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[KSP 1.8.1] SCANsat [v19.1] -- Dev version [February 20, 2020]


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@vardicd I see the problem now, it seems to be an odd effect of how the map textures are removed from memory when turning off or switching the overlay. I'll see about getting a fix out sometime soon.

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Version 17.9 is out; get it on GitHub.

It should fix the strange text corruption bug when using the planetary overlay maps and defaults to the non-localized biome names when the localized field is empty.

The KSPedia entry has been updated to reflect all of the changes made from version 17 on. It also has a few new pages that describe the actual maps and their functions. It is not localized, since there is a ton of text, and I don't have a really good way of handling translated KSPedia files that doesn't involve significant increases in file size.

The Russian localization has been completed by RarogCmex.

Barring any major bugs this should be the last dev version (Japanese translations will probably have to wait ;.;). I hope to have version 18 out by next week.

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31 minutes ago, DMagic said:

@EBOSHI, no problem at all. No one else is working on Japanese that I'm aware of. And I don't foresee any changes to the localization in the near term. 

Okay, I will start working. I guess it will take several days.

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Running KSP 1.3 with any ScanSat versions from 17.6 through 17.9.

Problem: Big Map won't open in Tracking Station or any other map view. Small Map opens, but zoom doesn't work. As such, I can't even select which body I want displayed.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

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7 hours ago, Observe said:

Running KSP 1.3 with any ScanSat versions from 17.6 through 17.9.

Problem: Big Map won't open in Tracking Station or any other map view. Small Map opens, but zoom doesn't work. As such, I can't even select which body I want displayed.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

I need log files.

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5 hours ago, DMagic said:


I need log files.

Certainly. I thought I'd just throw it out there in case of some well-known solution I was unaware of. I can see this is not the case.

This is a new KSP installation, so it's easy for me to remove the few mods I have thus far and see if I can solve by process of elimination in case some other mod is causing the trouble. I will get back with you. Thanks.

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Problem solved. Cause was my own stupidity trying to use a savegame from KSP 1.2. I'll just have to start a new game and then copy whatever flags and waypoints that I don't want to lose. My apologies for taking time. Thanks.

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@Starfire70 Both. 17.5 and below are for KSP 1.2.2. 17.6 and above are for KSP 1.3. 

The old versions have some bugs, the worst is probably that the big map can be opened multiple times when using the toolbar menu. The best workaround is probably to disable the toolbar menu (in the settings window) or use the Blizzy toolbar.

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First of all, thanks for the great effort! I've installed the latest dev version to KSP 1.3 and it works fine.

I have not tested too much, just around Kerbin and the two moons. There is only two small issues/questions (no logs):

----- Re-scanning a body -----

- I have a campaign with MKS that is quite advanced now, so I have not started a new game after installing ScanSat.

- I have scanned Minmus with M700 before installing ScanSat, but have not scanned Kerbin or Mun. The probe with M700 is still in the orbit of Minmus. Scanned for resource spots too. I could see the stock resource overlay in the comm center.

- Installed Scansat, bought all the available new scanners. I have not touched the default config, so I think that some stock stuff might still be active (I know that there is an option for something, but have not read it yet)

- Accepted scansat contracts for all of the three bodies for resource scan

- Launced new probes to all of the three bodies with M700 (and biome, lowres and highres scanners for later use). All of them are on proper, polar orbit.

- M700 resource scan on Kerbin and on the Mun was successful. Contracts were fulfilled.

- M700 resource scan on Minmus could not be executed. Contract could not be fulfilled.

- Then I switched to the old M700 probe around Minmus. Suddenly everything was done: contract fulfilled, overlay could be turned on/off etc. It works with the new probe and any other vessel as well.


----- Transmitting science home and to the orbiting or landed research lab ----

- I have research labs orbiting Kerbin and Mun and landed on Minmus from before installing ScanSat. They work fine. Installed the mod that can transmit data between vessels (basically sending data to the research labs)

- Installed ScanSat.

- Scanned all of the 3 bodies with biome, low- and highres scanners.

- Now if I transmit the results after partial or full scan to the research labs or home, I could not transfer it again to the other location. However this works fine with stock and DMagic sciences, where I can send the data home (immediate science return) and to the research lab using the science transfer mod. With ScanSat instrument data, the first transmit works regardless of the destination (home or science lab), but on the second attempt there is only a tiny fraction (1e-7 or so) is sent.


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@kubi Resource scanning is a bit wonky if you leave stock scanning on, but still want to use SCANsat maps and do SCANsat resource scanning contracts. The best way to handle it is to disable stock scanning.

