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[1.3.x] SETI, Unmanned before Manned [Patreon]


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Above: UKSA MKI Probe Interior:  (Using UbiWeld, a SETI probe core MKI, 2xBatteries and a comms device)

Below: UKSA - SR1: (UKSA MKI Probe Interior + Protective shell + Alpha LFO stage)


Below: Rover MKI



Above: UKSA MKII Probe Interior:  (Using UbiWeld, a SETI probe core MKI, 2xBatteries and a comms device, service bay, multiple scientific instruments + parachute & RCS)

Below: UKSA MKII Probe showing landing legs.


Below: Sounding Rocket 2: (Consists of a pair of bolted on LFO Boosters to the SR1 Primary stage which now has a decoupler to allow payload separation at 75KM Testing shows Rocket achieving a Sub Orbital trajectory with an apoapse of around 190KM)


I like that the UbM challenge is forcing me to think outside the box, and has made me have to go for nodes I might normally not pick up as a priority. These designs accomplished the first 3 Historical missions contracts with relative ease. The probes are of course 625mm with the casing, fuel tanks and engines coming in at 750mm diameter (thanks to some PP tweaking.) Yemo, top job :)

Edited by RobertJPowell
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  On 12/4/2016 at 11:41 PM, Yemo said:

Unmanned before Manned v1.2.1.0 (for KSP 1.2.x)

After watching the painfully unbalanced Galileo Conquest video from Scott Manley:

  • Due to unsupported parts (SXT), no science adjustments as recommended, etc:
  • Temperature and Barometer experiments adjusted to SETIrebalance values
  • Materials Bay earlier at basicScience, to allow probe only progression
  • SXT mystery goo to the place of stock mystery goo
  • Most problematic early SXT engines moved to more appropriate nodes considering their stats
  • Early stock landing gear moved to start if SXT is installed...
  • Porkjet new Mk1 pod moved to the place of the 1 kerbal lander can (since this pod is the most problematic part)


SETI RemoteTechConfig v1.2.1.0 (for RemoteTech 1.8.2+)

Just config modding adjustments for RemoteTech 1.8.2 settings format

Needs MM to be able to influence RT now, but RT itself needs MM, so no need to provide it in the download


Are the ground stations for RT that you define actually located on the commnet ground station dishes?

Also, what would happen if I tried to update the tech tree in an existing save?

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  On 12/25/2016 at 11:01 PM, Antonio432 said:

Will SETI-CTT get updated ?



Yes and no. Sort of. SETICtt will not be updated in a way it was worked before. Instead it is diversed trough several new (sub)mods for easier mainetnance and easier install trough CKAN.
You now need Unmaned before Maned mods and recommended dependencies. Yemo have explained all this better than I am able to do from top of my head. Search for latest posts about update 1-3 pages back for better info.

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  On 12/26/2016 at 1:11 PM, kcs123 said:

Yes and no. Sort of. SETICtt will not be updated in a way it was worked before. Instead it is diversed trough several new (sub)mods for easier mainetnance and easier install trough CKAN.
You now need Unmaned before Maned mods and recommended dependencies. Yemo have explained all this better than I am able to do from top of my head. Search for latest posts about update 1-3 pages back for better info.


Oh, thanks, although the 1.05 version still works I'll wait for the updates so that nothing gets broken.

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Hi! I have a question: im playing currently with SETI UBM challenge, wich means reaction wheels not before 90 science. However, searching in the tech tree, I dont seem to find reaction wheels anywere. Im currently in 45 science. My question is: would reaction wheels become avalible to all the probes/capsules that are already unlocked?

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  On 1/1/2017 at 7:49 PM, Sol Invictus said:

Can someone confirm whether newest SETI-Greenhouse truly doesn't work at all in KSP 1.2.2?


I didn't try it, but it would be nice if you give more information, for example what life support mod are you using and why do you think it's not working, specially if you gave it a try. because, as much as i know, the 1.2.2 didn't break any plugin that was developed for 1.2.1 and as much as i know, the green house does not have any plugins and is only part with configs, it's possible that the life support mod changed something that green house config need to adjust it's module for it?

