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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 5024: a sign declaring that this is a sand free zone: “I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere.”

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Floor 5026: This floor is covered in Kintetic Sand and it is not "coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere.” and can be used to make lots of fantastic sculptures.

You build a great model of the KSC.

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Floor 5036: The KSP Doomsday Clock. The new patch has provided a small slimmer of hope that the game isn't fully dead, but it's still not much. The clock is now at 11:59:25 (35 seconds to midnight).

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Floor 5037: A comfy room with a comfy bed, with double doonas against the cold and 2 pillows for my head. You snuggle in and set the alarm clock for 1 second before midnight.

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Floor 5040:


Hullo! Scott Munley here. You have reached Scott Munley..

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