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  1. Past hour
  2. Not sure if starting up engines would bring the risk matrix lower or higher in the case of, say, 1 lost chute, when the impact velocity is not that high Also I'm pretty sure starting up even just a pair of them would probably have enough oomph to counter all of the parachutes, since they're built to tear the capsule + full trunk away from the rocket at a pretty good clip.
  3. Well, you can wait for Zorg's update on the Boring Crew Services mod by DylanSemrau. Look at the latests pages for some eye candy
  4. I love KSP and I love Excel, thank you for your hard work.
  5. Today
  6. Sen, the outfit focused on streaming 4k video from space, will be streaming the Crew-9 docking tomorrow in 4k and the camera will then be mounted on the ISS https://www.sen.com/
  7. And then on a pad at KSC. That would drop the price of resupply even more. I’m also hoping that for crew backup they move from “if all chutes fail” to “thrust enough to account for any lost or tangled chutes”. In other words the super dracos would throttle up enough to keep the velocity nominal no matter the cause
  8. While Mission Control awaited the Albatros Kerbin-Encounter-Burn, two rockets waited on pads A and B. Pad A was Icarus, the capsule that would go up and rendezvous with Albatros once it had made orbit. The second was Muna 18, which had been on standby while the Duna mission was underway, but now that matters were on coast for a few months it was decided to go ahead and execute the mission, a seismic study near a previously landed probe on Mun. Muna 18 with Commander and Engineer Ducas Kerman, civilian university professor Kircan Kerman, and the perfectly named computer scientist Mactop Kerman launched to orbit. Using just enough thrust to ensure the mainstage fell back to Kerbin, Muna 18 made orbit, followed 30 minutes later by its injection to Mun. This was the first time that the Program would have 2 crewed missions engaged simultaneously, though everyone was presuming it would be a smooth ride with Albatros having nothing to do but eat and sleep. Tansted sent well wishes to her rookie compatriot in the science department as they watched the launch on its expected delay. In just 4 hours Muna 18 would be plotting their breaking burn into Mun orbit.
  9. I know this exists but it hasn't been updated in a while and the textures are meh
  10. Oh, that's right, I forgot they dumped them on the cargo variant.
  11. Yesterday
  12. When building the Duna base, they were separate objects. Doesn't really matter anyway. The Recycle UI doesn't change when they're still docked either.
  13. Sorry i have no clue. EVA engineer is for MKS ( i right click a part and i can recycle it). Why do you detach them ?
  14. I didn’t think cargos Dragons were actually equipped with SuperDracos, but maybe the new versions are. Or they could use an end-of-life full crew Dragon for cargo.
  15. At some point where they decide to decommission a cargo Dragon they should not use chutes and land it on a drone ship.
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