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  2. To balance out because they don't use fossil fuels. How long to bike around the Moon?
  3. It reaches out, it reaches out. Result of me matryoshka dolling fairings in my restarted career save to land probes on Eve and not wanting to decouple the booster for the last probe. FAR probably got super confused, things started spinning and... It reaches out.
  4. But this has literally never been the case. I've been able to run it for nearly ten years exactly as it was before this CKAN update... It also doesn't work. Setting GameData to recursively remove write-only does nothing because it comes back immediately the next time I open the properties window. The uh... the game started, though. What? Like... what? "Literally absolutely nothing changed in the software, but it works now." needs to be a slogan of some sort. Thank you, truly, for your help. And that's doubly strange, because I don't allow those to happen at all.
  5. I will assume you meant 2mb. I can't annoy a Windows fanbase because there isn't one.
  6. Don't inject yourself with Bantox.
  7. Yep, everyone loves bringing an aviation historian to the parties. I just call it like it is... But F-104 is damn sexy. Soo many innovations and the one that was deadliest was the combination of the state of engine technology with the ultra-thin wing. 1st aircraft armed with a 20mm M61 Vulcan Gatling cannon 1st aircraft in production with higher than Mach2 speed Many Time to height/time to climb records Destroyer of my favorite Semi Truck. She went BIG! But she wasn't worth the cost to make her. Just my opinion
  8. Make sure you've got the latest version of SOCK installed, the nodes have been adjusted to allow the RMM SSMEs to fit and the OMS engines no longer stick out of the pods
  9. So my career has been progressing, but I have run into the issue that most of my moon probes burn up in atmo when I return... Sadly So I switched to Kerbin probes... this is 30 seconds after payload seperation between a higher performance Redstone (literally just more fuel and a couple SRBs for takeoff) and the ground science probe based on Agena parts mostly... I am using the Baluttes because they work great with BDB (too bad there is no 0.9375m or 4.25m diameter versions!~) And as you can see, I have a Balutte on my payload... and back through the central hole of the ring... another Balute? Yep the Rocket itself is recovered via Balutte and Parachute! Works great! Also, now that the Minuteman parts are in BTA... Proper Saturn II INT-19 can be made:
  10. Well, to be fair KSP2 hadn't completely crashed and burned and exploded got killed to death by that point
  11. F-104... the sexiest Piece of junk to come out of the Lockheed and Kelly Johnson's head. Actual usable roles: Sounding rocket replacement... killer of pilots... nothing else *Test Pilot trainer, sucker of funds from all of NATO/OTAN* Looks: out of sight Capabilities: Wut? Performance: Way ahead of the pack but not useful
  12. Today
  13. Hello, @linuxgurugamer can you adopt this mod?
  14. Been really interested in the F-104 recently, mostly because my RP-1 contract needs Mach 2 broken and it's the coolest looking plane for the job. Is it a stretch to ask about the NF-104? Maybe just the AR2-3 on the back of it? Possibly a stretch. Buuuuuuut X-15 IS a plane, so.... At least, what is your personal opinion on the plane regardless of BDB, @CobaltWolf?
  15. IFT-3 got far enough into flight to need tiles and was lost for the same reason that tiles are needed, but tiles were not the problem.
  16. I did hear something odd about the specific impulse being 40s less than the 460s of the Centaur upper stage, and I did see a few extra seconds of the Centaur's RCS firing perpendicular to the stage after MECO.
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