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Pet peeves


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My current peeves are two bugs that were introduced in 0.23.5 and are still here in 0.24:

1. Somewhat game-breaking: The phantom acceleration after warp, mainly when coasting to apoapsis after launch. Come out of warp, ship breaks apart, and command pod/core keeps accelerating out into space.

2. Just a minor annoyance: Conics going all wonky for a few seconds during SOI transition.

And then there are lots of little things that I covered previously in the thread somewhere. But this keeps bugging me:

3. VAB/SPH symmetry problems with placements showing as red for no apparent reason, which will work after moving it somewhere else and then back again.

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Here we go, in no particular order.

1. Odd rover physics. The invisible bumps are really annoying.

2. No .625m jet engines.

3. Phantom forces almost ruined my latest mission to Gilly. I think I've nailed the problem down to radially attached parts that the game thinks are clipping into the ship but aren't.

4. Ships can clip through themselves in flight.

5. Odd aerodynamics.

6. Odd contracts(Munar launch clamps?!)

7. Kraken attacks.

8. Some IVA views don't have windows.

9. Clipping through Jool's surface and exploding(can we please at least be able to splash down to get science?)

10. Science labs have no Kerbals in them by default.

11. You can place parts where you shouldn't be able to and you can't place parts where you should be able to.

Other than that, the game was totally worth the money and 1000+ hours I put into it.

Edited by Rich
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When going on EVA, the camera *NEVER* switches to where the Kerbal is. It's always on some ridiculous angle, and as you arrow up or down (because that appears to be the quick way to rotate the camera) you run out of rotation. When going on EVA, the camera should switch to about 8m behind the Kerbal.

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3. VAB/SPH symmetry problems with placements showing as red for no apparent reason, which will work after moving it somewhere else and then back again.

Pretty much this. I think that would be my pet peeve - annoying, yet fairly insignificant and harmless.

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When i hit "return to space center" and the game does nothing... i have to reboot the game :( sucks.

!!! Does that game give a crash log when you do this, and do you have Dark Multi Player installed? That bug has been plaguing the mod for months, and if it is a KSP problem rather than the mod's, finding and fixing it would probably be much easier.

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My list of the minor things currently in game...

1) TT18-A Launch stabilizers going to some odd stage instead of to the very last stage of the current design.

2) The navball being minimized by default on the Map view

3) VAB assemblies starting out with the gear indicator turned On even though the gear is Off on the launchpad.

4) Closing a window grabs a part off your current assembly, mucking up your progress

5) Spaceplane flights are rather jerky and tough to control

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I'd really like larger Pe, Ap, An, Dn and intersect nodes so that I don't keep clicking to make a maneuver node.

And I'd really like it if the An, Dn and intersect nodes stayed displayed when clicking. I seem to only be able to get the Ap and Pe to stay on screen.

I do like using the scroll wheel on the manager node though. Scrolling up is far too fast, but down its really handy as it's slower.

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I hate how the computer decides it always knows better to change symetry when I am trying to add parts. Blasted machine I want 2x symetry stop overriding me and putting 4. If I want 4 I will select 4!!!!!!! Honestly it almost makes the button useless at times.

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The thing that bugs me is all the assets are loaded at startup, rather than when you call for them. Resulting in everyone's memory usage issues, and long launch times. Why can't it just load the icons for these parts, then when you click the icon to spawn the part that's when it loads it into RAM?

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I can answer that. Much of it just goes into cache and not RAM and a lot if it is indexing information. Plus if you play on a computer with hard drives and not solid state disks then you would have the game pause to spin the drives up and stutter when having to share read time with the os.

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I can answer that. Much of it just goes into cache and not RAM and a lot if it is indexing information. Plus if you play on a computer with hard drives and not solid state disks then you would have the game pause to spin the drives up and stutter when having to share read time with the os.

