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what kind of ksp DLC would you like?

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Got no problem with DLC if done with respect to the costumer - as originally planned they're cheap mini expansions. The problem comes when they are not cheap or much of an expansion; i.e. not value for money.

Stuff I'd be happy to pay for? More interesting planets, new mechanics.

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And this, boys and girls, is why I release everything I do under a NC license. Play with it, mash it up, have fun with it. Just don't sell it.

Isn't Squad integrating one of your mods into the game? In which case, it'd be more of "don't sell it without permission."

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Isn't Squad integrating one of your mods into the game? In which case, it'd be more of "don't sell it without permission."

I don't think they're implementing a Karbonite clone, just getting RoverDude to make a in-situ resource system totally-un-related to Karbonite.

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I know they have stated that they plan to continue development after 1.0 release, and I have read somewhere that if they were going to do expansion packs/DLC, then it would be for content that they want, but deviates from the general core of the game. I personally don't mind the idea of buying more content from squad if it is a worth while add on to the game. I personally want to get a colonization/ base building update that is more then just landing rocket parts on other bodies. They need to be large facilities to go to and build up as I continue my conquest of the solar system. I also wouldn't mind some sort of sci-fi pack as well, with things to do in space that is really hard for the modding community to add themselves, but could be done by the developers.

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Personally, I'm not a big fan of DLC: I find it a blatant cash grab for not much value most of the time.

HOWEVER, there are exceptions to this rule, and I could see well-managed DLC being a boon for the game. As mentioned by several people upthread, DLC would be a great way to expand beyond the core of the game itself. Extra star systems besides Kerbol, sci-fi parts to reach them, etc. might be a great DLC option. Some players absolutely drool over the idea and would have no problems paying an extra $5 to have these things in an official, supported way. Meanwhile, other style players might opt for an "uber-realism" pack with extra survivability parts, more realistic physics, etc.

The real trick would be, in my opinion, that Squad wouldn't be able to charge $14.99 for a DLC pack like a bigger developer. $4.99 would probably be a more reasonable price point. And they would have to add a fair bit of value for that $4.99, or as people have mentioned, the players would simply get what they wanted from KSP's absolutely awesome modding community. To this end, Squad might decide that it's simply not worth it and their limited time and resources would be better spent on the next project rather than expanding KSP.

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Before everybody over-reacts, Squad has no plans to issue post-release DLC. On the contrary, they've announced,

We see no better way to follow up on reaching our initial goals than to continue development on Kerbal Space Program, beyond Beta, past our original plans. This means that after 1.0 is out, we will continue on with free updates 1.1, 1.2, and so on.


There are currently no plans for DLC. If any DLC were to be developed in the future it would be in the form of a massive expansion pack. For now, we're focussing on our 1.0 release and the free updates that will be developed after that release, including amongst other features the Multiplayer.
Edited by Vanamonde
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I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of colony management DLC

like a somewhat more intuitive and streamlined MKS

Define streamlined / more intuitive (feel free to ping me off-thread)

Isn't Squad integrating one of your mods into the game? In which case, it'd be more of "don't sell it without permission."

Fair enough tho I'd characterize it as a collaboration vs. straight up integration ;) Tho the point was directed at folks thinking about making modpacks on a for-profit basis. And IMO a large diff. between making you fine folks pay for extra stuff vs. either giving it to you for free (and making sure it stays that way) or (even better) working with Squad to help you get more awesome things :)

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It's been mentioned a few times, but instead of getting involved in the discussions of what content would make for good DLC, I'd like to reiterate our stance on DLC as a whole: there are currently no plans for DLC and if any DLC were to be developed in the future it would be in the form of a massive expansion pack, not small features or fragmented pieces of content. For now, we're focussing on our 1.0 release and the free updates that will be developed after that release, including amongst other things the multiplayer.

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Before everybody over-reacts, Squad has no plans to issue post-release DLC. On the contrary, they've announced,

Well, plans change, right? That said, I didn't know about Squads "day job", as it were. Honestly that probably mean we'll be getting free stuff for a long time.

Also DLCs aren't the only way to make money. To quote Yogurt from Spaceballs: "Merchandising! Where the real money from the movie is made!"

We already see MaxMaps all over that. Who here doesn't want a Jebediah bobble-head for their dashboard? I'd wrestle a bear for one.

