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  1. Kourageous Tourists /L is the sequel for the venerable Kourageous Tourists, from @whale_2 (the great). In a Hurry: Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3 (2022-1128) It works from KSP 1.3.1 to KSP 1.12.4! Seriously! IMPORTANT Module Manager is needed for handling the patches. Read this post before updating! Downloads on GitHub (for early adopters and beta testers) on CurseForge . on SpaceDock. Description: Space Tourism is the Future, and the Future is now for Kerbals! Kourageous Tourists /L is the sequel for the venerable Kourageous Tourists, adding different and challenging (or not!) rewarding missions related to tourism to the game: Skydiving on planets with atmospheres Swimming on planets with hydrosphere Expeditions to many Points of Interest scattered on the Kerbol System and more to come! Tourists need to be trained, you just can't let a rookie to sky dive on Laythe without proper training - how to do it and still be profitable is the real challenge! Don't forget to allow your tourist to take selfies! Remember, "Pictures of it didn't happened!". Support: I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support:
  2. KSP Recall is a bag of tricks and stunts to overcome KSP blunders, screw ups and borks - trying hard to do not introduce new blunders, screw ups and borks in the process... In a Hurry Announce Latest Release GitHub . CurseForge . Spacedock. Issue Tracker Documentation Project's README Official Distribution Sites: Source and Binaries on GitHub. Double Licensed as: SKL1.0 GPLv2 You are free to choose the license that better suits you. Description It aims to need minimal coupling (if any)with existent code, as well to be selectively injected on the broken parts in order to prevent unholy interactions with third-party modules that decide to fix things their own way. The following fixes are available once installed (and applied only when needed!): Parked crafts (even without wheels) drifting the Heading randomly on KSP >= 1.8 Crafts with wheels also drifts, but due a different problem - still to be tackled down. This was discussed here. Resources being reset to prefab when a part has his Resources changed by an Add'On (as TweakScale) (i.e., by Alt+Click a part, or by using symmetry) on KSP 1.9.x . KSP 1.9.x resets resources to prefab while cloning parts This solution aims to be reusable to any Add'On that have the same problem with a simple two liner. Some Add'Ons that supports TweakScale by using Scale_Redist.dll are also fixed by collateral effect. Losing Resources' amount settings when cloning parts (Alt+Click) on KSP 1.9.x As described here. Editor mangling Surface Attached Parts' position when loading crafts on 1.4.3 <= KSP <= 1.9,1 This was (properly this time) discussed here. And here. I.C.A. (Instantaneous Craft Annihilation) on KSP 1.11.0 when launching or switching back to vessels with some older parts, when the vessel is over a static with collider (does not happens when the craft is directly over the PQS ground) Seamless fix for Add'Ons that implements IPastCostModifier running on KSP 1.11.x Darth Pointer's Pay to Play FreeThinker's Interstellar Fuel Switch allista's Cargo Accelerators All Angel 125 Add'Ons that uses WildBlueTools Nathan Kell's Modular Fuel System (and Real Fuels) IgorZ's Kerbal Inventory System KOS Kerbalism And many, many others - perhaps Squad's own modules (who knows?) More to come as a Needed to Code basis. Known Issues Stackable parts may not be correctly refunded when stored on a Inventory Part Installation This release has no hard dependencies anymore. You need to have Module Manager 4.0.2 or newer installed. How to use This is not intended to be "used" by end-users. It provides services to Add'On authors and fixes automatically some problems. Currently, the following services are available: Automatically restores Resources changed by Fuel Switches. Crafts at rest changes drifts the Heading by their own Fixing Costs refunds when Recovering Crafts on KSP 1.11.x Issue #1 KSP 1.9.x resets resources to prefab while cloning parts Support I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support: WARNING This Add'On is being used with success by most users, but yet... please make backups - just in case. Bug reports are encouraged, feel free to to it here or in the Issue Tracker. Ideally both. And, finally, KSP-Recall WORKS FINE WITH Module Manager. Anyone telling you you need an alternative fork of MM is telling you nonsense.
