120 had Aliens, but that 2240 doesn't exist because someone jumped from floor 2099 to floor 3000 in the same post on page 76, and nobody noticed.

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