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[1.0][Release-5-0][April 28, 2015] Active Texture Management - Save RAM!


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  Coga19000 said:
Windows XP. Primitive, I know, but that's all I have, so I have to work with it.

And it seems it doesn't accept the command given in the blog you linked me to.

is it 64 or 32 bit? How much total memory does your machine have?

Try removing mods and slowly adding them back in, ATM takes a decent amount of memory as it does the initial compression of the textures, so starting small and building up is generally a good idea when first installing ATM.

For instance you may want to start with just stock and ATM, if you still are having issues then we will go from there

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  Akira_R said:
Yes, you need to make a cfg file to tell it which folders not to compress, you can also tell it not to compress specific textures in the same way.

As an example:

It can go any where in the gamedata folder, but there is a folder in the main ATM folder that has a bunch already in it, I also recommend doing the same for flags and stuff otherwise those are going to look weird to.

You need the version that coresponds to the version of KSP, so if you are on the x86(32bit) version of KSP you need the x86 version of ATM.

I can't get this to work for ferram. I keep getting


a white square where ferram should be. This is what I have:



folder = FerramAerospaceResearch

enabled = false




compress = false

mipmaps = false



what is wrong?

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
That usually means an incorrect FAR installation.

I installed far (and other mods), loaded kerbal correctly, it showed up as it should. I then installed environmentvisualenhancements and its derivatives (sand dust, snow, ...) and activetexturemanagement to deal with the memory limits, and the icon changed to white. I don't think there is anything wrong with FAR.

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Just wanted to drop by and say thanks, using this and OpenGL dropped my RAM usage by almost 1.5GB :>


I've just ran ATM on a pretty heavily modded installation and had no issue with icons.

Guess: Have you tried deleting the FerramAerospaceResearch folder in "GameData\ActiveTextureManagement\textureCache" (unsure if this is the correct way to force ATM to redo things)

The 0.14.6 version worked just fine for me.

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Yes It is a good thing indeed.

I just updated Tweakscale (Which is not using textures you know)

But this once another plugin (I thought it is dead) "Finaly" awaked.

This other mod is called: exception detector.

And it complained for a few seconds about throwed exceptions by active texture manager when the game's main menu screen loaded up. (I used your mod since a week now).

But please if you have some suspicions, what causes this error take a look at it.

I can think of something like a new mod found but no textures in it or soemthing simmilar. (I am not know your code, but I had something like this back in my visualbasic programming days)

Also If I get an information where are log files (if the game not crashed) I am happy to send you mine.

I am still in the game now.

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  Heavens said:
Just wanted to drop by and say thanks, using this and OpenGL dropped my RAM usage by almost 1.5GB :>


I've just ran ATM on a pretty heavily modded installation and had no issue with icons.

Guess: Have you tried deleting the FerramAerospaceResearch folder in "GameData\ActiveTextureManagement\textureCache" (unsure if this is the correct way to force ATM to redo things)

The 0.14.6 version worked just fine for me.

Didn't work. Just as an illustration, here is me trying to install ATM and FAR on a completely new install

1. Install KSP. (not pictured because not informative).

2. Install Ferram, launch KSP.


3. Copy Active texture management to gamedata:


Aaaaand the icon is gone.

Edited by ironclad
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  bartekkru99 said:
Lol, it just loaded when I wanted to post a problem after it didn't load for 2h...

First launch of the game with it can be a very slow process. (it is stated in the front of this thread with huge headlines :D ) and it depends on your machine's resources/speed and the amount of mods you have.

But two hour?!?!?! :D Glad you have the patience. :D

For me it was about a half hour. But as it turned out I am way under the average with only 58 mods installed :D :D

Anyway I still like to say that the exception detector is constantly come and see me and stating nullreferences complaining about active texure manager has it with the distant object mod. Mostly when the distant objects are visible on screen, like tyloo, and other distant planets.

I just cant catch it as I spamming printscreen it and try to paste the picture to PhotoShop It gave me old pictures always (This mustn't be the mods fault but I can't really get it)

Can Someone give me information about properly catch this effect from a log or something, to get it posted here for the sake of helping the development.

