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[1.12.x] Community Tech Tree (August 13)


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So question: before the update this was meant only add new sensible nodes for mods right, after the update with the new mess of tech tree, is that still the case?

If so, has anyone heard about an altered tree that could make some sense?

As you can see, right now I'm just really frustrated about this mess of system.

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Ok, I guess people can edit the tree to remove nodes they know are unnecessary for their install. Or perhaps some MM system where each mod says which parts of the tech tree should be enabled?

I like this solution. Simply by default hide all CTT nodes. Anyone that wants to use a higher technode would be responsible of setting the intermediate nodes he needs to allways show.

- - - Updated - - -

  • Advanced Nuclear Propulsion is labelled Improved Nuclear Propulsion. Not sure if intentional.

I like "improved" as it's only an improvement from the previous node, not a super advanced version, those should be further in the techtree

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  • Fusion Propulsion is labelled Fusion Rockets

Fusion Propulsion is indeed a better name, as it's more generic name and rocket is not always appropiate. For example, the Vista Engine, does not have Noozle like rocket engines have

- - - Updated - - -

  • High Efficiency Nuclear Power is labelled High Energy Nuclear Power

High Energy is slighly better name as it's less specific. But I propose to make it generic by naming it Advanced Nuclear power (similar to its node name which is advNuclearPower)

Another thing, the name "Large Scale Nuclear Power" is too specific (nice for NTF-E but for KSPI, which uses the same node, it doesn't make any sence). I propose to rename it to Improved Nuclear Power.

Regarding Microwave power tranmission. My feeling is that it is too high in the techtree, please put it at tier 11, requiring experimental electrics.

The Technode "Electrical System" always confused me. It sound as a very low tech node but it is very high tech node, therefore I propose to rename it something that reflects it's high tech state. Anyone knows a good name? I use it myself for Direct Energy conversion, but that might be too specific. What about "High Tech Electric Systems". At least here the word high makes some sence.

Edited by FreeThinker
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Hello, I tried replacing the tech tree .cfg with that dev build but no new tech nodes show up (or with the original). How do I make it work with my latest-version game?

What version of Module Manager are you running. You need the most recent one for it to load tech tree nodes. After that you don't replace the stock one, just drop the cfg into a mod folder somewhere and it will be MM patched :)

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Whew this took FOREVER.


Test release with layout and positioning. Comment, note bugs, etc. No proper icons yet, that's the next step. In fact, if anyone want to go through the tree, assign fitting icons to each tech, I'd love that (just submit a PR). Would save me lots of time.

Where do I put this?

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@Nertea - I'll be tossing in a pull request in a bit, essentially I am adding a storage and logistics node at the bottom of the tree to take folks through all of my tanks, containers, logistics modules, and capstoning with the MKS hub

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That's a good solution to the problem of many tech nodes. I'll work on editing this today. In fact, hope to have a version actually released today....

Please remove the requirement of Artificial Intelligence on mechatronics/robotics, in hind sight it is not needed

Hmm, didn't think I put that in! Will fix.

Another addendum - moved Off World Manufacturing up to the rest of the construction tree as part of the path to orbital assembly (i.e. EL)


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Mostly final version on Git. Some naming changes and such as per above (the ones that aren't in, I didn't like). Once this is approved I will hide all the nodes and release. Also a new ForModders.txt specifying the new method to use to integrate.

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