  3. ROCKET SOUND ENHANCEMENT An Audio Framework Plugin and Sound Overhaul/Replacement for Kerbal Space Program. DOWNLOADS Rocket Sound Enhancement Plugin (Required) : GitHub Rocket Sound Enhancement Default (Config Pack) : GitHub Dependencies : ModuleManager Source and Issue Tracking (GitHub) : Plugin | Rocket Sound Enhancement Default License Rocket Sound Enhancement Plugin is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 Rocket Sound Enhancement Default is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Plugin Features Rocket Sound Enhancement (RSE) is an Audio Plugin Framework Mod for Kerbal Space Program that offers modders advanced sound effects features not available in the base game. It features a robust Layering System for use of multiple sounds just like in other games (eg: FMod). Master Audio Limiter/Compressor Sound Mastering that controls the overall loudness of the game with Adjustable Amount for different dynamics with the "Auto-Limiter" feature or you can tweak your own settings. Audio Muffler - Normal Mixer based Audio Muffler with Dedicated channels for Exterior Sounds, Focused Vessel and Interior while ignoring UI sounds like Music. Audio Muffler - AirSim & AirSim Lite An Audio Muffler that works on top of the regular muffler that takes into account the Mach Angle, Velocity and Distance of a Vessel with Sonic Booms Effects (provided by a Config Pack via ShipEffects). Parts with RSE Modules will simulate realistic sound attenuation over distance, comb-filtering, and distortion. Game Events like distant explosions will now sound muffled just like in real life. AirSim Lite is a version of AirSim that does similar effects without using sound filters. More Features and Details on Github: https://github.com/ensou04/RocketSoundEnhancement/blob/master/README.md Rocket Sound Enhancement Default This is the Default Configuration and Sound Pack for Rocket Sound Enhancement. Features Engine Sound Replacements Jet Engine Sound Replacements RCS Sound Replacements RotorEngines Sound Effects Propeller Sound Effects Wheel Tire and Motor Sound Effects Decoupler Sound Replacements Collision Sound Effects Atmospheric Sound Effects (Featuring Sonic Booms if AirSim is enabled) Physics Based Hull Sound Effects (rattling, creaking in IVA) Supported Mods ReStock / ReStockPlus Kerbal Atomics Cryogenic Engines Near Future Launch Vehicles Waterfall ReStock Stock Waterfall Effects RealPlume Resources Rocket Sound Enhancement Default Modding Guide Preset Configurator Known Issues Sound glitches and stuttering might occur in large part ships and more so when AirSim is enabled or when loading in-between scenes. Stock sounds might be un-muffled for a single frame or two. Replacing AUDIO with RSE_AUDIO in Part's EFFECTS node via its config fixes this issue. Media Sharing videos of your launches with this mod is mandatory. jk please share Settings Overview by @Vandest
  4. Deadly Reentry 7.8.2, for KSP 1.12.* - The Barbie Edition What Deadly Reentry does! (especially with KSP's new handling of thermodynamics) Deadly Reentry balances part thermal properties (max temp values of skin and internal as well as various conduction properties: skin-skin, skin-internal, emission, etc) If parts get too hot then they may catch fire. (or begin to melt; depends on if they are logically flammable or not). This begins to happen at 85% of its max temp. Some parts have had their max temp increased to compensate. Basically, think of the 85% mark as being a soft failure point leading to hard failure. As of DRE 7.6.0, this is implemented on a per area skin damage system (X+-, Y+-, Z+-). As the exterior is damaged, the interior becomes more exposed to direct reentry or supersonic heating. (the interior usally has less resistance against heating) Parts and Kerbals that experience excessive G forces for excessive periods of time may fail/die. Download latest version! (official release) If you find this mod helpful and want to throw some money away, feel free to click the donate button below! ialdabaoth (who is awesome) created Deadly Reentry 2, based on r4m0n's Deadly Reentry; this is a continuation. This continues NathanKell's work on Deadly Reentry continued, and he might contribute more at times. License remains CC-BY-SA as modified by ialdabaoth. Also included: Module Manager (by sarbian, swamp_ig, and ialdabaoth). See Module Manager thread for details and license and source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219 Module Manager is required for DREC to work. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: If you currently have Deadly Reentry installed, go to KSP/GameData/DeadlyReentry and delete everything (files and folders). Also delete any old versions of ModuleManager (modulemanager.dll for example) in your KSP/GameData folder. Extract this archive to your KSP/GameData folder * ModularFlightIntegrator is not currently required or used by Deadly Reentry as of about DRE 7.2.2. USAGE INSTRUCTIONS: Be careful how you reenter. Make sure your craft has a heatshield (the Mk1 pod has a built-in heatshield, as do stock spaceplanes; the Mk1-2 needs a heat shield from the Structural tab). For a low Kerbin orbit reentry, try for a periapsis of about 10-20km over Kerbin. do not deploy your parachute until speed has dropped below ~350m/s. (typically you should be at a safe velocity by the time you reach an altitude of 7km) Note: Deadly Reentry no longer interferes with chutes. Both stock chutes and Real Chutes have adopted their own implementations of punishing deployments at unsafe speeds. The above warning still applies except you don't get to blame Deadly Reentry about it. Compatible shield/reentry packs! Deadly Reentry Frequently Asked Questions. Changelog: Old Legacy Changelogs! DRE menu icon created by lajoswinkler Download (latest official) Source on Github