I'm a bit torn on this suggestion. On the one hand it would reduce initial load times and possibly reduce memory errors. On the other, it would mean a pause to load individual parts as they are selected in the VAB/SPH, and worse it would make out-of-memory errors unpredictable. Right now, if you have too many parts for your memory capacity it will crash on initial load; with load on demand it will crash as soon as you add a part that pushes you past the threshold, which is more difficult to predict.

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The thing that bugs me is all the assets are loaded at startup, rather than when you call for them. Resulting in everyone's memory usage issues, and long launch times. Why can't it just load the icons for these parts, then when you click the icon to spawn the part that's when it loads it into RAM?

I think I've heard that it's also a "Unity thing". Unity just wants to load all the assets for a program up front. As there are mods like Active Texture Management, I assume there's a way around keeping assets loaded (and thereby freeing up some memory), but I don't think you can stop it from happening on start-up because that's just how Unity works.

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Forever and always ( and prolly true for everyone who has usedExtraplanetary Launch, and Kethane for bases off world) wheels... wheels wheels wheelzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Randomly exploding with contact to ground, ripping loose of the rover, blowing out constantly, sending rovers spinning into the air on low grav bodies.

Now I understand there are concerns of scaled speed and such. We don't need rovers that can out pace orbiting stations, but really... These things are finicky to design, a symmetry nightmare to build, an emotional roller coaster to design a launch vehickle for, and hair greying endeavor to land on a body. To have them constantly self immolating at anything over 18 m/s is a little disheartening.

Just a little more strength on the connection point, a little more grip to the ground, and for the sake of the the gods a little more impact resistance.

As a side note in the same area... more 1/2 meter parts for rover building... I used the NUKE 1/2 meter parts mod (not the mods actual name but I forget it). They were perfectly scaled to make fun and more stable rovers especially with the TT Modular Wheels pack.


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When I hit the launch button in the VAB and the camera is extremely zoomed out.

Are you kidding? I LOVE that. Its like a present and I can do a slow zoom in on the launch pad. Very dramatic.

I hate how the computer decides it always knows better to change symetry when I am trying to add parts. Blasted machine I want 2x symetry stop overriding me and putting 4. If I want 4 I will select 4!!!!!!! Honestly it almost makes the button useless at times.

Learn to use the symmetry key on your keyboard. I only change symmetery with it. I think it's X. Its so ingrained in my brain that I just do it without thinking.

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Parachutes staging with rockets. Rockets staging behind their decoupler. Rockets staging 3-5 stages prior to placement.

Basically, all automatically generated staging, + whatever madness happens when you hit the reset button.

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Learn to use the symmetry key on your keyboard. I only change symmetery with it. I think it's X. Its so ingrained in my brain that I just do it without thinking.

Yes, but if I select 6x symmetry, grab a part to add to the vehicle and move the cursor over a part with 3x or 4x symmetry, it will change to that, instead of leaving it at 6x. Or if I use 4x symmetry to add boosters to my vehicle, and I want to add something to two of them, I have to do each one separately. I can't switch to 2x to do it, because it will jump to 4x.

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maxmaps will remove all my petpeves eventually, this statement proves so:

My background in PR means we can (responsibly!) up the level of transparency, show you more stuff we’re working on without putting unnecessary stress on the developers
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Yes, but if I select 6x symmetry, grab a part to add to the vehicle and move the cursor over a part with 3x or 4x symmetry, it will change to that, instead of leaving it at 6x. Or if I use 4x symmetry to add boosters to my vehicle, and I want to add something to two of them, I have to do each one separately. I can't switch to 2x to do it, because it will jump to 4x.

My own workaround for part A: Leave the item in 1x until you get it where you want it, then hit "x" until you get the desired symmetry.

The second part actually makes sense. One of the important things about symmetry is, well, symmetry. But you could build a booster stack in 1x, then build the modified booster stack in 1x. Then use 4x or 6x on the first stack and 2x on the second stack.

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