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  1. This will likely be where I upload pictures of stuff that I've made in KSP! If you don't like it, blame it on @adsii1970, as he told me the community liked screenshots.
  2. Campaña Duna-Ike Mod principales utilizados, necesarios: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/182679-161-restock-revamping-ksps-art/ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72679-1 https://spacedock.info/mod/1820/MastodonPatch Regresando a utilizar el Kerbal, y tras reveer todas las modificaciones sufridas por el 1.10 y la versión del ScanSat que utilizo, reinicié la campaña que llevo en modo Ciencia ( por chiquicienta vez... ) Tras la recolección en modo desplazamiento de caracol de todo lo que podía obtener de Kerbin, Muna y Moho, pude rediseñar las naves para comenzar la exploración del sistema Kerbol en su conjunto. En un primer paso, si se puede aprovechar las ventanas de lanzamiento o dar la potencia necesaria a los vectores, ya se han enviado algunas unidades capaz de realizar la topografía de los cuerpos. Nave Mensajero. Contiene dos unidades Horus para realizar la cartografía de un cuerpo celeste. Moho ya está siendo cartografiado, en poco tiempo seguirá Eve y posiblemente su luna Gilly, y por último, Duna e Ike. Horus desplegado en Moho Por una circunstancia fortuita dada las pruebas de una nave superpesada con impulsores nucleares, se ha aprovechado una ventana para enviar una unidad topográfica a Eeloo. Impulsor Nuclear Cosmos transportando una versión del Horus, camino a Eeloo Ahora bien, aprovechando la proximidad de la ventana de lanzamiento a Duna, se diseño y probó un sistema de equipos que pueda operar tanto en Duna como en Moho, con lo cual se cubre un amplio espectro de planetas y satélites a visitar con un mismo equipo. La intención es que el impulsor nuclear que se utiliza sea recuperable, o sea pueda regresar a Kerbin, ser reabastecido en órbita y vuelto a enviar a otro planeta. Lo mismo cuenta con el módulo de descenso y exploración. No serían recuperables los satélites de comunicaciones, el vehículo de exploración, las unidades de marcación, y tal vez una unidad diseñada para recuperar el módulo de exploración ante inconvenientes de acoplamiento o falta de combustible durante las maniobras. Se espera que la unidad de exploración tripulada pueda realizar varios descensos y ascensos tanto en Duna como en Ike. Para ello se construyo el concepto modular Viajero. Este es el concepto modular más completo ya que posee: Impulsores Nucleares ( 2 ) Unidad de Recuperacion Orbital ( 1 ) Rover y Equipo de descenso ( 1 ) Módulo de Satélites de comunicaciones ( 1, con cuatro satélites ) Módulo de Unidades de Descenso para evaluar los sitios a ser visitados ( 1, con ocho unidades ) Lo mínimo a retornar debe ser un Impulsor Nuclear y el Módulo de Exploración y Control. La máxima serían que retornen ambos impulsores, sumado el módulo de Recuperación Orbital. El Módulo de Exploración y Control tripulado, tiene capacidad de realizar minería a fin de reabastecerse de combustible. Por eso resulta necesario conocer de antemano la composición del terreno, y ante la circunstancia que cuando lleguen las misiones tripuladas, todavía no se encuentre realizado el relevamiento cartográfico de las unidades Horus, se decidió utilizar los vehículos Marca. Viajero abandonando la órbita de Kerbin en dirección a Duna. Impulso nuclear a plena potencia. Viajero a la distancia Jeb al comando de Viajero. La tripulación es completada por Bill y Bob. La Nave tiene una capacidad total de cinco tripulantes. A fin de repartir la carga de la exploración, y a modo de respaldo de la misión, se ha enviado otra unidad Viajero, pero de menor número de módulos, no cuenta con los Marcadores de Superficie ni con los Satélites de Comunicación. La tripulación de Viajero Beta está compuesta por Valentina, Sally (Ride) y Hedy (Lammar). Viajero Beta abandonando la órbita de Kerbin. Todavía está acoplado el módulo de reabastecimiento a fin de proveer el máximo posible de combustible para resguardar el del propio diseño. Espero que si no hay cambios significativos en la versión del KSP ni de los mod que estoy utilizando, esta vez pueda subir las imágenes del resultado de la exploración Duna-Ike.
