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[1.12.X] Tantares - Stockalike Soyuz and MIR [28][15.02.2025][Mars Expedition]


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Kerbal Space Program (1.12.5)

Tantares is four separate mods:

  • Tantares: Soviet crewed spacecraft, space station, and LEO spacecraft
    • *Requires B9PartSwitch
    • Supports System Heat for Nuclear reactors.
    • Supports Resurfaced for PBR textures.
  • TantaresLV: Soviet launch vehicles and upper stages
    • *Requires B9PartSwitch
    • *Requires Waterfall
  • TantaresSP: Soviet interplanetary probes
    • *Requires B9PartSwitch
  • TantaresSAF: Soviet Aerodynamic Fairings
    • *Requires Simple Adjustable Fairings
    • *Requires B9PartSwitch

The parts are made with the "LEGO" frame of mind - they fit together to make a certain historical craft, but are flexible and generic enough to be used in many creative ways, just like vanilla KSP parts.
If you're using TantaresSP, I highly recommend using one of my other mods, Neptune Camera, which adds camera functionality to probes.

Download Links

You need B9 Part Switch for all Tantares mods.
B9 Part Switch

Tantares - GitHub
TantaresLV - GitHub
TantaresSP - GitHub
TantaresSAF - GitHub

Also available through CKAN.

I also have a Patreon if you want to support the development!

Screenshots of TantaresLV

l2Qa9Np.jpg Kosmos 2I
S2Qz490.jpg Kosmos 3M
WFwBFRv.jpg Soyuz
E7Xh1OG.jpeg Zenit
DBkchqy.jpeg Tsyklon
IRIxV4l.png Proton
da0Gvxo.jpeg Energia M
TBhRgX6.jpeg Energia
iaoFZwE.jpg Energia-Buran
FzrkYeZ.jpeg N1
AKEEUw6.jpg Briz
m69chrb.png Blok-D
9da5hXr.jpg Fregat

Screenshots of Tantares

75zSmmZ.jpg Polyus
CcNmfde.jpeg Meteor
S83E396.jpeg Progress T
dYLvqVl.jpeg Progress 7K
N4FsmsJ.png Pirs / Poisk
ndcv7Lk.png Rassvet / Mir Docking Module
oUEk9yr.png Vostok
Z99u2Pl.png Voskhod
Tz0SCAk.jpg Soyuz 7K-T
dyKtCEh.jpg Soyuz LOK
Quq6lh2.png Soyuz VI
yg8732F.png Soyuz T
LIsnVOM.png Soyuz T
dTYxcfG.png Soyuz T
cza0oL8.jpg Soyuz ASTP
hChqod5.png LK Lander
9665suw.jpg LK-700
qTpNvGu.png TKS
G3GuZan.png VA
vJZczJN.png Big VA
sJeNRU1.jpeg LK-1
wDQ65NW.png MEK Mav

kOUfoJz.jpeg Mir Core Module
NuCi4cA.jpg8WORUNP.jpg Salyut and Almaz
uRUHrG3.jpg Salyut 7
MLu654Q.jpg Salyut 6
3cZbKg5.png MEK
9u9E8Q2.jpeg Mir

deoocxK.jpg Sokol flight suit (Provided by Benjee10)
qOqokaC.jpg Orlan EVA suit.

Screenshots of TantaresSP

1AROHMm.jpeg Sputnik
Q2BZR6s.jpeg Luna 2
tQzi5jk.jpeg Luna 3
uK3XZn4.jpeg Venera 1
YULhRbB.jpg Venera 9
eiNd3W7.jpg Venera 9 Lander
P1pYWRi.jpeg Fobos 2
AFQZx40.jpeg Lunokhod 2
PxRa5UV.jpg Luna 16

Screenshots of TantaresSAF

DOJXViv.jpeg Progress
iFbOGu3.jpeg Mir Modules / Polyus
sPP9i7D.jpeg Zenit
XwiWW8Q.png Proton (DM-A/B)


Recolours and Extras


Special thanks to everyone who has contributed and helped out with this!

Friznit's Tantares Wiki (Additional Craft Files)


Credits and Thanks
Special thanks to:


Edited by Beale
Thread of the month!
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All of it looks awesome; textures and models are both high quality. That command module on the Fuji/Polaris does strike me as a little small though. I can't really imagine 3 kerbals fitting in there just based on its limited volume. I don't want to come across as rude or demanding; I just wanted to give you some feedback.

