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  2. I have over 2,000 hours in KSP 1 going back to March 2013. I run campaigns with dozens of stations, probes, refineries, fuel tugs and transfer stages. I am not "inexperienced" and when I'm trying to manage as many craft at a time as I do, I am not going to fly every one of hundreds of ascents, transfers and rendezvous manually. But hey, you do you.
  3. Nothing wrong at all. Unless you are in charge of making KSP2. I really don't care how anybody plays. I do like to point out to people who enjoy using mechjeb that yes, docking like mechjeb is boring, but you go play the game how you want to. My point is that somebody who most likely uses mechjeb to dock was in charge of KSP2. This is like if someone who uses all the control aids in MSFS was in charge of the whole game. I'm not saying they are playing the game wrong. I am saying that they will never know the joys of shooting an instrument landing approach since it is way outside their comfort zone. Yeah, lol, I know. Calm down, I said I was making a video. Obviously its not fun for you or you would do it
  4. I agree, I find these discussions to be like any other "is Fender better than Gibson" or "is Toyota better than Honda" arguments. Both engines have their strengths and weaknesses, but importantly, both are built with assumptions that the game world will be an infinitely flat surface where "up" is a vector that points in the same direction everywhere. This alone makes any off-the-shelf game engine a thing that must be worked around to get the transforms and physics correct. That said, trying to do a custom game engine for a game like KSP would require, in itself, at least another dozen engineers and would add no less than two years to the development time.
  5. Floor 4960: A temple on the Mun. The marble pillars were carved into rockets, SRBs, and space plane designs. Inside the temple are two fireplaces. One is the fire of KSP1. The other are the embers of KSP2, smothered out but barely still hot.
  6. Astronomers at the Southport Public Observatory have made the announcement of two major planets orbiting Gememma. After the discovery that the blue planet next to Gememma, now called Mandrake and Rutherford, was in fact a double planet with its own moons, there was a rush of enthusiasm for finding more such planetary companions. Gememma was known to have another companion, though it spent much of its time hidden in Gememma's glare. New techniques have allowed the southern astronomers to determine that there certainly exists another planet, now known as Digress. Having been mistaken earlier in the year as distant planetary nebula Gildmore-17, it has now been conclusively identified as an apparition of Gememma's more transient visible planet. Digress has no large companion, but it does seem to have a system of satellites rivalling the complexity of that of Valyr and Mesbin, if not Reander. Further, researchers at the Southport Public Observatory have run a replication study on the orbit of Ogilvy Mesoman's new planet, and have published new and more accurate orbital data on the planet. Planet Ogilvy was discovered beyond the ecliptic plane of the Gememma system late last month, quite unlike where any planets were expected to be found. Initial mass estimates put it at around the mass of Rutherford. One Southport astronomer claims to have detected a satellite, but this has not yet been confirmed photographically. Whirligig World's next update will include two new planetary systems orbiting Gememma, bringing the tally of gas giants orbiting Gememma up from two to four. Ammenon Lowel Ollym Gannovar G1 Gallant Digress Reginar Snojii Razthys Monwaea Mandrake Rutherford Lozon Beagrid Jancy Tatian Ogilvy Surrey Horsell Erda Pragnik The new planets, bolded, have been designed and built by Wolf-Rayet (@Exo's Lab), as her style is artistically and stylistically a good match for Whirligig World. Her previous work in Whirligig World includes the Pragnik revamp from the last update, though her style has further progressed since then. As a result of including Ogilvy, Pragnik has been moved outward from a 2:3 resonance with Mandrake to a 2:3 resonance with Ogilvy, in fact putting Pragnik at the end of a resonance chain. The new objects bring Whirligig World up to a total of 60 planets. Moon System (potentially minor spoilers) You may have noticed a few unaccounted for orbit lines... THERE'S MORE TO EXPLORE HERE.
