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Waiter, theres a _____________ in my soup!


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Excuse me, but what the actual chipmunks are you talking about?

Waiter, there's a Chronosphere in my soup! Should i use it to invade Moscow?

Edited by BlackMesaSurvivor
oh hy llok nwe paeg... is that how it is spelled, right? or it was oh hey look, new page? or egap wen kool yeh? or... NEWAES PAAEGEAAGEA!q~`Q1Q1`q!~q!
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Waiter: No Sir, that is just so the soup has a time out when it is getting too hot.

C:W, The first soup was too hot and the second soup was too cold but the third soup was just right, then some little blond girl grabbed it and ran off.

@BlackMesaSurvivor I personally like "egap wen kool yeh". I don't even have to think it out any more.

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  • 2 weeks later...
22 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

The 3 kingdoms of life are Animal, Plant and Fungi.

Got it. A Furry Comic-con is probably just finished, and you are still in.

Yes, I know about the biokingdoms.

24 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

I didn't mean soup inside a pumpkin.

It's not a pumpkin. It's a special surprise from the Headless Hessian.


Waiter! An iPhone recharger, please!

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No, we have a leak diverter for that. That's so the flies in your drink have some shade to lie in (So I guess it's a parasol)



Waiter, what is that tiny Bender doing in my soup? (Futurama reference. If you watch Futurama, please reply with the appropriate response. If you watched that episode, you'll know what to say. If you haven't watched Futurama, then just find something funny to say)

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