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Post Your Cinematics Here! (Cinematic Enthusiasts)


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Just found out about the exsitence of this thread ! : D

Here's a recent video I made on the occasion of an anniversary, of an historic first...

The first ever concert broadcasted live from space, 58 years ago exactly on the 16th of december !   :D

Those Gemini (VI and VII) astronauts were quite good at historic firsts... They played a prank on Houston by describing Santa Claus' sleigh going in a polar orbit, played the first ever concert in duet, broadcasted live from space, oh, and yeah, they also executed the first ever manned rendez-vous between two spacecrafts...
Wally Schirra and Tom Stafford played Jingle Bells, on a little harmonica and a handful of bells, in duet !


Happy anniversary, and merry christmas to all :) 

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Hi, here's a full reproduction of the historic flight of the Bell XS-1, breaking the sound barrier, in RSS/RO : )

76 years ago, October 14th 1947, Chuck Yeager embarked on his Bell XS-1 "Glamorous Glennis", carried by a B-29 at Muroc airforce base. While having two broken ribs, he, the USAF and NACA marked history with this milestone, crucial in developing technologies and knowledge both for planes and manned space exploration.

Embark on the "Glamorous Glennis" with Chuck Yeager, for this historical ride above mach 1, breaking the sound barrier for the first time !

The whole mission was flown from the cockpit, but the video has some external views as well, some archives images and original crew conversations, but from X-1A flight (starting at 5:40, the rest is AI custom generated voices I created to add immersion and make the thing feel more alive).
This was definitely a challenging and fun mission to do, as well as learning a lot about the outstanding research and systems from that time ! :)    Yeah I'm just in love with the old days analog era, true pioneers !
Any feedback appreciated ;)  (best watched with headphones)

I also wrote a little mission report on the forum, with details on the mission in KSP, the hackeries involved in the filming, as well as many historical details, fun/interesting facts, with associated pictures and diagrams : )


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I had fun around with the ASET ext command seat IVA, doing a Kerbal version of the LESS (Lunar Escape Systems)... A wild Nasa proposal to say the least, as you may know ^^
What we like :

An astronaut in his space suit, strapped to a fuel tank, an engine (possible without RCS, and without gimbal, you control your attitude with your own weight only, while moving around (YES! :D)), no fancy speed or altimeter displays, you navigate with a clock and visual landmarks of the Moon, and you've got only 4 hours to rendez-vous with the CSM, because otherwize you'll run out of oxygen. 

Is this Kerbal enough ? :joy:


 Cheers  :D 

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I've been working on this lately...

It's inspired by Interstellar obviously, but not only...  some Star Wars (Tantive corvette), Star Citizen (Port Olisar tribute), KSP 2 trailer wink (Jupiter station), 2001, ...  :) 

In 2070, an expedition from Earth is sent to explore the inside of a Black Hole, accessible through a wormhole near Saturn...

Best watched with headphones ;) 

Cheers : )


Edited by adsii1970
Edited by moderator: CPOTM( 2024-03) image added.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been practicing Blender and gaming vids for a year now. Decided to throw my hat into the storytelling arena. My daughter thinks it's hilarious so I've already won. Now I just need to practice my wrting, audio capture, camera work, and voice acting... and audio mixing... 

In all seriousness, while I think it could be better, I really enjoyed making this and I'm proud of how it turned out. It reminds me of my first few orbits... could have been better, but fun nonetheless. It's funny how a year of learning a game could turn into a habit, or a practice. Imagine that- a game inspiring a way of life.

It's poetic.

Anyway, thanks for reading my soapbox speech. Here's my video. It started out as a mission report for a round trip to Duna and Ike. It turned into a Pilot episode themed around my excitement for Colonies:


In the coming weeks I'll be posting this and more of the adventures of Professor Nedmin and Commander Tedly, whether you want it or not, lol. I'm too invested. Besides, the Duna landing and return to orbit is pretty cool. How can I have a Duna File without the rest of the trip to Duna?

Lastly, I don't know who's really going to be annoyed by Ike being the dominant celestial in a Duna titled video. I'll save you some debate with some artistic interpretation- In order to see your house you have to go to your neighbor's yard; Your friends all have a different perspective on who you are; An impartial perspective requires an unbiased and impartial point of reference... You can't know Duna without becoming at least acquainted with Ike.

Thanks for watching/reading!


*I'd like to clarify that I've been sharing Kerbal videos for a year. I've been playing the game for 6 years now.


Edited by adsii1970
Edited by moderator: CPOTM( 2024-09) image added.
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Here is my first video: Kerbal Rock - A KSP2 Mission Cinematic. It was inspired by seemingly half the player base flying planes to Kapy Rock. I dunno how some of y'all have that amount of patience, lol!

Jokes aside, this took way longer than anticipated. Flight time was about 16 minutes, but capturing multiple angles and hand flying without the navball absorbed so much of my time that I bet a Kerbal could walk to Kapy Rock faster than I made this video!

Hope you enjoy!


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Hello there ! :D
Very humble clip from me, I don't know anything about editing but hey, what do you think of the plane itself?


Edited by Nyxilo
I've added a second link. Quite similar to the first one but with even less care for gravity.
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  • 1 month later...

Okay. This time is the right one, I'll hit every single building in the KSC.
Right ? Right ?

On the technical side, I've swtiched again to RSS and changed the livery + a ton of internal stuff no one cares about :D


Edited by Nyxilo
*Sigh* I've hit enter without adding the link
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My first blender 3D animation !

For the new Kerbal year, while Jeb hangs out in an asteroid field, watching some Goo fly around, Robotokto-2, his fellow mechanical companion, goes on investigating a curious abandonned structure he just stumbled upon...

Edited by kurgut
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello there.


Hmm... I've been testing AI tools (image-to-video) for KSP, mainly to animate the Kerbals.

I posted a video of these test shots in a movie recap of my film Mirror.

I thought it was interesting to share, as it might inspire other creators to experiment with these tools for their own projects or videos—who knows?


Take care ;)

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