Edited by Ricardo79
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I do reinstalled it. But still the error occures.

Each time I starting the game at the main menu the exceptionDetector popping up and wirtes: ActiveTextureManager.setuploaders:1 trown some exceptions.

Also ingame it complains the same but the end of the message is the DistantObjectEnhancer. (I suspect some kind of incompatibility here)

I am using the latest release x86agressive. For a 32bit version of KSP for win7 64 bit.

Please check into the code to get rid of the exceptions. (I think you know better than I what that setuploaders:1 means)

I did have major problems craft's half or the whole thing dissapeared when Alt tabbed out and back of the game or just go to the KSC and from the trackview back to the craft... and such.

This is why I started hunting for errors in the first place.

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I don't know if this is a issue caused by this mod bit I am using the most recent version on a mac and when I am in orbit when I exit the craft to get science my kerbal doesn't grab the ladder but instead flies off then I have to use the jetpack to get him back on the ladder.

Is this a problem with the mod because it shrinks the files or is it kerbal?

I am using mac version 10.8.3 Java version 8 20

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  thedogs said:
I don't know if this is a issue caused by this mod bit I am using the most recent version on a mac and when I am in orbit when I exit the craft to get science my kerbal doesn't grab the ladder but instead flies off then I have to use the jetpack to get him back on the ladder.

Is this a problem with the mod because it shrinks the files or is it kerbal?

I am using mac version 10.8.3 Java version 8 20

stock KSP bug. See the stickied post in Addon Releases - Stock Bug Fixes.

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I finally got this mod working by combining it with the OpenGL mode.

currently, all is well, except the fact that Astronomers Visual Pack is having errors with it (I think)

Here are the pictures

Hah, I cant figure out how to post images, so here they are on

dropbox :(

My output_log is right here, also Dropbox

My KSP version is 0.90

Windows 8.1, using 32x KSP

I really don't know what the architecture and memory size is, so this is all the information that I have

If you request more information, I will give it to you

The current error is that there are pink splotches on all the atmospheric planets, there are also noticeable question marks on Eve, and a weird field around Moho (as you can see in the images)

Edited by Elick320
I forgot some important information
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  Elick320 said:
I finally got this mod working by combining it with the OpenGL mode.

currently, all is well, except the fact that Astronomers Visual Pack is having errors with it (I think)

Here are the pictures

Hah, I cant figure out how to post images, so here they are on


My output_log is right here, also Dropbox

My KSP version is 0.90

Windows 8.1, using 32x KSP

I really don't know what the architecture and memory size is, so this is all the information that I have

If you request more information, I will give it to you

The current error is that there are pink splotches on all the atmospheric planets, there are also noticeable question marks on Eve, and a weird field around Moho (as you can see in the images)

I believe this is actually due to an issue with EVE and OpenGL, not positive though, I would check over in the EVE thread.

The current version of ATM should come with a config telling it to compress but not unload the textures associated with EVE, so as long as that hasn't been changed it shouldn't be causing any issue there. I am currently running the aggressive version with EVE and have no issues.

Edited by Akira_R
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So I went through the trouble to create CFG files for all the plugins I used that have icons for toolbars or assets. I have almost all of them functioning properly accept for RealChute, KerbalKonstructs, and SmokeScreen. For whatever reason they are refusing to stop compressing the textures for those buttons. I am linking all the CFG files so that they can be used, I have copied the edited CFGs from activetexturemanagemnt\activetexturemanagerconfigs\ so if you want to use ones that are in that folder you will need to delete them from that folder and leave my copies in there folder or rename my copies by removing the _fix at the end and then coping them to the activetexturemanagerconfigs folder so that you don't have duplicates. I probably could have used the :final but I dont like using it when I am not the developer of the main items I am finalizing. Anyways here they are and if anyone has any ideas why those three plugins are alwayts being compressed please let me know.


Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention that I used the files that Naten had posted to build these files, and his are included. I make no ownership claims to any of the code, I just put it together for other plugins.

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