  5. Contracts Window + v9.4 Download from SpaceDock Download from CurseForge Alternate Download: GitHub Localization is supported and the following translations are included in the download package: Russian | Chinese | Polish | Spanish | French by @vladimir_v | by @QAQdong | by @Moskit | by @fitiales | by don-vip -------------------- Consider donating if you like what you see here. * Money will not go directly to development or upkeep of this addon -------------------- Source is available at GitHub A new contract monitoring window designed to give more information and be more flexible than the stock window. This window gives players a number of options for displaying contracts. Grouping and ordering of contracts can be modified and contracts can be placed into custom mission lists. All contract and parameter reward and penalty values are displayed, along with the amount due to any strategy modifiers. The contract reward modification section of this addon has been removed. Its functionality has been moved to a new, separate add-on that can be found here. The top bar has several buttons that are used to adjust contract ordering and display options. The top-left icon opens a new window with options for changing sort order based on several criteria. The next icon toggles between ascending and descending order for the selected sorting type. The eyeball icon on the right toggles between the active and hidden contract list. Each mission list has its own active and hidden contract lists. The top-right icon opens a new window displaying all of the existing contract missions. Selecting a mission will switch the primary display to those contracts. The primary mission is always at the top of the list and contains all contracts. The bottom bar has several buttons that control various window options. The version number is displayed on the left. Tooltips for most buttons can be toggled on and off with the next icon. The spinning arrows icon is used to reset the window and primary contract list. A confirmation box will open upon pushing this button. This should generally not be needed, but if there are errors in the contract window (no contracts displayed, no "MasterMission" contract list, the window is too small, etc...) this can be used. All window size, font size, and position options will be reset; the internal list of contracts will be updated with all active contracts and the "MasterMission" will be reset with this internal list. All other mission lists should be unaffected, these can be manually deleted if there are any other problems. The aA icon controls font size for most of the window's labels. Each font is increased by one unit. The next icon toggles the overall window and texture element size. It also increases the font size by two units. Between the font and window size options there are four available font sizes and two window element size options. The arrow icon in the lower-right is a re-size handle; it can be dragged to increase or decrease the window size in either dimension. Each contract has a title bar above it with information and options for the contract. The contract difficulty, or prestige, is displayed on the left with one to three stars. The time remaining for the contract is shown next. It updates every five seconds (at high time-warp several days can go by during this period) and switches to days and hours, and turns yellow, when the counter gets low. The year/day time is dependent on your selection of Earth/Kerbin days in the KSP settings menu. The A icon can be used to display the flag and name of the contract's agency. The eyeball icon can be used to move the contract into the hidden or active contract list. The pin icon can be used to pin the icon to the top of the list, regardless of sort type or order; a contract's pinned state is persistent. The checkbox icon can be used to move the contract into a different contract mission list or create a new one. The blue icon at the end can be used to display contract notes if they exist; these are different from individual parameter notes. The primary contract and parameter display shows the same information as the stock window. In orange is the contract title. It is a button that can be pushed to collapse or expand the contract's parameters. When completed the contract text will turn green; when failed it will turn red. The contract parameters are shown in white. When completed these will turn green. Contract parameter notes can be displayed using the blue icon. Sub-parameters are offset slightly and are shown in a darker color. When all sub-parameters are completed they will be collapsed into their parent parameter