And KerbalEdu could be a real money maker. Plus the Pixar movie rights. And the inevitable "Behind the Music" VH1 documentary detailing the scandal after success goes to all the Devs heads and Harvester breaks up the band, followed by a "Hell Freezes Over"-like reunion tour which makes billions.

Edited by technicalfool
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I think people can voice their opposition to DLC without getting quite so, erm, "expressive" as they are doing in this thread. Please do so. Flipping birds is impolite, cruel to animals and generally against forum rules.

And on that note, what would people think if a mechanism were introduced whereby modders can be remunerated for their work? An "app store" for KSP?

It's OK, birds have really good SAS and a Pilot skill of 5. ;)

App Store:

I think it's absolutely fair that modders get a chance to be paid for their work. Squad could get a slice of this, but they should vet the code if they do.

An app store might make it more difficult to "try before you buy". I'd say that 2/3 to 3/4 of the mods I've tried got uninstalled in less than a week. Perhaps we should retain the donation model but have a Squad-approved payment system? I'd be MUCH more likely to donate under that kind of framework. Also, the donation model allows mods to have a bigger audience, and permits the best ones to become almost official due their near universal usage (I'm looking at you KER). Would we be getting dV reports in 1.0 if we'd had to pay for Kerbal Engineer?

I think DLC can be done right. First and foremost, it has to be good value for the money. Secondly they (generally) can't create a massive divide in core gameplay or power levels between the DLC and non-DLC players.

DLC ideas:

-Comets, outer planets, (someone else mentioned) boat parts, and interstellar travel to new systems would work fine as DLC. They're not necessary to the core game.

-Doing something like the ARM pack as DLC would be problematic--The new engines and tanks should be stock, because they'd be "pay to win" otherwise. The asteroids themselves could have been DLC content.

-Career mode could have been an excellent DLC. It's a (adjectives redacted) sub-game on top of an superb game framework. Lots of people love it, but it's not necessary. However, if career mode added a narrative structure/story to the Kerbal universe, it would need to be core.

-A Real Solar System mode would make a FANTASTIC DLC.

EDIT: Kasper, just saw your post. Feel free to edit me as you see fit.

Edited by FleshJeb
Just saw Kasper's post
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Well there you have it: the community has spoken. NO PAID DLC! My two cents is that I have always thought that DLC was just a greedy money grab most of the time. Using first person shooters as an example, if you want me to pay $5 for just a new skin or a single new weapon, then forget it - that is clearly a greedy money grab (Every MMO that exists and Tomb Raider). If you want up to 30% of the original purchase price of the game for an expansion that rivals the size and complexity of the original game, then maybe I'll bite. (Skyrim: Dragonborn)

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I can't see any modders taking part in a system where Squad gets a cut of money paid. I paid Squad for the game; if modders make something and I'm paying someone for the mod, I should just be paying the modders.

As stupid as my idea might have been, servers are generally not free and any paid content would have to be hosted somewhere.

It also seems, at least from a cursory search, that you acquired KSP (and perhaps many other games) via Steam. You... do know that Valve takes a cut there, right?

(And reiterating: Squad are not planning to release DLC.

Squad are not planning to release DLC.

Squad are not planning to release DLC.

Squad are not planning to release DLC.

The app store thing was my idea, not Squad's

(And I am not Squad, I'm just a mod))

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I bought KSP 0.16. Everything I've gotten since then is DLC.

If Squad does decide to release DLC, it would really depend on what they are offering for what they're asking.

"Pay $5, get (current version number)+0.1 with a couple of bug fixes." Hell no. That's not DLC.

"Pay $1, get a blue spacesuit!" type DLC. No thanks. That's just silly.

"Pay $5, and space stations now generate science points over time, with exclusive new science experiments!" This is closer to something worthwhile. It enhances the base game.

"Pay $15, and get new functions to old parts, procedurally generated solar systems, and a planet editor so you can create your own custom systems!" Now we're talking about a full expansion pack that extends the base game in a completely new direction. I remember paying for this sort of stuff back in the days when software came in a box.

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As stupid as my idea might have been, servers are generally not free and any paid content would have to be hosted somewhere.

It also seems, at least from a cursory search, that you acquired KSP (and perhaps many other games) via Steam. You... do know that Valve takes a cut there, right?