SCANsat science data does not work like other science. It is doing something that KSP's science system doesn't really like to calculate how much science to give for a scan. After SCANsat science is sent home it is basically unavailable for any other use. When using Science Relay you should be able to transmit the data to a lab first for processing, then to home, but not the other way around. 

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Version 18 is out for KSP 1.3, CKAN has also been updated. It is basically the same as 17.9, an error with setting the scale for the zoom map was fixed and a few changes to the KSPedia entry were made.


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Hi again!

I've just added German translations to the recently added strings, although I'm not sure if I pushed the changes to the proper branch, and the strings in the github notification looked different than the dev and release ones. Honestly, I really don't know what I'm talking about, just facecouched my keyboard while drawing a pentagram with my mouse and it somehow worked^^

The git is strong in me^^

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  • 1 month later...

Noob question (its been long time since i used scansat to land on celestial body) - how to delete manual waypoint ?

No problem setting it, but no idea how to delete it. There was a help/reply for mechjeb's landing site but i don't use it.

Also, how do i match coordinates on biome map (where i can't set a waypoint) to a altimetry map (which has a waypoint button) ? Never mind, i just zoomed waay out in flight view and biomes overlayed the surface :) Doh, map type ... My brain is not cooperating today :P

Edited by fatcargo
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  • 1 month later...

@fatcargo Waypoints are now integrated with stock KSP, so you can right-click on the waypoint in KSP's Map View to get the options { Activate Navigation / Delete Waypoint }

@DMagic Now might be a good time to redefine the fields-of-view in the more standard way that KerbNet uses.  ScanSat currently defines "field-of-view" as half the range of latitudes that a satellite will cover when at its "best altitude" over Kerbin.   The usual definition, the full angle of the imaged region measured at the satellite, is used by KerbNet.

Then the half-range of latitudes is just θ = FoV ×  h / 2 R, which scales the same as current ScanSat for altitudes h below the best altitude.  
This geometrical rule scales more strongly with R than the sqrt(R) in ScanSat's code, covering more latitudes on small bodies.  You could put the sqrt() back in, but I would just let the upper bound θ < 20° take care of game-play balance;  small moons have weak gravity so the orbital velocity is slow when you are high enough to hit the θ < 20° limit -- scanning small bodies is certainly not too easy in ScanSat.

Looking at the configuration files, I see that the radar altimeter sees 50-km-radius from 5km altitude (!).  If we want to keep that behaviour it doesn't fit the model of a specified angular FoV from the sensor very well. But the other sensors fit reasonably.
TYPE  Δθ   min  best   max   FoV
MULTI ±4°  5km 250km  500km  20° 
RADAR ±5°  5km   5km  500km [90° with best alt. 10km]
SAR   ±2°  5km 750km  800km   3°
ORE   ±3° 10km 150km  500km  24°
M700  ±5° 15km 150km 1000km  40°

Edited by OHara
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  • 1 month later...

A long time ago I remember there was a wrapper or something along those lines, and a detailed description of how to read the player's Scansat progress from other mods. That way custom mods could query Scansat to know which scans where done and how much coverage they had reached for each celestial body. I can't seem to find the link now. If you remember a link like that, would you please (re)post it for me.

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@Rodhern There was never a separate wrapper or description for accessing SCANsat data, but there is a small API in SCANsat that allows for somewhat easy access to the scanning data. It's designed to work through reflection so that you don't need any hard dependencies. The first section of this class has commented methods for external access to SCANsat.

Contract Configurator uses this to check scanning coverage: https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/blob/master/source/ContractConfigurator/Util/SCANsatUtil.cs

And Kerbalism uses it to start and stop scanners based on background EC usage: https://github.com/ShotgunNinja/Kerbalism/blob/master/src/External/SCANsat.cs

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  • 2 months later...

Have noticed that I haven't gotten any new SCANSat contracts after gaining the Tier 2 scanner.  When I check the requirements for the contracts I don't have offered, I see "Must have scanned less than 70% of target body".  This can't be intentional, since the first set of contracts requires a 75% coverage to be able to complete.  I tried nuking the map and reloading the mission control center, but no dice.

Anyone else noticed this?

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@MindlessAutomata Hello and welcome to the forums!!

I guess the SCANSat development topic is a better place to handle such issues. Should I move your post there? :)

Edit: since I noticed that you have logged off, I took the liberty to move your problem there, since its purely about a problem in SCANSat.

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