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0.23 PartTools


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Just now, Hary R said:

Good, to bad I have to wait for 1.1 real release before being able to test it. Well "c'est la vie" Still i can get myself prepared for the next part of my mod. time to get back to work

Mind you, the replaced MK-1 Cockpit was made already in Part Tools 1.1 and works in 1.0.5

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How does one use the new 1.1 Part-Tools? The zip includes a legacy, not sure if that's important?

In Unity, I am missing the old part tools module, I guess something has changed?

The ReadMe is legendary.




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12 hours ago, Beale said:

How does one use the new 1.1 Part-Tools? The zip includes a legacy, not sure if that's important?

Legacy I think is just the .23 part tools included in case anyone wants them so they only have one download to maintain. 

But I would also like to know how to use the new part tools; I read that readMe and came here hoping someone else had already found the answer, you're not the only one @Beale

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yeah that's a very short "Readme".

it's just blank. I think legacy parttools is still very necessary. it has new Color Animation Editor, kind of a workaround since Unity officially abandoned material property animation in Animation Component, and far as I can tell Squad (and many other Unity developers) still rely heavily on legacy animation system in Unity. Setting up the same in Animator component is a bit more complicated, and won't make it through PartTools

I think at least for 1.1, part makers can do without Asset Compiler. Legacy contains working shaders, plus what appears to be experimental PBR shader, though it won't export through PartTools. Might still be worthwhile learning assetbundle workflow since eventually I expect all game assets will be in that format.

Edited by nli2work
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So, using the standard shader in Unity, this is as far as I've gotten...


The part has some characteristics of a standard shaded part, but still isn't quite right. I exported through the legacy PartTools .mu export, but am using the standard shader in Unity. Obviously there's some support, but since no one has figured out how the AssetCompiler works yet, we wait for Squad to tell us I guess. A very short ReadMe indeed...

Do we need to bug Squad for documentation, or should we wait a little bit?

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I been trying to get Squad's PBR shader through PartTools with no success. MU wont' even load because of shader error. Doesn't make any difference if I load the shader in an assetbundle. Don't know why I didn't try Unity's standard shader though.

nope... doesn't look like KSP supports Standard shader yet, even if I load the shaders in assetbundle. But looking at the KSP Standard shader in PartTools, whenever it does happen the models should see big improvement, even if the shader is build kind of strange. But Squad will have to get the game's lighting sorted out first.


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On 3/31/2016 at 6:52 PM, curtquarquesso said:

 Obviously there's some support, but since no one has figured out how the AssetCompiler works yet, we wait for Squad to tell us I guess. A very short ReadMe indeed...

No one ? We had post about how to use it for the last few days...

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1 hour ago, curtquarquesso said:

I'm not sure I've seen it. Link? Does it have any info on how shaders are being handled, and which can currently be utilized?

Info is a little scatter at the moment. Sarbian has a sticky in 1.1 Prelease branch with info on assetbundles. It's mostly for plugins and KSPedia right now. Refer to Unity documentation on assetbundles for steps to compile one. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Climberfx said:

Why this stick thread was not updated yet to the new part tools???

Common Mediators!

I personally think it is best to wait for @Mu or another SQUAD developer heavily involved in PartTools 1.1 to make an official topic for it, as it comes with significantly new features and changes that are not yet documented fully in the thread you linked.

In the meantime, the 0.23 PartTools is still valid for exporting very simple part add-ons to KSP 1.1.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am getting a 404 not found error when I attempt to acquire the PartTools via the provided link!

On 1/8/2014 at 2:30 PM, Mu. said:

Good day to you all,

Here is the link for the 0.23 PartTools package.

Not much else has changed really but will now let you export .mu files with KSPParticleEmitters for use in your mods.

KSPParticleEmitter was built because Unity particle emitters are notoriously hard to script and serialize. It was impossible to save/load them from files without a wrapper of some kind. Sadly it does lead to some limitations in the space orientation and spawning of the particles. However for simple thrust and rcs jets it should be fine. If Unity ever open the particle emitters up to be able to script for them properly then we will update KSPParticleEmitter to match.

If you require more extreme particle emitters then you will need UnityPro and AssetBundles to export them, alternatively you can spawn our inbuilt ones via code.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Note: Don't drag *CONTENTS* of the PartTools folder (the folders 'Editor' and 'Lib') into Unity assets.  Drag the whole PartTools folder.

Full procedure  - Method valid for KSP 1.2 (although probably soon to be obsoleted)

- Get:


(yeah, the name suggests 1.1.2, but that a) works, b) is the only stable thing we have for 1.2)

- unpack PartTools_KSP11_2.zip

- open the resulting folder. You'll see:


Open Unity, start a new 3D project.

Doubleclick PartTools_AssetBundles.unitypackage, confirm import in Unity.

Drag PartTools folder into the Assets window of Unity (make sure you're at the main (Assets) level, and not, say, in Materials).

Create an empty game object in the Hierarchy window, select it. In Inspector window click "Add Component", pick "KSP / PartTools".

Pick "Set Gamedata Directory", browse to your KSP install, select the GameData folder, click OK.

The small window of PartTools  will pop up, and you're good to go.



If you mess up somehow (e.g. you add 'Editor' and 'Lib' instead of PartTools, or your Unity install has broken permissions and can't save settings), you'll end up with this instead:


It's probably easier to start the Unity project from scratch and try again than to try to fix it at that point.


Also, from the things I was not told but I wish I was: you don't need to start a new Unity project for each new part. Just make sure the names of your assets contain name of the part when you export from Blender or Gimp (it gets really burdensome if you end up with four meshes, every one called 'Collider'), and that each 'root' object of a part has KSP/Parttools script in it (you need to set GameData only for the first one.). And in Inspector, uncheck the checkbox next to name of every part except the one you're editing currently to hide them so that they don't get in the way of the part you're editing currently:



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