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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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I do not believe there is yet.  This is an issue that taniwha is already aware of, but it apparently has low priority, as it has persisted despite a few patches having come out since the recycler was changed to produce scrap metal instead of metal.  Hopefully he will fix this soon.

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It's actually being worked on, though I'm a bit busy with other things right now. I do have a set of containers I have created (in interesting shapes) that I intend on using for scrap metal storage. In the meantime, there's @Terensky's link, and there's also Talisar Parts (needs modular fuel tanks), or even editing GameData/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Resources/Recipes.cfg such that the RocketParts recycle recipe states Metal instead of ScrapMetal.

Edited by taniwha
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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, taniwha said:

It is meant to be a landable, self-sufficient (to a point) pad in one part. Not something I would have created (Skykooler did), but some people like it. Really, I haven't used any landed pad since I created the survey system.

Oh OK. I'm not sure I visualize the landing in itself, though (would love to see a video). I was sandbox-playing with EL yesterday and yes, I guess I'll go for the survey stakes as well. Thanks for your work BTW.

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Thanks for your efforts with this mod it is greatly appreciated. I am experiencing issues when using the Survey Stakes and MechJeb (all mods updated from this week) This is what happens in step format:

1. Land on laythe with a large craft (Note: I turn off MechJeb2_AR202 as this will throw an error when planting a Survey Stake) - has 2x Crew Cabins and 2x Science Labs, is self sufficient in mining ore,  ISRU to refine LFO, Mono and Metal.
2. Engineer using Mallet to plant Stake
3. Right click on Crew Cab, has ExSurveyStation module to open UI, Stake shows and can build a Large Rover (if MechJeb2_AR202 is attached to the Rover it will throw an error, so I remove Mechjeb and place it in a KIS container and attach it after.
4. Rover is moved out of the way and Engineer unfastens the Stake from the ground, when using "G key" to grab the stake and place it back into the Engineers Inventory, it will throw an error.
5. Now if I activate MechJeb2_AR202 and takeoff it drifts considerably and won't make it into orbit, if I use manual SAS the craft still drifts and is very difficult to orientate manually.

If I don't use a Survey Stake, fill the Craft and take off using MechJeb2_AR202 all is good and smooth node transitions occur.

After using a Survey Stake and deleting MechJeb the control of the Craft is still screwed up and i cant find a way to fix it, if I spawn in a new craft that craft is stable?

KIS is responsible for a couple of the error messages but unstable control only occurs after using the Survey Stakes? Stupid me deleted the "KSP Log File" before I decided write this post, sorry I can recreate all error messages again if you want to see them. I was thinking of making a video of what happens if that will help? (I don't have commentary capability though, can i post video links here?)

Cheers and thanks for an awesome mod.

Edited by Getsome2030
Mistakes were made
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Please help me!

I can´t open the construction menu.Whem I right-click a one of the parts that can costruct things there is no opening button and the button in the toolbar at the right side is also missing.I think the Toolbar mod would be  a solution but it isn´t avaliabe for version 1.3.and yes I did it in flight,I had a lot of rocketparts and and not so stupid kerbals in a cockpit(the Honeybadger Cockpit from freight transportation technologies).

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1 hour ago, Dragonking said:

Please help me!

I can´t open the construction menu.Whem I right-click a one of the parts that can costruct things there is no opening button and the button in the toolbar at the right side is also missing.I think the Toolbar mod would be  a solution but it isn´t avaliabe for version 1.3.and yes I did it in flight,I had a lot of rocketparts and and not so stupid kerbals in a cockpit(the Honeybadger Cockpit from freight transportation technologies).

Welcome to the forums, @Dragonking.

If you're referring to Blizzy's Toolbar mod, it is available for KSP v1.3 now that it has been taken over by LinuxGuruGamer.  It's also available through CKAN.


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On ‎24‎.‎09‎.‎2017 at 5:31 PM, Brigadier said:

Welcome to the forums, @Dragonking.

If you're referring to Blizzy's Toolbar mod, it is available for KSP v1.3 now that it has been taken over by LinuxGuruGamer.  It's also available through CKAN.


Thank you very much.I wonder how I didn`t found the conituation of this mod.I searched very long in the internet

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7 hours ago, Dragonking said:

Thank you very much.I wonder how I didn`t found the conituation of this mod.I searched very long in the internet

You're welcome.  If you had read the last page of the old Toolbar thread, you would have seen the closure message and a pointer to the new thread.

If you don't know where the threads are, you can use CKAN for keeping track of forum pages for many, but not, all mods.  Each mod entry displays a link to its forum page, if it has one, and they're generally up-to-date.

