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Pet peeves


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Transferring fuel. One (click-ALT-click) Tank (click-ALT-click) At (click-ALT-click) A (click-ALT-click) Time (click-ALT-click) For (click-ALT-click) Every (click-ALT-click) Tank (click-ALT-click).

I know there are mods for this... but cmon! Stock already!

Me too, Wooks. Especially when the tanks are far apart and hard to keep on the same screen together.

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Pet peeve of mine is how engines and decouplers can't be stacked together in the VAB and how sometimes placing 6 engines or decouplers will be added as a group of 4 and a group of 2. Just makes it a pain to move them all between stages. It seems like this has been a thing since when I got the game at least in .16.

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Most of my pet peeves are the result of problems between the keyboard and chair instead of the game itself but a stupid little bug got me the other day, I meant to say something about it. This:


This is a general design I've used a good bit in the past. Exploring, skycranes, etc. For some reason, I don't know if it's just this ship or if it's something with .23.5 (first time I've done it in this save), the rover gets stuck between the engines and it's obviously not touching them. I swear that didn't happen in my .23 save... I'm tempted to go back and check just to make sure I'm not crazy. How am I supposed to drop a rover like that?! I mean it's simple enough to space the engines just a tiny bit apart, but WHY. I didn't even test that before I blasted off to Minmus because I've used that design SO MUCH in the past. My base on the Mun and the one I started on Duna literally rely on that not happening, unless I "accidentally" did something just a bit different.

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They removed the '.' Key short cut to open the nav ball in map view as well, it now activates docking mode.
This isn't true, it still works. You have to have your numlock key on. You are pressing the del key, which switches to docking mode.

Wait... what? Number pad decimal point opens the navball?

OK... Then my pet peeve for today is that I never bothered to learn that. I really should give that key-bindings lust a more thorough read-through.

Now excuse my while I pass out some kerbal snacks to these fine posters.

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1. Forgetting to put solar panels out when doing interplanetary missions

2. When you plan on landing on Duna with mostly parachutes and minimal engine thrust and then the tallest mountain there (8264 m) gets in the way

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With the caveat that this game is awesome and I'll play it no matter what etc. etc., the fact that warping through SOI changes screws up your trajectory drives me absolutely crazy. I don't know if it's fixable, but man it would make life easier. Does it happen if you warp through while switched to a different craft? I guess I never noticed.

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Navball not appearing in the map screen :(

Taking a Kerbal out of a command pod in VAB and then him magically getting back in after launch pad adjustments!.

VAB construction is frustrating.

no 64 bit version genuinely makes me sad.

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With the caveat that this game is awesome and I'll play it no matter what etc. etc., the fact that warping through SOI changes screws up your trajectory drives me absolutely crazy. I don't know if it's fixable, but man it would make life easier. Does it happen if you warp through while switched to a different craft? I guess I never noticed.

If you don't mind modding, Kerbal Alarm Clock has a setting to stop the clock (or just slow down to normal speed) on every SOI change. I leave it on. It won't catch background SOI changes but you don't know about those anyway so there's no way to know they got screwed up :)

Navball not appearing in the map screen :(

Click that little button on the bottom of the screen. Or hit the '.' key.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Okay, now you guys are pickin' on me! Geesh! One little spelling error and I feel like I've created the KSP black hole! I'm SORRY! (for the third time) Would ya' lay off, please?

We weren't picking on you. We wanted it changed. Saying you're sorry was not even needed, just changing the title :)

Spelling is a pet peeve with a lot of people, so to have one in the title of a pet peeve thread was just asking for trouble.

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I know its been mentioned (I think only once thou): the thing that really peeves me are the restrictions in switching craft. ie can't switch while moving over surface. For one its inconsistent, sometimes you can switch and other times in the same situation you can't. But mostly I find it really frustrating and quite limiting. It used to be much more relaxed in earlier versions and you could do things like switch between two craft that where throttled up (which was fun!), or switch between parts of a crashing ship (which sometimes enables you to save the crew).

For most other things there is a mod solution (ie fuel transfers) but I've not seen a mod that changes the switching limitations. (if anyone know of one please let me know!).

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Rover wheels, turning specifically. Either you turn with good control, and flip super easily, or you lock the steering on the back wheels, and get no good control. The main reason I've switched to RCS powered vehicles on Minmus and Mun.

Random SOI changes. I'm leaving Kerbin's SOI, then all of a sudden, I'm back, and with an impact trajectory. Then I waste tons of fuel trying to get back out.

The whack aerodynamics system. Seriously, infinitely gliding planes reaching up to 800 m/s, and a giant plane that stalls every time I turn.

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1) Launching a 3 person cab with the intent of only having one Kerbal in it with two spare seats - get it into orbit, rendezvous, dock and somehow.... all seats are full, probably due to a re-launch from assembly building at some point

2) Staging mishap, everyone has had one

3) Landing gear not responding to "g" with only one press

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pressing G twice for landing gear is in my opinion realistic, on the space shuttle for instance you need to arm the gear first before they can be lowered, it was made that way as a safety feature against the possibility of the gear being opened during reentry.

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pressing G twice for landing gear is in my opinion realistic, on the space shuttle for instance you need to arm the gear first before they can be lowered, it was made that way as a safety feature against the possibility of the gear being opened during reentry.

...which totally explains why you have to hit it twice the first time you use it (On Mun or Minmus, most likely) and any time after that if you accidentally hit it, it opens on the first try.


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