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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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46 minutes ago, Kernel Kraken said:

Granted, but the Genie gets confused and grants you a genuine United States dollar at current exchange rates, in my possession, that I can keep for as long or as short as I want without adversely affecting the universe, and that no harm will come to me as a consequence of having it in my possession or not, regardless of any other accumulated wealth I might have. Instead.



Finally! I've been waiting for a dollar so I can put some more money in the Reputation Vending Machine!


Granted. You have an Alexa. No need to corrupt that wish, it's already bad enough.

I wish for a potato without bugs and fungi eating it, not a dollar.

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Granted. you get a Weight Gaining falcon that will cut you 3 to 11 times every hour.

I wish that this website actually acknowledges the fact that I have 10 approved posts times instead of saying that I have 4.

Edited by Dirkidirk
needed to fix
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1 minute ago, Dirkidirk said:

I that this website actually acknowledges the fact that I have 10 approved posts times instead of saying that I have 4.

Posts within the Lounge and Forum games do not count toward your actual post count.  If you make one more meaningful post outside of the lounge, you'll no longer need approval.

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2 hours ago, Geonovast said:

Posts within the Lounge and Forum games do not count toward your actual post count.  If you make one more meaningful post outside of the lounge, you'll no longer need approval.

oh ok, I'm dumb :P

new and improved wish:

I wish that I knew what Geonovast said before I went on here and started posting.

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Granted. You got a drumset together with two KFC drumsticks.

5 hours ago, Geonovast said:

Posts within the Lounge and Forum games do not count toward your actual post count.  If you make one more meaningful post outside of the lounge, you'll no longer need approval.

IIRC I've made it outta the 5-approved-posts in The Lounge. Or did I posted 5 more times outside this?

I wish for a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, Galaxy Buds and the Wireless Battery Pack.


For those who are unaware about the WBP, here's the thing :



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Granted. You've got no cell service.

I wish for a russet potato without bugs and fungi eating it, not a genuine United States dollar at current exchange rates, in my possession, that I can keep for as long or as short as I want without adversely affecting the universe, and that no harm will come to me as a consequence of having it in my possession or not, regardless of any other accumulated wealth I might have.

Edited by Dman979
Made a whoopsies.
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Granted. you are warped to the very early solar system, 4 billion years ago, and are taken on a tour of the 8 planets (which still look like red hot coals) on my exteremely slow interplanetary ship, taking 50 years. then you are transported to the present, where you can tell about your exteremely boring trip.

I wish for the ability to reverse time (keeping all the knowledge I had beforehand ) whenever I make a mistake.

Edited by Dirkidirk
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Granted but you went back too far and passed everything and never ever enjoyed failure again, leading you down for sadness forever. (I'm so bad at this)

I wish for more stock planets in KSP with no horrible effects to the other existing planets or citizens/kerbonauts thereof.


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Granted. Every moon becomes a planet.

I wish for an Early Solar System tour with adaptive timewarp, to watch significant events of its formation.
Of course this means that like in the Wells' novel, while I'm riding the time machine I'm "immaterial" from the outside pov, and can't be hurted.
P.S. I always fasten seat belts in a plane, so I definitely would do this riding the time machine, so I can't fall.
P.P.S. Obviously, the time machine travel duration is negligible, so it doesn't have enough time to crash.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Granted. he managed to get some gold, but Clint Eastwood ended up hanging him on a tree after killing the Bad guy.

I wish would be a fourth movie from the Dollar Trilogy so I can keep making jokes with!

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Granted, but the power requirements drive your electrical bill through the roof and the PC won't fit in your house. The universe runs at a few trillion frames per second, trying to reach that is a bit much.

I wish everyone would stop blindly following companies and buying everything the companies shove down their throats. People should actually research purchases.

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