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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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1 minute ago, He_162 said:

If it is too close to the center of mass, it messes with the ailerons a bit... just move the center of mass, or the ailerons.

I suppose I could clip in some weight, but I don't like that...

I like to keep things as pure and simple as I can.

Btw, there is a very nice MiG-15 a page back :cool:


But still, I like a challenge. I'll p.m. you.


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Yeah, this thing is doing well so far... tomorrow I modify the fuselage to fit an open cockpit, and it will be custom... so this should be good... The kerbal won't fit in the cockpit, so I will have to just make it a drone, with a cool cockpit.

Also, it's top speed, and maneuverability are comparable to the real deal, 0.86 mach top speed, and 22 second turn time.


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13 hours ago, MrMeeb said:

Any ideas?

It seems reasonable man. You can deploy the shell when descending under chutes. Maybe make the shell deploy two halves either side and not top and bottom. Just for safety. You have a good balanced setup for easy descent. Only tip, try adding a strut to each deployed leg. Even if you retract them the strut will remain. It might stop some of the shimmy.

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For the last few months I have been trying to come up with a functional submarine. Yesterday, I was irritated with some external-KSP issues, so when it came time to unwind, I began working on the same submarine project. I have found an older mod that helps the diving and surfacing function more smoothly, but I am still trying to get the trim right. Anyway, I added a cargo bay and six missiles to the sub to see if it could work. She carries six Kerkules missiles, can fire them while on the surface. They can be fired submerged as well, but takes many, many more fingers and more patience until I can figure out how to "eject" them before igniting the engine. Anyhow, I'm pretty happy (for now) and she begins sea trials soon...


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35 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

It seems reasonable man. You can deploy the shell when descending under chutes. Maybe make the shell deploy two halves either side and not top and bottom. Just for safety. You have a good balanced setup for easy descent. Only tip, try adding a strut to each deployed leg. Even if you retract them the strut will remain. It might stop some of the shimmy.

Already way ahead of you. I do all of those things, other than the struts. The shimmy occurred probably because of clearance, and it was only on the ground like that because I hyperedit it into the sky to test the landing. Other than a slightly unpredictable engine balance thanks to vernors, it flys pretty fine. Testing of reentry was a bit annoying though - wheels overheat under the fairing... :mad:

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3 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

For the last few months I have been trying to come up with a functional submarine. Yesterday, I was irritated with some external-KSP issues, so when it came time to unwind, I began working on the same submarine project. I have found an older mod that helps the diving and surfacing function more smoothly, but I am still trying to get the trim right. Anyway, I added a cargo bay and six missiles to the sub to see if it could work. She carries six Kerkules missiles, can fire them while on the surface. They can be fired submerged as well, but takes many, many more fingers and more patience until I can figure out how to "eject" them before igniting the engine. Anyhow, I'm pretty happy (for now) and she begins sea trials soon...


As one of the few people on this forum who have constructed submarines before, I feel I have a duty to let you know what you're getting in to. I would recommend contacting your local priest, pastor (or other prominent figure in your religion) and informing them of what you plan to do, because your free time, personality, and your very soul are all at stake here. You have been warned.

Uh... what mod are you using for diving ans surfacing? You said it's an older mod, is it easy to get working in 1.1?

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2 hours ago, MrMeeb said:

Already way ahead of you. I do all of those things, other than the struts. The shimmy occurred probably because of clearance, and it was only on the ground like that because I hyperedit it into the sky to test the landing. Other than a slightly unpredictable engine balance thanks to vernors, it flys pretty fine. Testing of reentry was a bit annoying though - wheels overheat under the fairing... :mad:

:D try adding a strut to the leg, it might help.

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Tested the MiG-15. The good news is that it can fly, the bad news is that it's maneuverability and climb rate leaves me wanting. Does anyone have any reliable information about how the F-86 and MiG-15 performed in real life? I'm not sure whether to focus on turn rate and agility or speed and climb/dive rate.


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2 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

As one of the few people on this forum who have constructed submarines before, I feel I have a duty to let you know what you're getting in to. I would recommend contacting your local priest, pastor (or other prominent figure in your religion) and informing them of what you plan to do, because your free time, personality, and your very soul are all at stake here. You have been warned.