(And reiterating: Squad are not planning to release DLC.

Squad are not planning to release DLC.

Squad are not planning to release DLC.

Squad are not planning to release DLC.

The app store thing was my idea, not Squad's

(And I am not Squad, I'm just a mod))

So wait... Is Squad planning on releasing DLC? Because I would totally [insert HATE or LOVE here] that!

Regardless of whether Squad does DLC, which I guess is totally up in the air right now and we have no idea if they will or not, there are three classes of DLC in my opinion:

1. The total ripoff DLC. Example: $4.99 for a cosmetic change that took a modeler a grand total of 2 hours to make.

2. The pay-to-win DLC. Example: $4.99 for a 4000s Isp Nuclear Thermal Rocket with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 50.

3. The additional maps DLC. Example: $4.99 for a new set of planets and moons to explore.

Only the third type would get me to bite. That is, if Squad does DLC. Any word on whether they plan to do DLC or not?

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If by 'DLC', you mean 'what comes next after 1.0 completion', my priority would be to suggest stock multiplayer. After that, kolonization properly and extraplanetary construction, after that working on giving proper life to Kerbin (a few major cities and small settlements to properly explore), after that maybe a limited number of nearby systems, or a massive expansion of the Kerbol system to include a smaller gas giant and a few dozen more moons/mad-crazy asteroids and comets.

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If they were to release an expansion, I would love to see something involving interstellar travel to procedurally generated systems. Yeah, I know they said they don't want to procedurally generate the kerbol system because they want a universal experience that people can talk a out, but surely it is reasonable to provide some uniqueness for extrasolar planets.

If they went that route, perhaps they could devote an expansion (or part of one) to high-concept science fiction ideas like space elevators, solar sails, warp drives, things like that! Relativistic effects would be cool if they had engines which could get you moving really fast like that.

I would love to see an expansion devoted to colonization of the kerbol system. Perhaps including the ability to establish space centers on other planets, which function like KSC, and from which you can build and launch vessels. Maybe terraforming could be part of this?

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None. There are already craptons of part add-ons and plugins there, what's the need.

Should they release a new official content, they should keep it the old way - included in the update and already usable, not "You need to purchase the Eve DLC before setting off there".

How about a solid middle finger to DLCs?

What this guy said.

Pic related:


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None. There are already craptons of part add-ons and plugins there, what's the need.

Should they release a new official content, they should keep it the old way - included in the update and already usable, not "You need to purchase the Eve DLC before setting off there

That's a bit of a strawman, don't you think? Nobody is saying "DLC" (which it has already been stated is NOT planned) would limit your access to KSP in its final state. Furthermore, not everything that fits the scope of an expansion pack (I say expansion pack because I believe if they go that route it will add significantly new content and be able to stand alone with all of its features) is possible to create in an add on due to the limited access that modern have to the deeper code that runs the game.

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Serious science mode, where science is about detailed examination of each planet, with well programed geology, atmosphere, and xenobiology aspects.* This is expressed through charts and planetary overlays accessible in the science center. You get tools like drills, ground penetrating radar, geiger counters, magnetometers, theodolites, lasers, and chemicals you can mix with samples to thoroughly investigate a planet's surface. Move a certain distance, and readings will change- the system is set up to be detailed and continuous, rather than broad and discrete like the current biome system.

Stations and bases where you can do research in medical, physical, or chemical fields, which boosts your rep, and earns you a funding from scientific institutions. Also experiment contracts, such as tests kerbinstien's theory of relativity by transmitting signals while on the opposite side of the sun to Kerbin.

*But not necessarily always 100% realistic. More like 70%

Science that you can do thoroughly, rather than the current way of clicking to collect points, then getting out of there.

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I don't think DLC is a bad thing itself, it's how some company's COUGH COUGH UBISOFT & EA implement DLC. Company's like Firaxis do DLC right (some big ones that add a different playstyle to their games, and some small ones that are really cheap to make expand the experience a tiny bit.) Stuff like Day One DLC and Bug Fix DLCs are bad.

That being said, I don't think KSP is a game that would do good with DLC. It's a sandbox game. Most sandbox games don't need/have DLC. It's the mods that expand the experience for the player and how they choose to play. Besides, KSP is over $20 dollars and it should stay at the price it is right now for the full experience.

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