and no longer displayed. The rewards for each contract and their parameters are displayed on the right side of the window. Funds, Rep, and Science rewards are displayed depending on how wide the window is. Rewards are in green, penalties are in red. The amount of any reward/penalty due to strategies, if any, is displayed in parenthesis. When the green checkbox icon is selected the mission list will appear. The current contract mission lists are displayed in this window. A green checkmark indicator on the left indicates that the currently selected contract is already in that mission. The green number to the right is the amount of contracts in that list. The red x box on the right can be used to remove a contract from any mission that it is present in. Selecting any existing mission will add the contract to it. Selecting the "Create New Mission" option will open the mission creator window. New missions can be created after giving them a name. Missions must have a name, can't use the same name, and must be under 20 characters. All progress nodes, their rewards, and in some cases, information about when they were completed is shown in this window. There are four types of Progress Nodes. Interval Nodes: These are nodes with multiple levels of progression, such as the altitude or speed records. Standard Nodes: These are nodes not specific to any one Celestial Body. Point of Interest Nodes: These are nodes completed by visiting anomalies. Celestial Body-Specific Nodes: These are nodes which are given separately for each Celestial Body Interval progress nodes. Standard progress nodes. The mission title bar is shown at the top of the window. The Title Bar is a button that can be used to switch to Progress Node mode. The edit mission window is opened with the pencil icon in the mission title bar for all but the Master Mission. Change the name of any mission. Delete any mission; this won't affect the contracts, and all contracts are still available in the Master Mission list. ChangeLog: This add-on uses TriggerAu's KSP Plugin Framework code Released under the MIT License.
  6. So I have been considering over the past month or two the creation of a life support system tailored to fit in with the USI mods, and also bring together some the bits I like about other mods already on the market, and add a few of my own tweaks, etc. This is pretty much my interpretation of how, if I were to go buy Kerbal in a store, I would expect a stock-ish life support system to work. I've been playing with it and minus a few refinements am very happy with the result. With that, I am pleased to introduce USI Life Support. Basic overview stuff. Mechanics wise, it's pretty simple. Kerbals require supplies. Kerbals also require EC. these are both on the same timer, so I just check supplies for the status window. When Kerbals are done consuming supplies, leftovers, scraps, and 'anything else' is either tossed overboard, or (if storage is available) tossed into a 'mulcher'. The resulting organic slurry is called 'mulch' and can be used to feed greenhouses, etc. at the player's discretion (or in the case of MKS, converted into Organics at varying levels of efficiency). 15 days out, the visuals go yellow (sorry, no auto-warp-slowdown-thingie, use KAC). When supplies run out, things go into the red. If you leave them unsupplied for 15 days... well, they just say 'screw it', get grouchy, and quit. They are still in the pod. they still take up a seat. But they can't fly, can't EVA, and essentially do the Kerbal equivelant of spinning around in their office chairs, refusing to work, until resupplied. This is a design consideration in that all of us, at least once, has just flat out done goofed, and lost a whole colony of Kerbals via glich or other sadness. Yes, death/despawn will be an option. Not the default one tho. Mechanics wise, they are transformed into tourists, as they are essentially on a self-imposed vacation Once resupplied, they are happy as clams and will return to work. While on EVA, they will not quit. But if they are brought back aboard a ship and have been starved (and can't find a hot meal waiting) they will promptly go in strike, and begin their self imposed vacation immediately. Orange suited Kerbals (Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val) are immune to the ill effects of life support. They will still consume supplies if given, but do not leave the job, because they are just that awesome. This always gives a player (especially a new one) an 'out' to test out a manned mission before actually committing your other kerbals, etc. to a horrible fate of snack deprivation. Yes, it's a bit more 'Kerbal' than TAC-LS, but also a lot more predictable and with harder consequences than 'Snacks'. It does, however, feel 'right' (at least to me) from a design standpoint. Parts wise: Three inline storage compartments. No extra recyclers needed. No resourced added to pods (the 15 day window covers all of the Kerbin SOI so no point). No random contracts. MKS/OKS Changes MKS wise, closed loop just got a lot harder/more interesting (depending on your point of view). The old C3 (now renamed to the Pioneer Module) will have a basic mulcher and greenhouse and can do recycling at 50% efficiency