Uh... what mod are you using for diving ans surfacing? You said it's an older mod, is it easy to get working in 1.1?

@pTrevTrevs: Um, I can fully see what you mean. It is always "one more tweak and I think I've got...dammit...ok, this time...waiiiiiiit...dammit... The IMGUR album is my most recent attempt. I've been doing subs on and off for about a year now - on and off... just now have been getting some real success.

I started with Ballistanks and well, they didn't work so well. Although the tanks could be resized, it was extremely hard to get the depth you want in any meaningful time. Now that I think of it, they may work well as trim tanks... (these parts are listed as being compatible with 1.0.5 but work well in 1.1)

This most recent attempt I went and pulled the original Maritime Pack from @Fengist and focused on four specific parts: the bitts (looks like mooring ports on the decks of ships), the water compressor, the water decompressor, and buoyancy blisters. The more comressors and decomressors you have, the more rapid you can surface and dive. Great for submerging and surfacing, but not so good for trim. It's been a balancing act to keep the subs straight and level once submersed. I'm beginning to think that the Ballistanks mod might be just what I need to do proper trim. (these are the only four parts I have tested with 1.1 and they do work well).

As a note, I put all the stuff..inside the Mk 3 cargo bays simply because I do not like a lot of hull clutter.



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13 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

@pTrevTrevs: Um, I can fully see what you mean. It is always "one more tweak and I think I've got...dammit...ok, this time...waiiiiiiit...dammit... The IMGUR album is my most recent attempt. I've been doing subs on and off for about a year now - on and off... just now have been getting some real success.

I started with Ballistanks and well, they didn't work so well. Although the tanks could be resized, it was extremely hard to get the depth you want in any meaningful time. Now that I think of it, they may work well as trim tanks... (these parts are listed as being compatible with 1.0.5 but work well in 1.1)

This most recent attempt I went and pulled the original Maritime Pack from @Fengist and focused on four specific parts: the bitts (looks like mooring ports on the decks of ships), the water compressor, the water decompressor, and buoyancy blisters. The more comressors and decomressors you have, the more rapid you can surface and dive. Great for submerging and surfacing, but not so good for trim. It's been a balancing act to keep the subs straight and level once submersed. I'm beginning to think that the Ballistanks mod might be just what I need to do proper trim. (these are the only four parts I have tested with 1.1 and they do work well).

As a note, I put all the stuff..inside the Mk 3 cargo bays simply because I do not like a lot of hull clutter.



A word of advice; Mk3 parts are extremely buoyant for some reason. I tried to make my U-boat (made with some Mk3 parts) to dive, I ended up doubling the part count with all the bitts and the boat only sank a marginal amount.

You know, I'm looking at my calendar and I see it's been nearly a year since I first released my Typhoon class submarine. Time sure does fly, and so much has changed since I made it... I wonder if it still works in 1.1.

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Might I ask if we are allowed to present complete works that have been tested, but don't want to go through the hassle of making a catalogue sort of thread in Spacecraft Exchange...

If so, I present to you the Hawk X-1, an SSTO that is almost completley stock. I believe there is only like 1 part that is from a mod and that is mainly for refueling. I'll go searching through the craft to find what mods are compulsory. 


So far it can reach Mun and Minmus but not sure of what other planets so it'd be much appreciated to know where else this thing can be taken!

(Also remove the Cooling Panels they tear of as soon as they are deployed)



Rocket Factory


Craft File:

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/113345787/Hawk X-1.craft


Action Groups:

1. Togge Whiplash

2. Toggle Aerospike

3. BAM Fuel Generator (From Rocket Factory)

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5 minutes ago, pTrevTrevs said:

A word of advice; Mk3 parts are extremely buoyant for some reason. I tried to make my U-boat (made with some Mk3 parts) to dive, I ended up doubling the part count with all the bitts and the boat only sank a marginal amount.

You know, I'm looking at my calendar and I see it's been nearly a year since I first released my Typhoon class submarine. Time sure does fly, and so much has changed since I made it... I wonder if it still works in 1.1.

Yeah, they are but they do make for nice submarines. I love the lines you can get combining them with the Mk 2 parts. Did you realize the bitts are resizable? If you click on them (with the appropriate mod), you can resize them, the maximum I have done is around 360 units of water, but the scale said 2.0. Just keep clicking that right arrow until you get the size you want...