  3. Fortunately for that there are the mods! Although my computer-potato doesn’t handle very well Kerbal Konstruction and Kerbin Side ... anyway I would like to be recommended names for the "cities" that appear in the excellent lands textures courtesy of Galileo and his SVE. To fulfill the appetite for images, I made some maps and a little analysis of those lights in Kerbin's night. In my "Kanon" the population of kerbals is about 10 million distributed in 141 cities. There are 36 major cities (Red), some 24 medium-sized cities (yellow) and 81 small cities (blue). Of these 141, 90 are in the grasslands, 31 in the shores, 11 in the deserts, 8 in the badlands and 2 in the highlands. No cities are visible on islands, mountains, the tundra or in the polar regions. I also noticed the absence of cities in this area, which could be an indication of some social or environmental event in Kerbin's history. That's it, choose cities (they are numbered) and propose names if you wish. Also comment if you want to continue adding these maps, for some reason I find it entertaining to make them
  4. A month ago I made a map of Kerbin. At first it was just a map but as I began deciding to write stories about KSP, I decided I needed more stuff. So I began writing a history and developing the Kerbal society. You can use this history in your own works but I do ask that you credit me if you do. Here is the map - (Also a work in progress) I am open to suggestions and help as it will make this map even better. A massive thank you to @Pds314 for these amazing color maps (all the maps are located here): TABLE OF CONTENTS: (Will add links as pages are created) Maps Pre-History (10,000 BSP -5,000 BSP)* Rise of the Kingdom of Acnalb-Ayalp The Age of Revolutions Rise and Fall of the United Kerbal Republic The Great Anatom war The Rise of the KKF The History of Spaceflight Timeline The countries (Detailed info about each country): Aisur Alusninep Anatom Harvester-Massif Kerbal Island Republic (KIR) Kerbal Kommunist Federation (KKF) Kingdom of Acnalb-Ayalp Kraken's Claw Nis Erbmon Nopaj North Anatom Odalegnoc-Arriet Ogal Retarc United Kerbal Republic West Kolfus Woomera Currently used in: The original map that I used came from: @Pds314's map, located here: Or the map can be downloaded here: *BSP = Before Space Flight
  5. How do I add custom static clouds in the sky without using eve? Like, clouds actually in the sky that you can fly through.
  6. Hello everybody, My problem is, that I want to make a space station around the Kerbin. I have separated the station to 9 parts, what i need to launch. I have 2 more parts and i don't know why, the eights (8) part I launched and when i'm approaching the station at 200 meters the station destorys itself completly. The station is with persistent rotaion oriented with radial in, to Kerbin. I'm controlling the station with a standard coupola, i control from here. So when i approach it, the station I don't know, possibly to normal or antinormal orienting instant itself and after that it's collapsing to little parts. I tried to switch the controlling module, but it doesn't worked. I tried to disable autostruts, it doesn't worked, i tried to disable the SAS, it doesn't worked, i tried to disable the Persistent Rotation mod, it doesn't worked (Before this I never had problems with the persistent rotation mod, and I think, that now not this is the problem too). I tried to enable in the cheat menu (alt+F12) these unbreakable joints, unlimited heat resistence and i dont know what yet (the first 3 things not including the gravity), but it doesn't worked too. Oh yeah, and when I switch to the station it happens this thing too with it. Only in warp I can make the switch without destroying itself, and when I turn off the warp, it destroys itself too. I don't know how to fix this, but please help me guys, because I worked on this station many hours and days. Thanks! :) And guys so sorry for my bad english, i tried the best to be understandable! :)
  7. Ok, this is the first time playing in Career mode, basically first time playing the game and I need some recommendation. I have started venturing outside the Kerbin influence. I don't have any mod, but I'm using the calculators to reach other planets: https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/#/Kerbin/100/Eve/100/false/ballistic/false/1/1 https://ksp.olex.biz/ So, I have reach Eve without problems. I have more than 5600m/s of delta v. I tried to overestimate the fuel. One of my problems, is that rotating inverse? or rotating to Eves retrogade I have a few questions: - Should I change the direction of the rotation of the ship? - I understand the Ejection angle and the Phase angle (although I'm eyeballing most of the time), how can I measure the ejection inclination? - Without any other mod, is it possible to get this angles? - How should I return to Kerbin? BTW, Its the year 30 and day 147. The calculator recommends the best window will come on the year 31 day 51, but I'm trying to force the return. Thanks
  8. Hi, I’m relatively new at KSP. I’ve been doing sandbox but switched to science mode. When I splash down on Kerbin successfully the EVA button is unavailable. I was hoping to collect some science outside the capsule. I am able to EVA in space. Do I need to unlock EVA on Kerbin for some reason? My capsule is intact and upright. Mk1 Command Pod. Thanks.
