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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 4494: A Factory stuffing feathers into everything that feathers can get stuffed into.

(P.S A lazy quick calculation suggests we are 93 floors too high.)

Edited by ColdJ
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Floor 4514:

You awake in a white void, surrounded somehow by black walls yet still bright. You realize that there is no entrance, only a small gray box out of which you presumably came. near you lies a white object, moving in an incomprehensible way. Suddenly, you feel suffocated, as if someone is pulling on your lungs. 

You have entered the editor's domain.

The editor is presumably controlling the white object. The editor has the ability to control the entire world inside the white box. He can make walls appear and disappear, colors change, and anything else possible. A majority of people have not been able to get past this floor, as there is no apparent exit and crawling back into the gray box only leads to Floor 4513. It is presumed that Floor 4515 exists, but there is no clear way to get past this floor. Regardless, teams have reached the Floors beyond, and the editor, while all-powerful, has no power outside the floor. 


4d photoshop be like:


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Floor 4516: You closed your eyes and visualised a door, you reached out and turned the door knob, stepped through and here you are.

A small island with shady trees and a hammock. You settle in and rest for a while. Dozing to the sound of small waves gently lapping against the sand.

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