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1 hour ago, adsii1970 said:

Yeah, they are but they do make for nice submarines. I love the lines you can get combining them with the Mk 2 parts. Did you realize the bitts are resizable? If you click on them (with the appropriate mod), you can resize them, the maximum I have done is around 360 units of water, but the scale said 2.0. Just keep clicking that right arrow until you get the size you want...

Is it Tweakscale that does that or are they able to resize on their own?

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@adsii1970, @pTrevTrevs

You were on the right track adsii1970, the bitts from the Maritime Pack an the compressor/decompressor is a working solution.  There is a somewhat working dive computer that, if you give it enough time it will trim the vessel (if you have exactly two ballast tanks).  The code is probably still going to need a good bit of work but manually adjusting the trim isn't too hard.


First, the Maritime Pack is back with the Submarine Pack integrated.  You can find it here:

Secondly, I'm alpha testing a mod that will turn your stock vessels into submarines.  Right now, there's only MK2 parts, but I just got this going yesterday.  I need some alpha testers if you're interested and you can find it here:


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Today the crew in the SPH worked on boxing and shipping the currently built modules in preparation for integration onto the (yet to be designed) lifter system to get them to Laythe, while teams of engineers made cardboard cut-outs of the same modules to test assembly in the field. They found that the design for the ISRU simply did not work reliably (due to the unpredictable nature of the wheels), and so elected for a horizontal redesign. Still on the list of modules is a solar array system, and a communication tower. I'm thinking of putting them on the free node on the right of the core (science) module, on the other side of the orange tanks. Of course, however, the design is entirely modular. It just takes a bit of strategic raising and lowering of landing legs sometimes, especially in later stages of assembly. For that reason, I might remove the symmetry on all landing legs, to make them individually toggleable. 

Anyways, here it is:


And here is an example of a module in payload shroud. They all look pretty much identical (other than the length of the fairing), due to me reusing the same 3.75m heatshield base. Inside the decoupler are a collection of monoprop and LF tanks, to fuel the RCS and the four engines in the heatshield, which will conduct the final part of the deorbit burn. That way, the Trajectories reading will be accurate:


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5 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

Tested the MiG-15. The good news is that it can fly, the bad news is that it's maneuverability and climb rate leaves me wanting. Does anyone have any reliable information about how the F-86 and MiG-15 performed in real life? I'm not sure whether to focus on turn rate and agility or speed and climb/dive rate.

Looking really nice, try reducing the fuel for better maneuverability, that seemed to help with my F14.

9 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

For the last few months I have been trying to come up with a functional submarine. Yesterday, I was irritated with some external-KSP issues, so when it came time to unwind, I began working on the same submarine project. I have found an older mod that helps the diving and surfacing function more smoothly, but I am still trying to get the trim right. Anyway, I added a cargo bay and six missiles to the sub to see if it could work. She carries six Kerkules missiles, can fire them while on the surface. They can be fired submerged as well, but takes many, many more fingers and more patience until I can figure out how to "eject" them before igniting the engine. Anyhow, I'm pretty happy (for now) and she begins sea trials soon..



Very impressive looking Sub Adsii1970!

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23 minutes ago, castille7 said:

Looking really nice, try reducing the fuel for better maneuverability, that seemed to help with my F14.

Yep, I've already cut the fuel supply in half, but I'm afraid to cut it anymore, because I want it to have a decent range, even though Korean War jets didn't have a very long range anyway.

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More testing of the F9F on the aircraft carrier, not because it needs it, more because I like this jet and I want to mess around with it some more.


Takeoff needs to be started at least from the island, since I don't have a catapult system in place. You can see two failed attempts in the water in front of the ship.


The jet uses two parachutes to land because I can't get a real tail hook to work with the wheel overhaul. This does make it easier, because if your're a little high the parachutes will allow you to safely drop down onto the carrier deck. Unfortunately, I missed this landing because I couldn't view both the carrier and my instruments at the same time because the markers for all the wrecked Panther debris in front obscured the ship (I uh... also forgot about the button to hide those markers at the time).


Oh well, it's nothing a little Vessel Mover can't fix!




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