  9. So, first: I know it is kind of selfish this thread, so I think that when you answer my question I will delete this, second: I wrote this here as I guess it fits well with "questions and gameplay" I guess. So, here there is what is happening: I need someone to calculate an absurd amount of Delta-V. And with absurd I mean a grand tour (actually not really "grand") of the kerbol system: a flyby of Dres, Moho, Kerbin, maybe Eeloo, and maybe maybe maybe a Moho lander. All in one. Without mining. I know, it is crazy, but what I just need the Delta-V, the craft I'll do it. Well, if you ask the reason I can tell you that is a long story. Well I hope someone answers... Oh yeah: I only have one month. Yep, I won't make it probably.
  10. Low Altitude Speed Challenge This challenge is pretty simple. Your goal is to attain the fastest possible speed at the low altitude Body: Kerbin Max Height: 1000 meters Things to note: There will be scoreboards for each part size 0.625, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.75, 5. The largest part on your vessel determines your class. Your craft need not fully survive the ordeal. If you choose to execute a dive some form of evidence will need to be provided that you did not hit a max speed above 1000 meters. Rules: Don't cheat, part clipping is discouraged but allowed for aesthetics and radiators. Part mods are not allowed. Game difficulty should have normal difficulty or higher level heating. These rules are subject to change as I may have missed something Scoreboard 0.625 1. Pds314 1680 m/s 2. 3. 1.25 1. UndefeatedOrca 1755 m/s 2. 3. 1.875 1. 2. 3. 2.5 1. Klapaucius 1760.2 2. 3. 3.75 1. UndefeatedOrca 1964 m/s 2. 3. 5.0 1. 2. 3. My two submissions in the spoiler below Good Luck and have fun!
  11. RACE AROUND THE WORLD This is a challenge of speed and precision: Take off from KSC, fly around Kerbin, and return to KSC. Shortest elapsed time wins. The Fine Print: 1. Craft must be Kerballed. 2. Craft can launch from either the Launchpad or the Runway at KSC. 3. Craft must land on the runway at KSC. (At least 1 landing gear touching the paved area.) 4. HTOL and VTOL and any combination are fine. 5. Staging is fine. 6. No crash-landing or lithobraking. (no breaking parts on touchdown.) 7. No mods which add parts, or change physics (DLC is fine). 8. Time stops when the craft stops (<1m/s). 9. No glitch-drives, Kraken-drives, or drain-valve engines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission: It's always more fun to watch videos. If you can't provide a video then show a photo of the craft at launch, the craft mid-flight, and the craft landed (stopped). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leader-board: 1. @ManEatingApe 21:50 2. @jinnantonix 22:50 3. @RoninFrog 23:25 4. @mystifeid 24:19 5. @Mars-Bound Hokie 34:53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honorable Mention (got close or otherwise earned some extra attention): ... ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is some inspiration to get you started. I won't put it on the leader-board, it'll just provide a benchmark at the beginning.
