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  2. https://jamestemplephotography.pixieset.com/spacexstarship7explosion2025-phonewallpaper/?fbclid=PAY2xjawH665dleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABpoWZuh2n_h0tNEFWyhEdbi7o3TNJ0g-4EC4dC4BN4ZriFbWTrq8IXjyOnw_aem_xWCgVWX0mUY61lM243q_hA If someone wants some amazing wallpapers/prints of the flight 7 breakup
  3. Today
  4. Being used to grow the purple carrots. Why did the Dutch breed the orange kind?
  5. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poinant
  6. You posted about posting, which was again posting. You CHEATER!
  7. I chimed in earlier about expendable second stage. To me, Booster is ready for action as a heavy lift platform - but we need a second stage that can deploy stuff to space. Starship is designed for landing on Mars, the Moon or Earth once complete. But it doesn't look like the optimal platform for getting something really cool like a ridiculously large telescope. That would need a TradSpace solution, IMO. I really, really want to see some kind of major science package (Cosmology, rather than solar-system-planetary) get off the ground and out in the void, Sciencing. Webb took way too long to get off the ground - and seeing as how lift has changed - we could really lean into the ridonkulous!
  8. Calling 911 to get positive help. ?egap wen kool yeH .yas dluoc uoy wonk uoy diD
  9. 7813 A shortening of my .egap wen kool yeH I see.
  10. How planets are not delicious ice-cream, confounds all knowledge of the Minmus science conducted so Jebediah could
  11. Banned from thinking. (Because the companies trying to sell you their latest stuff don't like it. If you think then you might realise that you don't need a fridge connected to the internet that networks with your car. Nothing like a hacker holding your cheese for ransome.) Banned from feeling stupid, we are only human, and that is a good thing.
  12. The plumbing. New downcomers in that section. Engines no significant changes.
  13. Well, firstly, I'd try removing MPE, since that's not currently supported, and the stock system being nuked could very likely be causing MPE to have problems loading too, which in turn could conceivably cascade to other errors (even if it's not, the objects are likely to be in odd spots, potentially even directly intersecting EoE objects). There may be compatibility added at some point in the future, but work towards that hasn't been started at present, and it's yet to be worked out which mod will actually be the one providing the support for the other. But one thing that makes me less sure that's the issue it's currently hitting, and this is kinda strange, looking at the body log is that it's failing to load at the first regional PQS mod, suggesting something wrong with Kopernicus Expansion - but as far as I can tell from your KSP.log, KopEx has loaded just fine, so it ostensibly shouldn't be having any problems there. It's possible that something in a more recent Kopernicus version might have changed things somehow, in which case rolling back might fix it (198 was most recent at the time of the last release, though if it was the Kopernicus version that could have happened anywhere after that). I'd also try trimming your mods down to the minimum, at least initially, in case one of them is to blame (if it does end up being one, you can always gradually reinstall them until you find the problematic one). I don't see any other mods that I know can cause errors like that, but I also don't see any real cause for that PQS error at all, so it's worth a check. Also on that front, you only need one of EoE-VisualEnhancements and EoE-VolumetricVE; they're both self-contained visual addons, due to Scatterer being a bit different with volumetrics too, so with both you'll end up having awkwardly doubled-up visuals that might not even load properly at all.
  14. What’s the scuttlebutt on Discord and on Forum.NasaSpaceflight.com about the origin point of the leaks in the Starship in the last flight, the engines or the plumbing? If it were the engines then that is concerning because leaking Raptors was a focal point from the FAA after a prior failure in regards to items SpaceX needed to fix. The Raptors should not be still leaking fuel and catching fire this late in their development. There is no doubt that SpaceX knows the origin of the leaks. During the prior tests of the Starship landing procedures there were cameras in the engine bay that were able to image leaks when they occurred: What Happened to Starship SN11? | SpaceX Starship SN11 Test Flight & Explosion Cause Analysis. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx5eG9w2IgvyX_3yKJea8kUCbYcrNHpF1F?si=OYbJQXNgy-CbuguI There is no doubt such cameras are still in the engine bay during the Superheavy/Starship test flights. Bob Clark
  15. Hi everyone, Iam having trouble running Kerbal Space Program. Whenever I launch the game, all I get is a black screen with no visuals, although I can hear the background music and sounds. I have tried the following steps to fix it: Verifying the game files through Steam. Updating my GPU drivers and ensuring my system is up to date. Reinstalling the game entirely. Running the game as an administrator and trying compatibility mode. Iam using Windows 11 with an NVIDIA GTX 1660, 16GB RAM, and the latest game version from Steam. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Could this be related to graphics settings, a mod, or something else? Any advice or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated!
  16. Very odd. I will investigate this. I haven't received this report from anyone else so I am not sure what could be causing this. I tried downloading any mod that I saw in @Alpha188s log that could potentially cause a conflict but I was unable to replicate this on my system. @DVQuill could you post your log?
  17. Granted, it sinks to the bottom and all the wildlife in the general area are killed due to rubidium poisoning and the bigassing of rubidium hydroxide. I wish for me to secure the rights to my music
  18. Banned for thinking you're stupid.
  19. Nice, thank you guys I remember checking the label menu before, just didn't notice you can attach properties to them. Yep, wasn't there for me but easy enough to create it myself
  20. Great, so it looks like they fixed them. You are the second confirmation that things are now working correctly with the store files. Thanks for checking.
  21. @Anth Install worked just fine for both DLCs, and the main game did not have the build number error.
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