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  1. Past hour
  2. Mysterious breakages. We don't know why. @Deddly and @Anth tinkered with things until it seems to be fixed, at least for the moment.
  3. It's you know, an incredible amount of work, but yes. Yeah I can't effectively support non-stock scales. Yes. First priority after RestockPBR.
  4. I do not know but I have moved your thread to the sub where someone might. Good luck.
  5. I like it. Meanwhile, thread moved the craft sharing sub.
  6. Your thread has been moved to the place where you might find some suggestions. Good luck.
  7. Not really applicable: When air density (not pressure! Molar mass of the atmosphere and, I think, also temperature affect density) is equal, in Kerbin you are fighting 3.33x as much gravity as on Duna Just use the cheat menu to test the design in sandbox/a different save
  8. You’ve just described exactly what precision control mode is supposed to do. It’s meant to reduce RCS thrust to make more precise manoeuvring easier e.g. docking. It greatly reduces the visual effects too, so it can look like you’re getting no thrust.
  9. By putting that Kerbinside folder into the Gamedata folder, I think it wants to merge the two Kerbinside folders (since the folders have the same names) and it is asking if I should replace or skip files with the same names. How should I proceed?
  10. I want to make igniting engines require a certain amount of one resource as well as a certain amount of another, is that something i can do with this mod?
  11. It’s not compatible and breaks a lot of things if you try. The RO devs disabled it for a reason.
  12. A few hints for you: Put a single large solar panel on the top of your satellite, or rotate the four you have to be angled forwards. Only one panel will get sunlight at a time in your current design, but if they all face the same way then you can get much more power. When launching to a periapsis insertion (which is the default), your apoapsis will be on the opposite side of the Earth to your launchsite. Since you’ll need to burn prograde there to boost your orbit, if you launch just as the sun is setting and go east, you’ll be pointing roughly towards the sun when you reach your apoapsis and your solar panels will be facing the sun if you put them on the top. For a polar orbit it’s a bit harder, but you could try putting a single large solar panel on the top, facing to one side and positioned to prevent torque on the unguided stage, and then launch north or south at sunrise or sunset; use roll control to point the solar panel at the sun before doing the final boost burn, however this means you won’t get any spin stabilisation. I don’t remember the specific orbital requirements for this contract. Do you need such a high apoapsis? There will always be some element of manual input required, especially with unguided stages, however you can use PVG to launch to the parking orbit and then use maneuver planner to do the rest in a mostly automated manner. Your delta-V doesn’t seem that far off considering you’re launching to a high inclination orbit with a relatively short burning rocket and a relatively low TWR off the pad. You might be able to launch to that parking orbit with a much lighter probe and/or kick stage.
  13. Just install both on their default directories. It's better not to mix them, as some assets may be tied to their original location on the file system. Once you learn your way on them, you will be able to further customize them but until there, it's better to stick with the defaults.
  14. It's just The Way It Is... One of my favorite ones - loved the movie, by the way.
  15. Would that be done by dumping the components of the older Kerbinside file into the newer one (or vise versa), or would I copy the Centers, Core Assets, etc of the older Kerbinside into the newer one (or vise versa)? Maybe some other way?
  16. Today
  17. Dumb question - does "Installing the FTS" mean a fully live system? If so, why install the FTS inside a potentially critical piece of infrastructure like that building? I write this as a guy who was fairly comfortable handling and setting up explosives back in the day - but I have questions. Do they leave the mechanical/electronic triggers disconnected until a certain point?
  18. Yes, I cleared all mods from GameData before installing CKAN. I tried to manually spot the collision between mods, but everything had seemed to work with eachother. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/h29s9fnodouojdckosdas/files.txt?rlkey=r15zubkx7bkyte03ib1ajbk63&st=w00zy76y&dl=0
  19. Is there a basic tutorial available on the steps necessary to add a new Parallax scatterer to a custom planet? I'd even be happy with just a list of minimal files necessary to add one scatter. I studied the files on the Parallax Stock Textures project and using Duna's files as a guide attempted to add similar scatterers to learn how to add rocks and other surface features to a planet. Unfortunately I must be missing a key step because no scatter objects render on my custom planet ( they do on Duna and other stock worlds so I know Parallax is installed correctly). Scanning through the ksp log, I found this exception which I suspect is related to the issue right after I use the map view to jump to a test vessel I landed on it: [LOG 13:08:08.837] [ParallaxScatter] Camera mode changed! Regenerating scatters on [EXC 13:08:08.847] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Parallax.ParallaxInFlightOperations.Update () (at <0e26430d33fd4934bd1a6a58ed73bfc6>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) Clearly, something isn't getting assigned in the Update() method, but unfortunately the log gives no line numbers or other clues which statement in there is failing and it's a pretty long method with a lot of places where a null object has the potential to be encountered. Hoping it's a pretty simple matter of me just missing a config or setting that I overlooked.
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