  12. I’ve flown across many planets in the Kerbol system during the last 3k hours I wasted on this game… yet… I’ve never payed any attention to the planet where it all began! KERBIN! So that’s why I decided to circumnavigate Kerbin for a change :D. To make things a bit more interesting, I was wondering if i would be able to do it with a tiny light weight “Jetpack”! I’ve been playing around a bit and came up with this design. It’s more of a tiny helicopter then a jetpack to be honest. But it’s nice and compact! Here are the key features of the design: Weight: 480 kg (inlcuding lard ass Jeb) Top speed: 175 m/s Max Flying distance: infinite Power consumption: 0.4 u/s Power source: one huge RTG I made a small video (3:00) of Jeb using it to fly around the globe. I flew 4.000 km in 7 hours or so. And with Mechjeb as a flight assisstent, things were pretty manageable ! Hope you boys and girls like it.
  13. I have created this topic so that i could share my ideas about nations being in KSP and so that i can communicate with people with similar ideas on the same principle.
  14. Does anybody happen to have a good high res map of Kerbin without any words or anything on it? I'm trying to design my own map system and separate it into continents
  15. I've been watching some The Grand Tour recently and enjoyed the episode where they travelled through Mongolia. The landscape reminded me quite a lot of Kerbin! I've decided to do a mission I've wanted to do a lot over the years but have never pulled it off, due to boredom - drive around Kerbin. I'm sure we're all contemplated it, done some basic maths and decided there are better uses for 24h of your life. In the past I've tried it with jet powered vehicles, on the basis that a true rover would take approximately forever to get around at 30m/s. These have never been that sucessful, with tipping and travelling too fast after lapses of concentration. The fuel has also made it rather cumbersome when it gets airborne.This meant driving was not very efficient with lots of loading quick saves. I never actually got far enough to run out of fuel and need to air drop a fuel tank (which was going to be the plan). I wanted to make a much more manageable vehicle, even if it was slower. Instead of wasting half my miles by crashing and having to load and do them again, I would travel more slowly but not crash and waste miles! I also wanted it to fly short stretches and be able to float and drive in the sea - be a boat basically. I ended up with this: Slower and more manageable props (which can act as thrust or airbrakes) but faster than a pure rover Light(ish) due to zero fuel - just a load of generators. No need to stop at night or refuel. good height / track ratio - it doesn't ever want to tip over The winglets that are used to achieve the slightly wide track are sufficient to fly reasonably for what is primarily a "car". It can fly perpetually at 3,000m if I wanted to cheat! One "steering wheel" as the XL landing gear can't steer. It drives very well for a what is quite a tall vehicle. Bounces and getting airbrone are controllable due to... the control surfaces and lack of weight I guess. It is quite happy flying at 120m/s without draining electricity and doesn't need to SAS to be relatively stable. It even does being a boat fairly well. This must be new in Kerbal that props work in water as I needed to be flat out to get up to 200rpm or so - more drag in the water? Fortunately I went overkill in the generators and I didn't drain any electricity (which is fortunate, as now I think about it, I didn't pack any batteries!) I've so far made it from the KSC (in what I call Africa) to the desert continent to the west. I've done 3h of driving (and 2h of speeding up for the morning to arrive). A mix of flying and driving. I crossing the channel between continents on the water at 50 to 70m/s (it actually drives on water really well). I'm going to go to the dessert airfield, followed by the bigass crater, then have a look at the on that continent. In my 644h of playing kerbal I've never really explored Kerbin. I'll head to Woomerang airfield and then... I don't know really. Keep heading west. I've found some nice views on my travels. Most of the pictures are of flying but that's because I have time to take pictures when I'm not constantly steering and adjusting throttle for the bumps! So far I've crashed once and lost about 30 seconds of progress. I landed too hard and the undercarriage didn't like it. Other mistakes so far - I didn't include a rudder on the tail! It wasn't ever meant to be a plane but still..... Also no batteries. I also couldn't think of anything interesting to carry with me in the cargo bay (like a tiny base / camp, or tiny plane or car...), so it's empty. Bit of a waste of a trip! I'll update this so that I'm less likely to chicken out.