for up to four Kerbals. Kerbitats operate at 75% efficiency. Mk-IV modules (once released) will operate at 90% efficiency off-world, 100% efficiency on the surface (pulling in of local material is inferred, no extra drills required). Supplies come from organics. Organics come either from mulched supply waste, or from a combo of water/substrate. So surface bases are easier to get to self sufficiency - if they are on water/substrate deposits. Orbital will always be a pain - so you will need to fly up fresh organics or keep large stores. And since organics creation is not tied to the life support loop, building large surface farms is also pretty easy now. Dealing with hungry Kerbals So you can do some very interesting things. Run a command pod to dock reviving supplies/snacks to a starved out colony ship. Use one of your orange-suits to lead a mission and conserve supplies. Note that Kerbals are pretty damn aggressive about getting their snacks - the only way to lock them out of the biscuit tin is to click that little feed button by the resource on a part (same way we reserve some battery power for a probe). Note that a Kerbal about to starve (i.e. no supplies for 15 days) will in fact happily break open said biscuit tin. witty screen message included Design side note: So 'Mulch'. Waste was used, and too generic. And I wanted something that showed that the stuff was kinda useful, not edible, and felt more 'kerbal' (and less like poo!) if that makes sense. The idea of Kerbals tossing all of the spare bits and scraps into a contraption and getting out a semi-useful generic organic slurry had a certain appeal, hence the abstracted mulchers and mulch resource. The resource itself is just 'supplies' and has the visual representation of a translucent, semi-rounded green cube. What are they? Well... leave that to the imagination. But the labeling will read 'N.O.M.S. - (Nutritional Organic Meal Substitute)' on the tins LICENSE: Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely DOWNLOAD: Get it at the GitHub Repo! https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI-LS/releases
  7. Modular Climate & Weather Systems (MCWS) is a plugin that provides a common interface for climate and weather data/simulations to interact with KSP's physics systems. The "Modular" part of MCWS comes from the fact that it allows climate and weather data to be easily added through an integrated binary file reader and a flowmaps system for those who prefer textures. An API also allows data to be added via external plugins, and this same API can also be used by other mods to read climate and weather data for whatever they want to use it for. This data is then used to influence various aspects of the game's physics systems, primarily through wind, temperature, and pressure. Currently Supported Bodies: Stock System: Kerbin, Duna, Eve, Laythe Outer Planets Mod: Tekto, Thatmo Tidally Locked Kerbin: Kerbin Kcalbeloh System: Mehtna, Rouqea, Suluco Anyone is free (encouraged, even) to add their own climate data sets to MCWS if they desire, up to and including replacing/overriding the included data sets. Installation Download from: Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3597/Modular Climate %26 Weather Systems Github: https://github.com/CashnipLeaf/ModularClimateWeatherSystems/releases Dependencies: ModularFlightIntegrator Toolbar Controller Click-Through Blocker HarmonyKSP (Bundled with download) ModuleManager Source: https://github.com/CashnipLeaf/ModularClimateWeatherSystems Mod Compatibility Recommended Mods: KSPCommunityFixes Compatible with: FerramAerospaceResearch: If installed, MCWS will defer all relevant aero/thermal calculations to FAR and supply it with wind, temperature, and pressure information. Most, if not all parts mods Conflicts with: Other mods that modify the stock aerodynamics system. General API Information Below is a very brief overview of the API for anyone who may be interested in registering a plugin with MCWS. Far more detailed information can be found on the Github Wiki (linked below). Multiple mods can provide climate/weather data for a given body, but no two mods can provide the same type of data for said body. For example: if mod A registers wind data and pressure data for Kerbin, mod B can only register temperature data for Kerbin, but it can register wind and pressure data for another body. There are no restrictions on how many bodies a given mod may register data for. Other mods can read data through the same API. Externally-provided data will always be preferred over internal-stored binary data or flowmaps. Documentation: https://github.com/CashnipLeaf/ModularClimateWeatherSystems/wiki This wiki also includes information on using MCWS's flowmap system and integrated binary file reader. Other Features MCWS adds a few extra features to help you out when flying, including: A GUI which displays wind, temperature, and pressure information, along with other relevant aero- and thermodynamic information. A new pair of Navball indicators which display prograde and retrograde adjusted for wind, which will only appear if you are in an atmosphere, the Navball is set to "Surface" mode, the wind speed is greater than 0.5m/s, and the craft is in motion. To