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I'm referring to this post by @smckamey19

  On 12/21/2016 at 9:34 PM, smckamey19 said:

SETI-greenhouse stopped producing food, water, and oxygen on 1.2.2.. anyone else have this issue? 


I didn't specify what life support mod I'm using since TAC Life Support is the only life support mod supported by SETI-Greenhouse (unless something changed in this regard).

I asked if someone had confirm smckamey19's report because I plan to start new career using mods in question.

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  On 1/2/2017 at 6:19 PM, Sol Invictus said:


I'm referring to this post by @smckamey19

I didn't specify what life support mod I'm using since TAC Life Support is the only life support mod supported by SETI-Greenhouse (unless something changed in this regard).

I asked if someone had confirm smckamey19's report because I plan to start new career using mods in question.


well it is supporting USI too !

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  On 1/2/2017 at 6:20 PM, Jiraiyah said:

well it is supporting USI too !


this is quote from SETI Greenhouse page on Spacedock:


Configs for USI Life Support are outdated, please only use it with TAC LifeSupport for the mechanics or without any LifeSupport mod for the looks, at the moment.


Is it possible that you mistook it for identically looking PSA Greenhouse, made specifically for USI Life Support?

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  On 1/2/2017 at 6:26 PM, Sol Invictus said:

this is quote from SETI Greenhouse page on Spacedock:

Is it possible that you mistook it for identically looking PSA Greenhouse, made specifically for USI Life Support?


ouch. no i didn't mistook it but i totally missed the change log and that info. thanks for the info.

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  On 12/21/2016 at 9:34 PM, smckamey19 said:

SETI-greenhouse stopped producing food, water, and oxygen on 1.2.2.. anyone else have this issue? 


Hm, last I checked, it worked, but that was some time ago. Maybe TAC LifeSupport changed? I do not have access to my gaming pc at the moment, anyone else experiencing this?


  On 12/22/2016 at 7:12 PM, Errol said:

Are the ground stations for RT that you define actually located on the commnet ground station dishes?

Also, what would happen if I tried to update the tech tree in an existing save?


Nope, my ground stations were placed much earlier than the stock commnet ones and imho changing them has no real benefit, since mine cover the equatorial orbit perfectly while still leaving the poles nont covered to which provides some benefit to build eg a 2 keo sat network.

Parts are moved around upon tech tree update, might be inconvenient, especially because of the stock ksp bug of displaying the old (non-functioning, purely cosmetic) tech tree position of a researched part in addition to the new one.


  On 12/22/2016 at 7:50 PM, Sol Invictus said:


I just found out that solid-fuel rocket added by SETI Probe Parts lacks configs for RealPlume. It would be great if you could add it for the next update, if that's not too much of a hassle.


Yeah, I asked for some help on github about creating those, especially as my parts are just resizes of existing parts, but they simply pointed me to the wiki. Not really in the mood to read through the whole wiki page for 2 simple part resizes. Planned for the future, but not a priority atm.


  On 12/25/2016 at 11:01 PM, Antonio432 said:

Will SETI-CTT get updated ?



Not planned in the foreseeable future. Best approximation at the moment is installing "Community Tech Tree", "Unmanned Before Manned" and "Unmanned Before Manned Challenge" via ckan. That combination comes pretty close to SETIctt, while providing some more up to date configs and being compatible with the mods using new nodes from the community tech tree (eg KSPIextended).


  On 12/27/2016 at 2:09 PM, SiCaRiO31 said:

Hi! I have a question: im playing currently with SETI UBM challenge, wich means reaction wheels not before 90 science. However, searching in the tech tree, I dont seem to find reaction wheels anywere. Im currently in 45 science. My question is: would reaction wheels become avalible to all the probes/capsules that are already unlocked?


I do not use part upgrades, since they mess with craft files.

But reaction wheels should be available with "miniaturization" at 90 science, that node should also unlock new probe cores which have reaction wheels. @Malah's QuickSearch mod is extremely helpful for finding parts in the tech tree.


It is very nice to see some small and mission efficient rockets, which remind me of the old SETIbalanceMod instead of the stock bigger = better and rush to fuel lines!