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  15nelsoc said:
All of it looks awesome; textures and models are both high quality. That command module on the Fuji/Polaris does strike me as a little small though. I can't really imagine 3 kerbals fitting in there just based on its limited volume. I don't want to come across as rude or demanding; I just wanted to give you some feedback.

By no means! I like any feedback.

It is based off this concept:


The real one seems very flat and small and seated a crew of three, but that would be four metres rather than the Kerbal one's two. I think you are right and I am probably having it only a two-Kerman capsule.

  sirkut said:
With RasterPropMonitor these would be _awesome

I'd be interested in doing an optional version of IVAs with it, but I don't really know where to begin with it :( .

Edited by Beale
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  Helix935 said:
uhh i seem to have a problem with the mun base...



It looks like environmental scatter is random between games? (Or maybe you don't have it turned on?) That means the housing that was on the rock is now floating in your game.

I would just scrap the current buildings and place your own (CTRL+K - FYI) :) . For setting the launchpad to work correctly, refer to the KerbTown dev thread.

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  MK3424 said:
Hey Beale, are you planning to cooporate with orionkermin?

Because his homegrown rockets also some kickass soyuz parts, only diference is that your parts looks more "Soviet like".

He can be found here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60974-23-Feb-12-HGR-New-spherical-pod-available

Those are some beautiful parts, (makes me want to re-do mine from scratch :D) I hadn't seen them before. But, sadly, I really doubt I would have the free time to work on any kind of cooperation :( . It looks like the "Soy-Juice" in that pack is a new size category? Hopefully that keeps things different enough between these mods.

  NathanKell said:
This is awesome stuff! Thanks!

And, as awesome as RPM is, I like that there's a screen-free IVA, since I plan to use this stuff for RftS.

Quick question: what's the license on these parts?

Added the same one as near future propulsion, hope it's okay is I don't really understand how they work.

  ddavis425 said:
Nice but how do you have something sitting on that rock in the random screens section?


  biohazard15 said:
Also, better make subassemblies instead of crafts.

Maybe soon. Personally I play with the crafts like this and the launchers are the sub-assemblies. The root part on the Libra at least is the docking port, so that should be use-able.

Edited by Beale
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Beale: basically, whatever license you select is ok. The main point is, a license lets you control what happens to your work.

If you don't want anyone doing anything, or want full control, you can use "all rights reserved."

If you don't mind people using your work as a basis, as long as they give credit and release their own derivatives under an equally-open license, you can do the common CC-BY-SA license. BY means any rereleases and derivative work must credit you; SA means share-alike: any of those must retain the same "give credit to original author, allow derivative works" stipulations.

If you further don't want people to make money from your work, you can add "non-commerical" (the CC-BY-NC-SA license).

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  NathanKell said:
Beale: basically, whatever license you select is ok. The main point is, a license lets you control what happens to your work.

If you don't want anyone doing anything, or want full control, you can use "all rights reserved."

If you don't mind people using your work as a basis, as long as they give credit and release their own derivatives under an equally-open license, you can do the common CC-BY-SA license. BY means any rereleases and derivative work must credit you; SA means share-alike: any of those must retain the same "give credit to original author, allow derivative works" stipulations.

If you further don't want people to make money from your work, you can add "non-commerical" (the CC-BY-NC-SA license).

Hey, a great thanks for this, very helpful. From reading this I think I'll stick with the current licence :) .

  Xenon2462 said:
why is there no monoprop in the service stage

I'd prefer it, but there is a current bug with the game for parts with more than two resources. There are some fixes, but I don't want to add dependencies for using this mod.

Edited by Beale
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  Beale said:
I'd prefer it, ma c'e a current bug with the game for parts with more than two resources. There are some fixes, but I don't want to add dependencies for using this mod.

If you mean "exploding" icons in SPH\VAB, look at fix from NovaPunch (2.5m lander tank and service modules). Basically, you need to add a dummy RCS thruster.

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  NathanKell said:
The issue is that any part with



will have that bug. The solution is to add a dummy module (I prefer ModuleSAS), or use ModuleFixer (which adds a real dummy [does NOTHING] module).

I see!

This has fixed it, thanks!

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The new version is up! :)


I have totally re-done all the models and textures. Including a few more "stock" texture elements I think they're looking the real deal now.

Balancing might still be off, I think they should both still be capable of their intended use.

As always, feedback is very helpful, especially for balance (which I'm terrible at)!

Thanks for all the support!



I think next I'll work on some alternate colour schemes.

Edited by Beale
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