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On 1/22/2016 at 10:10 PM, DStaal said:

Sounds like you updated USI/MKS via CKAN.  Re-update manually, and it should bring the dock (which is part of USI) back, and get you some parts to create MaterialKits.

Or you can uninstall USI entirely, and you'll be able to build with RocketParts.  (The USI system now overrides that on install, in favor of a two-resource system that can also be used with the OSI Workshop mod.)

This is old but is there any way to override USI? I only use it for a few parts since I find it to be too complex for my tastes but I really want those parts. Is there some config somewhere that I can uses to turn of the override?

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12 minutes ago, Funtime60 said:

This is old but is there any way to override USI? I only use it for a few parts since I find it to be too complex for my tastes but I really want those parts. Is there some config somewhere that I can uses to turn of the override?

MKS has put control over that patch to PatchManager, so it's the one in the MKS/Patches/PatchManager file.

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1 hour ago, Dragonking said:

I still have that problem with the UI(I tried Toolbar,but it didnt worked).I think may I installed EL the wrong way.Please show me screenshots how the GameData Folder has to look(and the Extraplanetary Launchpads Folder in it).

Here's a better idea.  How about you post your screenshot then we can tell you if it is correct or not?

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I have some ships that after a mod update (KSPI-E to be precise) are listed as having locked or invalid parts. These ships load fine in the VAB but whenever I try to build them using Extraplanetary Launchpads this message is displayed: Not all of the blueprints for this vessel can be found. Is there a way to build the vessel nevertheless?

The path of rebuilding these ships is not viable. I don't have so much time. And the developer of KSPI-E is very productive and the mod is incredibly interesting and stimulating. That said, he is a kind-of-compulsive developer that has to change vital parts of the mod over and over again every 2 months or so. So it is inevitable to have one's ships rendered "obsolete" quite often.

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If the blueprints can't be found, it means that the ship has parts that have yet to be unlocked. It's just EL's way of respecting tech unlocks. The solution would be for you to unlock those parts somehow.

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13 hours ago, LastStarDust said:

The path of rebuilding these ships is not viable. I don't have so much time. And the developer of KSPI-E is very productive and the mod is incredibly interesting and stimulating. That said, he is a kind-of-compulsive developer that has to change vital parts of the mod over and over again every 2 months or so. So it is inevitable to have one's ships rendered "obsolete" quite often.

This seems like a self-created problem: nothing forces us to constantly update a mod, especially if it is not viable for one to have to redo work to compensate for changes.

If a mod version you install works as is, stick with it until you have your current career/project 'finished' to a point where possibly breaking changes can be accommodated.

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On 10/9/2017 at 10:51 AM, swjr-swis said:

This seems like a self-created problem: nothing forces us to constantly update a mod, especially if it is not viable for one to have to redo work to compensate for changes.

If a mod version you install works as is, stick with it until you have your current career/project 'finished' to a point where possibly breaking changes can be accommodated.

@LastStarDust i get the point and thats why i dont use certain mods whose devolopers do that. but my solution is to duplicate your ksp install, and then update your 'testing' copy with the new mods, load up your save and you will see what ships have parts that need changing (and exactly what parts it is) then either land those ships, or use KAS to extract the parts from the flown ships. and then adjust your saved ships accordingly.

to see the part removial, jump to 4.30 in the video


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so epl isn't working in 1.3.1,  you can open the dialogue and build stuff but nothing happens when finalizing the build. im assuming it needs a recompile but i could be wrong. 

If this is already known my apologies but better safe than sorry :P

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On 10/9/2017 at 1:19 AM, taniwha said:

If the blueprints can't be found, it means that the ship has parts that have yet to be unlocked. It's just EL's way of respecting tech unlocks. The solution would be for you to unlock those parts somehow.

@taniwha Thank you for the useful piece of information. I will try to unlock somehow those parts. Anyway I already checked and I have all the needed tech nodes unlocked. I disabled the part purchase thing so that is not an issue.

On 10/9/2017 at 9:51 AM, swjr-swis said:

This seems like a self-created problem: nothing forces us to constantly update a mod, especially if it is not viable for one to have to redo work to compensate for changes.

If a mod version you install works as is, stick with it until you have your current career/project 'finished' to a point where possibly breaking changes can be accommodated.

@swjr-swis You are right. I could revert to the last mod version that works. But you have to consider that this mod (KSPI-E) is far from a stable version. It is in a perpetual work-in-progress state. Don't get me wrong: I love the mod. That is why I am playing with it. But the developer is definitely the "add more features at the cost of stability and documentation" type. So every update as much as solves some bugs, adds new features (with new bugs) ... so you always want to update...

I hope I made myself clear. I am not a native English speaker.

Edited by LastStarDust
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