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[1.1.3] Procedural Parts - Parts the way you want 'em - v1.2.5 July 3


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On 7.5.2016 at 11:30 AM, nebuchadnezzar said:

Still getting exceptions when re-sizing procedural decouplers. Log spam starts after I place the decoupler and change the size. Testing on a stock install in Win x64 with MM and the most recent Procedural Parts release from Github. Here are my logs.

Got exactly the same issue. Causes the context menu to break, its headline vanishes, and I can't open any other context menu. Gets fixed by leaving the VAB and reentering, but makes the decouplers ofc useless.

Realism Overhaul, didn't yet check in vanilla install.

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3 hours ago, Temeter said:

Got exactly the same issue. Causes the context menu to break, its headline vanishes, and I can't open any other context menu. Gets fixed by leaving the VAB and reentering, but makes the decouplers ofc useless.

Realism Overhaul, didn't yet check in vanilla install.

Have the same issu, I don't have realism overhaul installed.  Hac the same issue under 1.1 also

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SO I was building an Apollo style rocket.. and I realized that the Procedural decouplers arnt hollow in the middle which causes crafts to be pushes with excessive force the moment you try to Slide the part of just a lil bit to simulate the RCS thrusters to be tucked In the decouple. Which leads me to ask this... Would it be possible to make a procedural part which is hollow in the middle? Kind of like the stack separator that comes stock with the game? Where you can Change the height of the ring and the Diameters and texture? Has it been done already? But I just haven't found it? Is it a good idea?  I mean one could argue to use stock stack rings but those cant be changed textures and or size.Also I like the Procedural decoupler because you can make it a separator or a decoupler.

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Getting a new slight issue with the rcs tanks, they are only showing 13.5 filled out of 135 when first placed. Not a biggy since most people will be resizing anyway so should notice :)


Have you managed to take a look at the issue I posted a few back, with the smaller RCS tank sizes containing way less total amount than stock? (don't have MFT installed).




Edit: OK so looking a bit more any previous created ships have missing fuel in some but not all tanks, if you fill the tanks up and save the fuel is missing again on load. Kerb Eng also reports the reduced dv, so guess its just not the tweakable interface.

Also the battery amount is not increasing all the time as you increase the size. Clicking off and reopening the menu doesn't help either.

This is with 1.2.3

Edited by Torih
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Having a similar issue with LFO tanks: album. Also having the issue with not full tanks: a ship with three toroidal stock tanks on launch had ~2/3 of LFO in all three tanks.

Bonus: sometimes some or all of the procedural boosters have their nozzle floating meters away from the actual craft. Launching them results in plume going out of that nozzle and actually applying force from it, crashing the whole rocket. I reverted to launch/VAB several times and it went away. This particular booster is, iirc, HBR from SETI Rebalance but afaik it's just a MM config.

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I would love a small enhancement to have the option to change the EFFECT/PLUME used when switching between vacuum and surface types on the SRB. I want to configure the SRB to use the Solidfuel vacuum plume from RealPlumes when using a vacuum bell. Hope that makes sense. Thanks! 

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@NathanKell I've done a test with a fresh install of KSP and only Proc parts and mod manager installed and its still very much broken with 1.2.3.


The fuel volumes don't change most of the time when increasing in steps from the default tank size

Saving and then reloading a craft will remove most of the fuel (not the total space).

Batteries are also affected with the charge not increasing.

And the small RCS tanks contain much less volume for the same size as the stock parts (this has been a bug for a few releases).

Could you take a look when you get chance.



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yes, it works...But I mean, if you want to place multiple engines => you need to use the procedural plate or you need to surface attach them, which could be hard because you could place them on an inverted cone.

You cannot replicate some engine scheme (or at least it's complex - for example QuadX or NineSquare)

Then you need to adjust the fairing height, the node height...

What would be really cool would be a SSTU-like mounting pod:

  • You can choose how many nodes you want, from 1 to 9, maybe more (like the procedural plate does)
  • You can change the top diameter.
  • You can switch the node adjustment: if you choose 4 then you can choose linear 4 or X-4 (SLS) or Radial 4.
  • You can then switch the mode used between various detailled mount (or at least texture): Nasa J2, Saturn, Commande Module mounting pod for the AJ10-137, etc...
  • A node is automatically created 2m under the mount. You can adjust that height.
  • You can toggle decoupler (like the procedural interstage does).
  • Nodes for PF are automatically created arount the mount. You can change their number and the bottom diameter.

That's all! I'm a bit busy developping FRE now, but if there's nobody to work on something like that, I may do it later :) 

Edited by Zarbizaure
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1 hour ago, NathanKell said:

@Torih sorry, I don't touch the stock side of PP (in fact I try not to touch it at all, but the issues it had made RO near-impossible to play, so I stepped in). If @RadarManFromTheMoon isn't around, maybe someone else could volunteer to fix that with a PR?

Ah, just thought you had been looking after it with the last few updates. I've gone back to version 1.2 in the meantime since that's mostly works. :)

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@Zarbizauresince RO engines can be surface attached you don't need to use the PF thrust plate. Just make the tank and attach the engines to it (honestly i don not think i have ever used the PF thrust plate on any of my launchers, be it a replica or something that i threw quickly together).

Some of the other points that you made are completely valid (like the non equal mounts or different styles) but i am not sure if it would fit this mod. Something like a "Procedural Mounts" mod would be nice!

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2 minutes ago, Phineas Freak said:

Something like a "Procedural Mounts" mod would be nice!

I totally thought doing this. If anyone has time to do it, It would be cool, otherwise I will try later :) I will have to learn stuff about procedural meshes though...

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17 hours ago, Torih said:

The fuel volumes don't change most of the time when increasing in steps from the default tank size

Saving and then reloading a craft will remove most of the fuel (not the total space).

Batteries are also affected with the charge not increasing.

And the small RCS tanks contain much less volume for the same size as the stock parts (this has been a bug for a few releases).

Same issue. I thought it might have been Interstellar Fuel Switch, but after removing that, the issue persists. It also happens if you revert to VAB.

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As I started building up a lifter with as much PP and PF parts as possible I (early in the process) recognized the hovering ghost nodes here and there.

Because I never had them before I guess it has to do with either PP or PF.

I also had the issue that after detaching the half of the vessel from the rest and later attaching it back, there were gaps between tanks, thrust plates, fairings etc.

So I tried to re-root and attach the segments back to a whole, but then ...

the game crashed:


6 hours ago, MainSailor said:

Same issue. I thought it might have been Interstellar Fuel Switch, but after removing that, the issue persists. It also happens if you revert to VAB.

I recognized this, too.

Workaround is to move the sliders for the tank contents in the main right-click UI of the parts back and forth. (I hope, as the values shown inside the sliders changed as I did...)

Edited by Gordon Dry
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17 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

I also had the issue that after detaching the half of the vessel from the rest and later attaching it back, there were gaps between tanks, thrust plates, fairings etc.

So I tried to re-root and attach the segments back to a whole, but then ...

the game crashed:


Confirming this, just posted Github issue #203 about this.


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Getting all sorts of weirdness with this latest update.

The changes in tank size aren't reflected in the dv calculations in KER.  You have to detach and reattach a part in order for any part capcity changes to be registered accurately by KER.

Also had a few empty launches.

Rolling back to older version.

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