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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted, you focus in getting unfocused.

I wish to be refocused into unfocusing from being unfocused due to trying to refocus my focus on being unfocused, which resulted in my focus being that of unfocused, so trying to refocus my unfocused focus focus unfocused refocused unchjfd dfjhadsfjdsa hjdfsjkhsk jhdfhjkdfjhk djsklkfjhdshfljkdshuieriuoewr hdsafiuhowh3dusidfhds

Edited by TwoCalories
Real footage of me trying to coherently type that sentence
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Granted. A woodpecker arrives at your home and proceeds to play the song of its people for hours, drumming, drumming upon your chamber door.

I wish that the 3.5 mm headphone port on my phone would go back to being functional once more, in a way that does not compromise the functionality and utility of the rest of the phone.


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Granted. Behold a sandwich materializes before you. It is comprised of two slices of bread. So far so good. Each slide is slathered with the appropriate amount of mayo and trimmed with whichever cheese suits your fancy. As for the meat; it is monkey's brain which has the texture of snot but I am told the taste is out of this world.

I wish for a hearty vegetable soup.

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Granted. Difficult aspect of this wish is what "it" was supposed to taste like chocolate cake (wish maker never specified). Thus, you receive chocolate cake flavored motor oil.

I wish for a free oil change for my car.

Edited by Exploro
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Granted:You get a plastic planet.

(PET Plastics are some of the more commonly discussed plastics when searching for solutions for drinking water. Unlike other types of plastics, polyethylene terephthalate is considered safe and is represented on water bottles with the number "1", indicating it is a safe option.)

I wish that carrots tasted like chocolate cake.

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They do, and this alarms you, as usually they don't.

I wish to understand, why "our" city part, green and having historically cultural objects, situating right on the main and historically first street of this city, the first street with tram, is almost absolutely not depicted on old photos, while others are.
Neighter XIX, nor early XX, nor mid XX...

Edited by kerbiloid
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