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Things that NASA never said at a press conference.


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"Yesterday we have picked up a radio transmission from Titan.
According to the signal source coordinates, somebody is trying to use Huygens antenna.
There is no reason to panic, probably that's just some endemic lifeform had found our probe".

Edited by kerbiloid
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"We kept igniting and reigniting our engines so much, they don't work anymore.

Funny how it works in Kerbal Race Program, as it was important for us to win the space race"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"let's not send any weapon to space, but you know when the population gonna rise upthere in a long long long time, it may happen that for some weird reason a being construct one to take over others being"

"stream watcher x2 never heard"

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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The jet aircraft hit a fuel cart next to the east wing of the R&D facilities. The rest of that section of the R&D instantly exploded.

Ladies and gentlemen, after decades of using rockets and jets to propel our vehicles, we have made the latest advancement: Propeller aircraft! We only have prototypes thus far.

We do not consider RTGs to be unsuitable for a space tourism vehicle.

We consider wings devoid of any airfoil shape perfectly suitable for aerial vehicles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"We've always knew what dark matter was, we are just waiting for physicist to figure it out for themselves."

"We decoded the alien signal. It appears to be the plans for a new, unknown type of spacecraft. But we've taken advice that we should hold off on building such a craft, as it is considered a potential trap."

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"Oops, turns out the planet will explode in the next 60 seconds. Don't panic! We totally don't have this under control."

"As you all probably know by now, there is a giant head in the sky yelling Show me what you got. A crazy scientist said to compose a hit song, so let's get schwifty people!"

Edited by Firemetal
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  • 3 weeks later...

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