  16. After billion years, the Kerbol system is formed with only Jool and Eeloo. The other rocky planets near Kerbol is just a incinerating hell. Kerbin was starting his history. He was just a 7800km celestial body of lava and hot rocks. Here, dosen't exist the Mun, dosen't exist Minmus. It was just a lava land. A heavy bombardeament occoured in 6,7 billion years ago, with over 100m asteroids hitting the planet, the threat had come... A Duna-sized Kerbol proto-planet is gonna fast to Kerbin. The gravity starts to the chaos. It's now the moment, we will see a suprise... After the collision, a massive shockwave carried violently the fragments to a 356743km orbit. The gravity starts to do his work and creates a 3500km natural satelite, what is the Mun. The Mun is a bit closer to Kerbin. The days here is only 75 seconds. The planet was cooling down and the Mun was moved back to 11400km orbit. 4,7 billion years ago, volcanoes started to erupt out of the seas of Kerbin. They made volcanic islands and a medium-size continent. It was called Jerithia. 3,3 billion years ago, a 60000m magic-mint comet comes to Kerbin, but Kerbin's SOI pulls him and makes a inclinated orbit, what is now Minmus. 3,1 billion years ago, a heavy massive bombardeament occours in the Mun and some huges made the craters more bigger, which is now the biomes of the Mun. Some fragments did not harmed Kerbin. Million years later, giant continents emerged from the depth of the sea. They have the same format of the actual Kerbin, but don't have the Crater Rim. Life starts to evolute into Kerbosaurs. The days is now 3 hours. Kerbosaurs started to rule out Kerbin, But this kingdom will end. 2,7 billion years ago, a class-D asteroid is coming to Kerbin, in the right direction of the Crater Rim center. The impact made a shockwave that wiped out Kerbosaurs and burned out plants. 1,1 billion years ago, Kerbin is starting his cool down. A small green speck lifeform starts to appear in the burned grass. Millions, millions of years later, Kerbin starts to back to normal. The green speck evoluted to a 0.73cm lifeform, which is now Kerbals. And we are on Year 1. Here, is our actual Kerbin. Kerbals started to build spaceships to other planets and moons. Later, in a near-Future, Kerbals will be a civilization-type 1, which will now colonizate planets, interstellar travel and deep space exploration. This is the end of our history. This fan made theory was inspired on the Earth's origin theory, what Kerbin is more older than Earth. (Not actual information)
  17. As you maybe know, sometimes a asteroid hit Kerbin, but don't take effect. So, if SQUAD would make realistic asteroid collisions KSP would be hard to beat it (or not). Could you can play the game with this? I don't think so. For me is way hard. Laythe. A kerbal beautiness.
  18. Now, I know a lot of us (including me!) want to see a little more life on kerbin than just the space center. I think this could be achieved by introducing a new terrain scatter: a small neighbourhood, which would spawn on flat ground a bit like the trees but in clusters. I don't know if it'd be possible to make them light up at night? If they did, it'd make some pretty cool city lights from orbit.(perhaps toggle-able for potatoes like my laptop) I have seen the mod Kerbal Cities Pack before, and I think it's a good idea, but I think we need them more spread out, like the terrain scatters, which is what led me to this idea. Other possibilities for new terrain scatters would be farms and forests (basically a massive clump of the tree scatters) to make Kerbin seem like an actually populated planet rather than a space center and some trees. Ok, so I don't really know how this would all work, how hard it is to create terrain scatters or how laggy a terrain scatter as large as the neighbourhood scatter I'm suggesting would be, but that's my idea. Tell me what you guys think! (Also we'd probably need scatters to have colliders for this to work)
  19. Hello! Today I challenge you to see how far you can go into the waters of either kerbin, eve, or laythe (or the real solar system depending on what mod's you got). This is my current lowest depth: If you can go lower, post an image and I will put you on the list of lowest depths: List of Lowest Depths (Kerbin): 1st - @Scarecrow : -1375 m 2nd - @Johnster_Space_Program : -1039 m 3rd - @A Random Kerbonaut: - 758 m 4th - @Rocket In My Pocket : -403 m List of Lowest Depths (Eve): 1st - @The_Arcitect : -1331 m 2nd - 3rd - 4th - List of Lowest Depths (Laythe): 1st - @GRS: Around -1700 m 2nd - 3rd - 4th - List of Lowest Depths (Other Planets With Oceans): 1st - @The_Arcitect: -267 m on Tekto 2nd - 3rd - 4th - @Klapaucius: Finite Depth?
