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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Left this alone thinking someone would answer you, but four days later.

Granted. You thought you were the exception but you were deceived.

I wish I had backed up all my stuff to an external drive before my hard drive crashed.

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Granted. But when the exception to deceptables became a deception to exceptables, the deceptables got stopped by the exception that they can no longer decieve. Thus the wish got decievably excepted and cancelled out. And you got a headache following that.


I wish for a simple bologna sandwich.



* Ninjad!!! LoL


Granted, but now your motherboard is fried.

Edited by Dientus
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Seriously, four days and then we post simultaneously.

In good quality oil I hope.

Granted. You are the meat in the sandwich between two large ladies called Bologna.

I wish for some nice chips to go with my motherboard.

Edited by ColdJ
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7 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

Seriously, four days and then we post simultaneously.

The Matrix has you. Both instances of you.

8 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

I wish for some nice chips to go with my motherboard.

Granted. A bag of Lay's goes with it.
Somebody forgot it in the box when packing.

I wish it was Pringles.

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Granted. He wishes for a potato that is layed by a chicken and eggs that are root vegetables.

I wish for a 100 teraflop cpu and a 2 terabyte solid state drive. Oh and a graphics card that can keep up. :)

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You get a CPU which is flopping every command cycle (you already have counted teraflops)
and  a solid state drive which is actually just a wireless modem connected to a virtually 2 terabyte virtual drive on another continent.
Also you get a graphics card that keeps up, but no other direction.

I wish you can find a driver for at least something of that.

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Granted, but instead of notebooks I throw large 3 ring binders at 10 of your home's windows.

I wish that I could lower the screen brightness of my laptop after a recent Windows 10 update (It really affects battery life, it's annoying)

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Granted, you accept the cookies on a website.

I wish for a properly colored, regular Lego scale Remote control Lego Liebherr R9800 mining excavator with all the Lego pieces (Including moving/controllable parts) the proper instructions, and the proper app downloaded on my phone so I can control it, all of this delivered safely to me on Earth without Earth imploding or exploding, without being in a simulation, without me having any medical issues or conditions, without my house being destroyed, without the excavator or my phone gaining sentience, without it being dismantled, without it being stolen, without the granter's head exploding or having any other medical issue or reason why they cannot grant my wish, without the excavator melting, without it being opposite, without being teleported anywhere, and I wish to be happy once I get it, even without other Lego mining equipment.

Please read wish carefully.

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