make craft recovery easier (or perhaps even possible in some cases), MCWS's GUI includes a setting that disables the wind effects if the craft is landed or splashed down, and moving at <5m/s. Gameplay Valentina going sailing on Laythe. Strong gusts in Eve's lower atmosphere take this lander for a ride as it descends towards the surface. This actually seems like a half-decent way to get extra science. Landing a VTOL is hard enough without the wind! (Admittedly, I'm not very good at this) If you would like to join me in my climate modeling shenanigans, I now have a discord server! Invite link: https://discord.gg/SdSh8BVdCd Changelog: Credits and Acknowledgements @sarbian, @ferram4, and @Starwaster for making the Modular Flight Integrator that allows interfacing with KSP's physics system. @R-T-B for lending a VM to run ExoPlaSim to generate climate data. @Aebestach for donating Chinese Localization support. License Information Modular Climate & Weather Systems is licensed under the MIT license.
  8. As from 2021-0930 and under @TheDarkBadger agreement, I'm the New Management forDOE. From now on, it's all officially my fault! (again) In a Hurry: Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3.1 (2024-0428) Works from KSP 1.3.1 to 1.12.5. really! IMPORTANT read this post before updating! Announce for ( to were experimental releases) Announce for Announce for Announce for Announce for Announce for Announce for (Experimental). Announce for Announce for Announce for Announce for Announce for wasn't announced. Downloads on GitHub (and KSP-AVC users). on CurseForge . on SpaceDock . Description: Distant Object Enhancement /L is a visual enhancement mod that makes objects realistically visible over large distances. BASIC FEATURES Flare effects for planets and nearby satellites, properly calculated by size, distances, phase angle, etc. Flare effects are colored for each planet, which makes for easy identification. On-rails vessels up to 750km away are visually rendered (no intensive physics calculations necessary) Background stars dim when looking at the bright surface of a nearby planet, just like in real life! If you have blizzy78's Toolbar plugin, a settings window is available with several options to improve performance or tweak visuals. Full compatibility with custom planet mods -- with flare color definitions included for Real Solar System, PlanetFactory, and Alternis Kerbol. It is the follow up from TheDarkBadger's Distant Object Enhancement Continued, that by itself is the follow up of MOARdV's Distant Object Enhancement bis, which is the follow up of Rubber Ducky's Distant Object Enhancement. Support: I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support:
  9. What it does It makes better automatic default choices for crew assignments (e.g. "labs need scientists" or "drills need engineers"). It remembers your assignments, so that the next time you launch that ship, it will try to do the same thing. (No more discovering, *after* you're in orbit, that your gosh-darn rescue ship filled up all the slots and you've got nowhere to put the stranded kerbal!) You can customize the default behavior with ModuleManager config. NOTE: This mod is not compatible with Kerbal Construction Time. Download from SpaceDock License: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 Source code How to install Unzip into your GameData folder, same as any mod. How to use Just play KSP! The mod is deliberately minimalistic. It adds no UI, it doesn't require any special actions to use. It just silently makes the crew-assignment experience better. The only thing that affects you at all is: if you go into the "crew" tab of the editor and change crew assignments, then your choices won't be persisted unless you hit the "save" button before launching the ship. That's it, that's all there is to know. Cool things it does by default Makes sure there's a pilot on board, if you don't have any SAS-capable probe cores. Staffs science labs with scientists. If you have any non-rerunnable science experiments on board, makes sure there's at least one scientist. If you have any parts that need an engineer (ISRU, drills), makes sure there's at least one engineer. Repairable parts (parachutes, landing legs, wheels) also have an engineer requirement (if there's an available engineer of sufficient level). Tries to pick the highest-level crewmembers available. (Except for pilots; if you have an SAS-capable probe core and your pilots are all lower-level than the core, it picks the *lowest* pilot available.) Tries to fill all command pods; doesn't try to fill passenger cabins. If you do manual assignments in the crew tab and then save the ship, it remembers your choices the next time you load the ship. Empty slots will be left empty. It will try to assign specific kerbals by name (e.g. "Jeb goes in slot 0 of this command pod"), and if that crewmember is unavailable, will try to assign another kerbal of the same profession (e.g. "I want Jeb, but he's on a mission already, so I'll use this pilot here.") How it decides The mod works with two types of assignments: default choices, and player choices. Default choices Default choices are controlled by ModuleManager config in a file that comes with the mod (see "How to customize", below). There are two flavors of default choices, *assignments* and *requirements*. Assignments are default choices for crew slots in specific crewable modules. The default config that comes with the mod assigns scientists to science labs, and all crewmembers to command pods. The default config deliberately leaves passenger cabins empty, though you can tweak this by adding your own config if you like. Requirements are added to parts that are not themselves crewable, but which need a particular type of kerbal to operate them. If your vessel has any parts that specify requirements, then the mod will try to ensure that at least one of the specified kerbal type is present in the crew. The default config that comes with the mod adds a "scientist" requirement to all non-rerunnable science experiments (Mystery Goo, Science Jr.), and an "engineer" requirement to ISRU units and ore drills. Player choices When you load a new ship, or add a new part, then everything is controlled by the default behavior and assignments will be updated dynamically as you switch stuff around on your ship. It can do this because you haven't *observed* the assignments and it's therefore free to shuffle assignments around without invalidating any of your choices. However, the moment you switch to the "crew" tab in the editor and see what the assignments are, it then nails all the assignments in place. (It's a Heisenbergian sort of thing.) Basically, what it's doing is assuming that the moment you *see* the assignments, they become your conscious choices rather than something the program assigned. Once you see the assignments (and make any changes of your own), those get persisted to the ship, and will be saved when you hit the "save" button. Such specific choices are assumed to be for a specific kerbal, or for a kerbal of that profession if the kerbal isn't available. How to customize Since all crew assignments/requirements are controlled by ModuleManager config, you can add your own .cfg file to change the behavior to whatever you like. If you'd like to customize the behavior, the following references may be helpful: BetterCrewAssignment.cfg: This is the ModuleManager config that is installed with the mod. It includes detailed comments explaining how it works, so that you can write your own config. ModuleManager documentation: You can find helpful information here and here. Video review by @Kottabos A word of thanks Many thanks to @sarbian for a small but vital bit of advice that unblocked the completion of this mod. Thanks to @HebaruSan for the feature suggestion of adding engineer requirements to repairable parts.
  10. As from 2018-1016 and under @pellinor agreement, I'm the New Management for TweakScale. From now on, it's all officially my fault! (well, not everything... ) In a Hurry: Help Wanted! See this post. Current Release: for KSP >= 1.3 (2024-0525) It works from KSP 1.3.0 to KSP 1.12.5! Seriously! How to check Compatibility on CurseForge. IMPORTANT Users of KSP 1.12.x need to install KSP Recall. Users of KSP 1.11.x need to install KSP Recall also. Users of KSP 1.10.x need to install KSP Recall too. Users of KSP 1.9.x need to install KSP Recall too. Users of KSP 1.8.x need to install KSP Recall also. Users of KSP 1.7.x need to install KSP Recall also. Users of KSP 1.6.x need to install KSP Recall too. Users of KSP 1.5.x need to install KSP Recall as well. Users of KSP 1.4.3, 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 need to install KSP Recall. Am I detecting a pattern here? read this post before updating! Announce for was ditched. Announce for Downloads on GitHub (and KSP-AVC users). on CurseForge. on SpaceDock. TweakScale Companion Program Third Party support is being implemented into Companions, and all legacy patches are going End Of Life on TweakScale 2.4.4. Most of them are unusable anyway Check the TweakScale Companion Program's Thread for more information. New Companions are being released on a regular basis. Or get the ÜberPaket from: CurseForge SpaceDock Github Relevant Notes Kraken Food (unholy interactions between Add'Ons) is detected on startup, and a proper (and scary) Warning is shown when appropriated. Pay attention to that message, and reach me here for help! Overrules and HotFixes can be issued to workaround the problems if needed. See this post. A PhD thesis about the current problems can be found on this post. An article about how new patches will be handled is here. For users of Infernal Robotics: The Classic Infernal Robotics has a showstopper bug. See this post for details. TweakScale strongly advise using Infernal Robotics/Next where these issues were solved. Description: TweakScale lets you change the size of a part. Not just that, but it will figure out how much fuel is in the resized part. And if it's an engine, it will become more powerful by scaling it bigger, or weaker by scaling it smaller. (Pictures are eternal work in progress! ) Credits: Contributions From: Goodspeed and Biotronic. [original release thread] Pellinor [previous release thread] And future new features/bugs/mishaps from yours truly. Support: I need help in order to proper help you. Open the spoiler for instructions about how to get support: Scale Safe!