  20. Back at it again for those who saw the previous trip. I hadn't posted much on my other one but I've completed Duna, Mun, Minmus and Kerbin once But now. I've produced a new version of the Enerstar the model S Why? Because I felt I missed out on a lot of the planet my last time around. Whole continents i never explored, mountaintops un-flagged. That's why Enerstar S has 6 engines. In stress tests the engines were powerful enough to nearly lift the whole thing straight up when at full rev + boost I haven't gotten it to a "max speed" because I tend to run out of room by the time I reach 190m/s.. but the 'safe' cruising speed is more like 30-50m/s faster than my last one due to being wider and less prone to flip. Model S has 289 parts total 6 rear engines with afterburner mode for steep climbs 2 reverse engines (which are also.. reversible..) 1 cockpit, 2 crew modules, 2 large ore tanks, 2 ore processors sensors, heat, gravity, pressure, air sensors, ore scanners, and 1 top area scanner Dry weight no fuel 50 tons Full mass (ore and fuel), 100 tons https://imgur.com/a/QOzMfKv gallery location Front view Back And from the top before my first watercrossing into Sandoland Mountain climbing Top/side for a nice look at it And lastly a topdown comparison of my oldest model when I met up with where I left it More to come as I get going
  21. Hello, So im looking to have a ksp war mess around thing but I’m kinda feeling done with the map of kerbin because it’s been done lots and because I kind of want a navel ish theme. Anyways my question is, can you change what the surface of kerbin looks like to a more island ish themed thing. My idea is like an island chain where you land on islands and all that. Thanks in advance and and feel free to recommend any navel warfare mods or just genral good war mods
  22. So today I made my first SRB Only to Orbit Rocket! It can get into orbit with some fuel remaining to attempt a Trans-Munar Injection, but I wasn't able too. Here is a video on the craft and if you want to download it there will be a link below: https://kerbalx.com/JohnsterSpaceProgram/SRB-To-Orbit-Rocket Here are images of some prototypes of the final design: And here is the final design: Have you made an only SRB Rocket that can get into orbit yet? If so, tell me below and post some images of it!
  23. I got these awesome views of kerbin from the mun!
  24. Hello. I recently attempted a mission to kerbin's highest peak to complete an objective in career mode and this is what happened. First, here is a look at the craft I used, its a pretty basic rocket, it was able to get into orbit easily. After the rocket was done, it was time to launch! The launch went pretty well, as seen in the next few images. (I used Jedediah Kerman for the daring mission) After getting above 70,000 m, I coasted to my apoapsis, and did a burn to enter into kerbin orbit. Now that I was in kerbin orbit, I prepared to do a burn to change my inclination so it would match with the mountain's inclination. But before doing that, I decided to do a EVA Spacewalk. With the EVA complete. It was time to get back In the ship and do the burn, but, as I found out, I ran out of fuel before I could finish the burn. After loading a quick save I decided to give up on the mission for now and return back to the ground (or sea, because that's where I splashed down) I will reattempt this in Career Mode in the future, but if you have any tips or ideas to help me out, tell me below! This is JohnsterSpaceProgram, signing off until my next post!
  25. Hello all, I've wondering what _DetailDist (fade) value would give the effect I desire. Currently, my glow config looks pretty from the surface and orbit, but doesn't have any fade. This results in a very nasty looking border appearing high in the atmosphere: I'm using a modified version of the Para-Sci atmosphere pack, and decided to remove the fade because the glow wasn't visible from low orbit. I'm fine if the view from the surface stays the same as stock, a good low orbit view is all I really need.
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