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  On 1/3/2017 at 7:23 PM, Yemo said:


Not planned in the foreseeable future. Best approximation at the moment is installing "Community Tech Tree", "Unmanned Before Manned" and "Unmanned Before Manned Challenge" via ckan. That combination comes pretty close to SETIctt, while providing some more up to date configs and being compatible with the mods using new nodes from the community tech tree (eg KSPIextended).




ok, thanks, I am asking because SETI-CTT arranges parts much better, and even with UBM challenge I would never get the same experience as with SETI-CTT, I'll try editing configs to my liking to change the parts of UBM I don't like, for example the Mystery Goo being placed way too far in the tech tree. Also Idk if it's just me but I read something about SETI-CTT being rebooted so does that mean it will be changed in some way ?

Edited by Antonio432
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Just back from a very long KSP break and thought I'd see what mods are 1.2.2 ready and SETI being one of them made me smile.  Thanks @Yemo :)

While checking everything mentioned in the CKAN installion file, however, I did notice a few things that I thought I'd check / report...



  • The CKAN file mentions a dependency on SETIReblanceReactionWheels, but I can't see that in CKAN any where?



  • Now "deceased" and can be removed?
    • AdjustableLandingGear
    • EnhancedNavBall
    • Mk3MiniExpansionPack
  • Redundant / no longer required for 1.2.2, and can be removed?
    • CrossFeedEnabler
    • QuickScroll
    • StockBugFixesModules
  • Replaced by mods with new names?
    • EditorExtension => EditorExtensionsRedux
    • TakeCommand => TakeCommandContinued
    • TweakableEverything => TweakbleEverythingContinued
  • Didn't show up during installation, possibly name changed or a typo somewhere?
    • EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
  • Still in development (but should/may get updated soon)
    • BackgroundProcessing
    • ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor
    • CrowdSourcedScience
    • K2CommandPod
    • StationScience



  • Still in development (but should/may get updated soon)
    • VenStockRevamp


Is it worth updating the installation file with regards to any of these?  (Particularly those replaced by mods with new names, and whatever is wrong with EVE.)

Also, would any of these mods be considered particularly important to the SETI experience?  (Such as BackgroundProcessing?)  Or could they all be considered peripheral / nice to have?


I'm looking forward to many sleepless nights playing this mod, thanks :)

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Good evening!

I'm having a peculiar problem with the "Unmanned Before Manned" mod.
Everything is peachy and the career is going good, unlocking parts categories as they become avaliable, but ... when I research the "Miniaturization" group I somehow does not get the "Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Jr." to use in the SPH/VAB
The port is simply missing from the list of parts (every other part from "Miniaturization" is there though).

Initially I suspected either the "FilterExtensions" or "CommunityTechTree" mods, as I recently updated those, but finally after removing "Unmanned Before Manned" the docking port became avaliable.

Anyone else experiencing this, or perhaps have a solution?


I figured it out myself.
Of some strange reason, the "Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Jr." appears both in the "Miniaturization" and "Adv. Constrruction" group, but only the latter group unlocks the docking port. 



Edited by Deviouz
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Howdy. I opened this bug against RemoteTech because the stats for one (if not more) of the antennas was incorrect. After examining the logs, the author--YamoriYuki--closed the issue with the following comment:


You have two other mods modifying the [Reflectron] DP-10: SETI-Rebalance and UnmannedBeforeManned
The second probably onyl moves the antenna within tech tree but SETI-Rebalance is quite obviously changing things and does not account for RT changes introduced to include new stock antennas.


I figured @Yemo would like to know since there's RemoteTech support in SETI balance mods.


Edited by doktorstick
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Its kind of a shame that CTT is no longer developed :( I really like the idea of this career type. SETI is interesting, but just by itself without a career that fits the new tree, I do not really see the advantage of playing it. 

I read that it "should" work, but I also read that it is no longer developed, meaning that you will be left empty handed as soon as an update will break it.

Anyone aware if this news is still up to date?

