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The Official HypeTrain 0.90 Voyage Thread (Experimentals! Choo Choo Dangit!)

Whirligig Girl

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If we're at the phase where we're guessing, then I'll guess next Tuesday, as in 9 days from now. It's a full week before Christmas to put a patch out if they need one, and 2 weeks is a pretty common period of time for Experimentals to last.

My guess also, just in time for finals as usual.:rolleyes:

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Thinking of GP2 drives me off the deep end, because I know it has little to no chance to being implemented. Please, SQUAD, think of GP2 for a future update, not nescesarily .90, but please, implement it sometime. Or at least give some heads up and say "GP2 will be implemented sometime" ... Or not implemented... (Goes and cries in the corner)

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could always come out nxt wednesday (squad tuesday), the 10th.....

The would be nearly impossible, .90 has only been in experimental for 5 days... Even if there is less bugs than expected that would be saying there is like no bugs at all. And they would need to release the gameplay trailer and all the media vids right now.

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Anybody got an estimate of when .90 will be out?

Everybody does. They're all different and none of them are accurate.

My personal estimate based on what usually happens is a week from tomorrow. But based on recent comments it could be sooner, maybe even this week.

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Anybody got an estimate of when .90 will be out?

It will be out exactly one second after the last second before 0.90 comes out.

I am sure of that.

And I hope this second comes soon ... very soon ... maybe tomorrow?

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We are guessing release dates already? Well, I'd say tuesday or wednesday a week before christmas would be a good bet (aka: next week). If not there, we'd probably get it next year, as I don't think squad would release between christmas and new year.

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Guys, it's not tomorrow. There was approximately 20 days between 0.25 experimental and the release. 0.90 experimentals were announced on December 3rd. So It should be done around the 23rd, however, they'll probably delay it until Christmas.

Edit: Actually, the 23rd is still valid, since it's a Tuesday, as pointed out by the poster below me

Edited by temporalExile
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