  7. And so do I. I use MJ to get the rendezvous and zero out acceleration, but then I just point the two docking ports at each other and slowly fly in. Nothing wrong with that method. Keep in mind that your experience is not going to be the same experience anyone else has. Your mileage will vary. How you play the game is not how anyone else will play it. I will never dock entirely manually. I will always use MJ to some degree/extent. You do you. For my own experience...no, it is not fun to sit and fiddle with the controls for hours just to get docked. Nobody in real life would ever try to do this manually. That is why we have computers. Crashing when docking after spending an hour or more just lining it up isn't fun. Not to me, anyhow.
  8. Today
  9. No, it's not on CKAN- mostly just because I never use it and I don't really want to bother with setting it up.
  10. I bet he did once or twice to say he did, then used mechjeb because docking is the opposite of instant gratification. see, this is what I'm getting at when I say people are inexperienced*. People start using mechjeb after a while because "it gets old." The first time your docked, you did, dock, yes, but you were absolute garbage at it. So was I, So was everybody else. You don't get good at it all of a sudden either. I mean Matt Lowne still uses the beginner way, doesn't he? Think of it like working out or learning an instrument; you have to push past the point where your brain says "ok I get it, but this is not 'fun' anymore." You have to practice until it is almost a reflex. I've done thousands of dockings and I still screw up, but the one thing I never think its boring. I'll throw together a video to show you what I mean. You can make it interesting, I promise. *Edit: If you are inexperienced, you may be missing out on fun you never realized was there.
  11. Today, I've launched the Zap (Paz in reverse spanish) Station. The hardest part was to not exceed 850K on some parts in the fairings. The rocket: the station Inspired from one-day-it-will-exist-IRL Gateway Station
  12. Heellll yeah! I need some time to test these patches further (mainly science balance, also BetterSRB has been throwing some B9 errors I couldn't figure out yet ), and then will post the link here
  13. Sounds like a similar problem. Are you using kopernicus, AND what version of Kerbalism are you using? Also, are these stock panels or from a mod like Near Future?
  14. Hi @RoverDude! Just wanted to ask nicely for a permission to post here some personal edits I did to learn MM patching and tweak Sounding Rockets to my liking. That includes: PartVariant compatibility with new "serious" stockalike theme (had to edit your texture for that) Stock science rework + Kerbalism compatibility. I rewrote every experiment to give them different use cases and encourage making of different sounding rockets and tweaking them for each launch (to reach higher, to stay in air longer, to land safely with samples after high hop), also multiple launch programs as some experiments take quite some time to yield full science RocketSoundEnhancement compatibility with custom engine sounds BetterSRB compatibility with their grain profiles and thrust curves
  15. Are you sure you really removed FreeIVA? The exception is happening on a FreeIVA code...
  16. Why exactly is the orientation of a spacecraft its "attitude"?
  17. Granted. Just use the towel. I wish to rhyme the "bowel".
  18. I think the Unity vs Unreal engine discussion is somewhat pointless. None of the engines is natively set-up to handle things like: Conservation of energy/stable orbits when multiple physics parts loaded, that interact with each other but should exert net zero force Gracefully handle the many coordinate system changes required to cover interstellar distances Orbital mechanics Floppy rockets are mostly an issue with the joint model. There'd be better way to handle that in Unity, too. I don't really believe the Unreal Engine would have averted the issues with KSP 2 in any way, and besides the game likely to look prettier in the end I think there is little real advantage to use Unreal instead. With Unity generally being easier to mod, I don't mind sticking with it.
  19. Granted. A random string of code that represents vocal sounds corrupts the means of manufacturing and their various control systems. What transpires is the a scenario straight out of Zero Horizon Dawn where everything on the earth surface is consumed all to continuously manufacture the symbols of this alphabet. You are welcome. I wish the avoid becoming converted into a vowel.
  20. Is this discord server still up its not working edit: the link on the top original post to the discord doesnt work but i found it through the link on the wiki
  21. That's the thing... I've already tried everything on my side. I deleted and reinstalled KSP with only KSRSS and no other mods, the issue is still there. I think @ballisticfox0 is the person currently in charge of the KSRSS repository (? correct me if wrong) and probably could give some insight on what causes this issue, since I'm out of ideas.
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