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Kerbin City Community Project - Phase B - New Islands


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  Mr.Desmond Tiny said:

I think you mean i.e., not e.g. (id est = that is versus exempli gratia = for example).

I also disagree. Sure, it can generate random cities quickly and cheaply, but hand-making all of the buildings in Kerbin City is what makes it so appealing. This is the work of many people, not just one guy.

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  OrbitusII said:
I think you mean i.e., not e.g. (id est = that is versus exempli gratia = for example).

I also disagree. Sure, it can generate random cities quickly and cheaply, but hand-making all of the buildings in Kerbin City is what makes it so appealing. This is the work of many people, not just one guy.

Correct, I think that i.e. is more appropriate, but who really cares?

I also agree that it is not outdated. I am actually really excited to see the skyscrapers built by all the major modders and "companies" being placed in game. Another key difference is that with this mod the shipyard and the airport are valid launch positions. The cities are just there. As well we have already seen that scripted interactions are possible thanks to the railgun-launcher-thingy, so it would even be possible to have this city grow over time with selectable options and specific requirements (if someone were so inclined, more interesting after the research is in game I think). That is not to say that it would not also be possible with the procedural cities, but I think it is more fun to have the community creating the content and laying it out rather than an algorithm.

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  theonegalen said:
I disagree. I think a designed city and procedural cities can coexist on Kerbin's surface.

Exactly. Think of this as Kerbin's capital, or something. This has potential to be a cool and interesting place in its own right.

  squirtgun1234 said:
Maby I'll rejoin the team when I figure out how to get SketchUp models into Unity.
  JustinS222 said:
Unity stopped importing my models to KSP correctly.

Unless I've missed something, Nothke just wants the models. No need to do anything in Unity, unless you really want to see what things look like in KSP.

For SketchUp, even the free version has an exporter. Export what you've got, and that file can be adjusted to work in KSP/Unity in other programs.

So don't give up!

Edit: My post count is now up to my birth year!

Edited by Tw1
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This mod is a showpiece for KSP modding. There's no way it will be outdated or overshadowed by generic procedural cities, useful as they will be.

I can't wait to see the first phase finished, the bridges in place, and the port in operation - the choice of new launch sites alone opens the game up, especially for exploring Kerbin.

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  Mettwurst said:
Hi, I would really like to contribute to this awesome Project! :) What Type of Building are you missing?

I'm pretty decent at modeling (started last friday :P ) so I'm open to any Proposals and new challenges !

A while ago, I suggested some sort of town hall, or physical representation of the forums, possibly based on the Roman forum, but with Kerbal forum colours.

Another idea could be boardwalks for the beach/ channel area, but that would be pretty simple, and could possibly be set up with the module loading thing to place several repetitions of the one thing.

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I'm still plugging away, I finished my plot (the wayland launch tower is part of that) its mainly an industrial plot, I tried to keep the animations low but there is a power station with some fizzing electricity, i couldnt help myself. I decided on getting back onto my monorail which is almost getting around a loop. My plan is to get a station connected to Phase A and make a video of the trip. I'm pretty much over GTAV, it was a good break from KSP for a few weeks, but GTAV online still has a long way to go before it's much fun, so back to ksp I guess for a few months. I really hope 0.22 fixes this rotten scene transition bug, it will make the job of making these mods alot faster.

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  Tw1 said:
A while ago, I suggested some sort of town hall, or physical representation of the forums, possibly based on the Roman forum, but with Kerbal forum colours.

Another idea could be boardwalks for the beach/ channel area, but that would be pretty simple, and could possibly be set up with the module loading thing to place several repetitions of the one thing.

Done! :P

So nothke, what do you think? Do we need a capitol? :wink:


Btw: Are there Spoiler-Tags?

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  Mettwurst said:
Done! :P

So nothke, what do you think? Do we need a capitol? :wink:


Btw: Are there Spoiler-Tags?

Wow! This looks amazing! Yes, we will need it =) also I'd reserve a free plot in front of it for a park or alley =) Hope to see it textured nicely.

There used to be spoiler tags long time ago, but they removed it after one of the server moves / repairs / crashes, and have never showed up again (although they promised they will) =(

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  nothke said:
Wow! This looks amazing! Yes, we will need it =) also I'd reserve a free plot in front of it for a park or alley =) Hope to see it textured nicely.

There used to be spoiler tags long time ago, but they removed it after one of the server moves / repairs / crashes, and have never showed up again (although they promised they will) =(

Glad I can help! :) I have a question though, how big should it be? I'm pretty flexible with scaling it up, on this Screenshot its 30 meters wide und 19 meters deep.

That orange block left of the entrance is Kerbal-scaled with a height of 0.75 meters.

I was thinking about double'n it up to 60 meters width to get it to a realistic scaling. Is that scaling okay? :)


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  POTKC said:
I think doubling it would be better. Just my opinion.

Yeah, i did just put it into the game and realized how huge everything else is! :D

Maybe i even triple it, but I first have to get nothke's opinion on how big the plot can be! :)

Also i'm thinking about how cool it would be to have a little underground-rocket-silo in one of the Courtyards :D ...

Well, gotta get back to uv-mapping, god d*mn i hate it...

EDIT: Made a Picture to compare both sizes, I think i'd vote for the 90m version,

since we are building the capital and that thing's pretty capitol'ish :wink::D


Edited by Mettwurst
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  JustinS222 said:
So what do you think of this zekes?


oooo ooo can you do one for a subsidiary of Zokesia too

like my company!

(sense I don't have any normal text you can make your own)

but I don't want it in the city, If you dont mind I would rather have a big factory or hanger type deal next to or in close proximity too the airport with some type of statue are fountain up front. and then a big runway road/ taxi way coming out of the rear Hanger doors to one of the run ways like the SPH.

I know it's a lot but if you could do that for me I would love who did it for an eternity!

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Last Image for Today, I reworked the Model and managed to reduce the polygons by 120 (now at 2390) :)

Tomorrow starts the UV-Mapping. Over 600 single surfaces i have to stack to get the most resolution out off the texture! :0.0:


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