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I just through that a link to MandatoryRCS 1.2 might be worth checking out for advanced SETI users that can tweak things around for fun.. Just because it is annoying me despite being very used to nerfed RCS. And I am evil :wink:

Warning for the sake of testing this please switch off the SETI re-balance. Just hide the folder for now.  So far a the mod is running smooth over top of a SETI build and fits in well enough. Don't know if it is worth keeping long term but it has got me interested for now..  


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  On 1/3/2017 at 11:31 PM, Antonio432 said:

ok, thanks, I am asking because SETI-CTT arranges parts much better, and even with UBM challenge I would never get the same experience as with SETI-CTT, I'll try editing configs to my liking to change the parts of UBM I don't like, for example the Mystery Goo being placed way too far in the tech tree. Also Idk if it's just me but I read something about SETI-CTT being rebooted so does that mean it will be changed in some way ?


SETIctt reboot was planned, than not, than again and so on. Everytime it was not planned anymore, the reason was that most of the changes (with slight alterations) made sense for UbM + CTT as well, so they were integrated into UbM. And the main difference was only the reaction wheels and fuel lines available later. Which I then released as the UbM Challenge mini mod available via ckan.

Also note that stuff like mystery goo being available later were planned for SETIctt as well, so there would not be much difference there. I wanted baro and thermometer to come first, but then there would be too much science available in the early game, even with crew reports being available a bit later (though manned airplanes are possible for very little science). So one of the high yield experiments had to be pushed far back. I chose mystery goo, because materials bay (with SETIrebalance) was much more compatible with probes (0.625m diameter container & external pod).


  On 1/5/2017 at 11:48 PM, MatBailie said:

Just back from a very long KSP break and thought I'd see what mods are 1.2.2 ready and SETI being one of them made me smile.  Thanks @Yemo :)

While checking everything mentioned in the CKAN installion file, however, I did notice a few things that I thought I'd check / report...



  • The CKAN file mentions a dependency on SETIReblanceReactionWheels, but I can't see that in CKAN any where?



  • Now "deceased" and can be removed?
    • AdjustableLandingGear
    • EnhancedNavBall
    • Mk3MiniExpansionPack
  • Redundant / no longer required for 1.2.2, and can be removed?
    • CrossFeedEnabler
    • QuickScroll
    • StockBugFixesModules
  • Replaced by mods with new names?
    • EditorExtension => EditorExtensionsRedux
    • TakeCommand => TakeCommandContinued
    • TweakableEverything => TweakbleEverythingContinued
  • Didn't show up during installation, possibly name changed or a typo somewhere?
    • EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
  • Still in development (but should/may get updated soon)
    • BackgroundProcessing
    • ContractConfigurator-AnomalySurveyor
    • CrowdSourcedScience
    • K2CommandPod
    • StationScience



  • Still in development (but should/may get updated soon)
    • VenStockRevamp


Is it worth updating the installation file with regards to any of these?  (Particularly those replaced by mods with new names, and whatever is wrong with EVE.)

Also, would any of these mods be considered particularly important to the SETI experience?  (Such as BackgroundProcessing?)  Or could they all be considered peripheral / nice to have?


I'm looking forward to many sleepless nights playing this mod, thanks :)


Awesome, thank you very much!

I ll take a look at the whole ckan file the next time I have access to my gaming pc, based on your list!

AdjustableLandingGear is really sad, that is/was such a game changer for airplane design. Even if there is only a tiny chance for it to reemerge, I ll leave it in there. Most of the others I ll have to check.

Background processing is tricky, since you have to account for that in terms of battery capacity, with spreadsheats.

Station Science is imho of great importance for that space station aspect of ksp, it really makes a difference there.

Same goes for Anomly Surveyor contract pack. It makes exploration much more interesting. Landing on the mun for the 100th time is boring, visiting the arch is much better motivation. Imho more anomalies should be added.


  On 1/6/2017 at 3:54 PM, aluc24 said:

Hi, @Yemo , I couldn't find if this was mentioned anywhere, but is SETI compatible with Outer Planets mod? If not, are there any plants to add compatibility and balancing?


Should be, as far as I remember, SETIrebalance even increases the range of the biggest remote tech dish to account for OPM distances.


  On 1/9/2017 at 3:33 PM, kcs123 said:

@Yemo, another mod that should be in "must have" recommended list:



Ah, finally being able to do rescue missions, thank you very much! Though was the issue with TAC life support fixed?


  On 1/9/2017 at 9:56 PM, Deviouz said:

Good evening!

I'm having a peculiar problem with the "Unmanned Before Manned" mod.
Everything is peachy and the career is going good, unlocking parts categories as they become avaliable, but ... when I research the "Miniaturization" group I somehow does not get the "Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Jr." to use in the SPH/VAB
The port is simply missing from the list of parts (every other part from "Miniaturization" is there though).

Initially I suspected either the "FilterExtensions" or "CommunityTechTree" mods, as I recently updated those, but finally after removing "Unmanned Before Manned" the docking port became avaliable.

Anyone else experiencing this, or perhaps have a solution?


I figured it out myself.
Of some strange reason, the "Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Jr." appears both in the "Miniaturization" and "Adv. Constrruction" group, but only the latter group unlocks the docking port. 




Whoops, will have to investigate. Might be due to the old ksp bug when updating the tech tree just leaving a visual artefact.


  On 1/9/2017 at 10:22 PM, doktorstick said:

Howdy. I opened this bug against RemoteTech because the stats for one (if not more) of the antennas was incorrect. After examining the logs, the author--YamoriYuki--closed the issue with the following comment:

I figured @Yemo would like to know since there's RemoteTech support in SETI balance mods.



All? remote tech antennas are changed by SETIrebalance, from mass to energy consumption to range and so on. Stock RT values just made very little sense, eg nearly prohibiting solar panel based probe comms from jool, because of the massively unrealistic energy requirements. Or the original remote tech masses, which made even less sense.

The mass values from SETIrebalance were then later adopted by RemoteTech. Unfortunately commnet came along. And the mass balance went out the window again with the new commnet parts being used for remote tech (because remote tech does not distinguish between direct and relay antennas). Since remote tech is planned to change a lot, I simply did not feel that rebalancing the new commnet dishes for remote tech is worth the time, until that is done. I recommend simply not using the new 1.2 ksp dishes when you play with remote tech, especially when you play with SETIrebalance on top of that.


  On 1/14/2017 at 8:01 PM, Frag2000 said:

Its kind of a shame that CTT is no longer developed :( I really like the idea of this career type. SETI is interesting, but just by itself without a career that fits the new tree, I do not really see the advantage of playing it. 

I read that it "should" work, but I also read that it is no longer developed, meaning that you will be left empty handed as soon as an update will break it.

Anyone aware if this news is still up to date?


As stated earlier, "CTT" + "Unmanned before Manned" + "Unmanned before Manned Challenge" via ckan is pretty close to what SETIctt would be now. Except for the procedural parts, which I will do as soon as I have a bit of rl breathing space.


  On 1/20/2017 at 3:53 AM, nobodyhasthis2 said:

I just through that a link to MandatoryRCS 1.2 might be worth checking out for advanced SETI users that can tweak things around for fun.. Just because it is annoying me despite being very used to nerfed RCS. And I am evil :wink:

Warning for the sake of testing this please switch off the SETI re-balance. Just hide the folder for now.  So far a the mod is running smooth over top of a SETI build and fits in well enough. Don't know if it is worth keeping long term but it has got me interested for now..  



Interesting concept. I guess it does not work with the reaction wheel nerf from SETIrebalance? Since SETIrebalance only nerfs reaction wheels when the SETIrebalanceReactionWheels folder is detected, I could simply add the condition that the nerf does happen when this mod is detected and it should work as intended?

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  On 1/20/2017 at 6:13 PM, Yemo said:

Whoops, will have to investigate. Might be due to the old ksp bug when updating the tech tree just leaving a visual artefact.


Yes, it is still that way, when one updates the tech tree position and uses an old save, the item is in the old node, too. However, one can edit the save and remove the changed part from:
Scenario (ResearchAndDevelopment) / Tech / id = simpleCommandModules / part = K2Pod for example. It will be re-added to the coorect place anyway.

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