  11. P L A N E T S H I N E ----------------- Download Latest version: GitHub: for KSP 1.12.x Source Code: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ksp-planetshine ---------------- NOTE: @Valerian has not been active for awhile and has given me his blessing to adopt this fine mod and keep it alive for the community in his absence. I've cloned his OP and updated it to reflect changes in support. All credit for this mod belongs to the original author, and licensing will continue to be Apache 2.0. Should he return, I will gladly relinquish the mod and provide any assistance needed by Valerian to resume support. Further, @prestja was kind enough to keep this mod alive during my absense. After discussions with him, I will be resuming support, and accepting any help he wants to throw my way. prestja's support thread: Why PlanetShine? After trying some mods to improve visuals and get something more realistic looking, Valerian transformed KSP into something really good looking, and he was really happy with the result, but felt that something was still missing. When in low orbit of a planet, the side of his ship which was facing the planet was completely dark, which was not realistic! It should have been illuminated a bit by the planet's own reflective light! Valerian decided to fix that with this mod, by making planets and moons to reflect their own (colored) light to your vessel. This phenomenon is called in real life albedo or planetshine : What does this mod actually do? (Summary) When you are close to a planet or moon, its bright side reflects (colored) light to your vessel. More realistic ambient light in vacuum, very dark by default, can be customized. More realistic ambient light on the ground and atmosphere of planets/moons, tinted by the surface color. Very lightweight: almost no RAM used, and your FPS should not change. Additional features Settings menu to customize many parameters, as well as several quality/performance settings. Support for the Toolbar mod. Planet and moons light configuration supports Module Manager and loading across GameData folder, and can be easily customized by players or other mods. Conflicts with the mod "Ambient Light Adjustment" because it has exactly the same feature: custom ambient light settings with a slider. When close to the sun, the sunlight becomes dramatically intense. Screenshots You can see the subtle red light over Duna, green over Jool, and blue over Kerbin: http://imgur.com/a/4MODI Before / After Screenshots by CaptRobau: http://imgur.com/a/Nekay Recommended mods for the best experience Environmental Visual Enhancements for clouds and city lights. A good galaxy skybox (using Texture Replacer): Oinker's Skybox Teflon's Skybox Chatterer for adding ambient sounds that really improve the immersion. An atmospheric sky enhancing mod: SkyTonemapper (Stable) makes the sky look better by smoothing it (removes the banding effect) Scatterer (Experimental - many bugs) makes the sky and atmosphere looking really great and much more realistic, sunsets become amazing. Engine lighting for adding realistic lighting to engines thrust. Surface Lights to illuminate the ship when it gets really dark. Additional information I would appreciate feedback on this mod a lot! Valerian spent a lot of time trying to make this reflected light to behave as consistent as possible, and thinks it's pretty well tuned by now. Planet and moons colors are all editable in "CelestialBodies.cfg", and you can change a few other settings in "Settings.cfg", such as the vacuum light level (quite low by default), and the reflection light intensity. Compatible with all game versions from 0.25 to 1.0, and probably older versions as well. This mod supports version checking using the KSP-AVC Plugin. to take advantage of this feature download the plugin. Changelog Known issues Conflicts with other mods that change ambient light, such as Ambient Light Adjustment and AmbientLightShifter Not tested much on x64, might cause issues Might have minor issues with Kopernicus, which optionally provides custom atmospheric and vacuum ambient lights. Planned features Automatic detection of planet colors and atmosphere, no more need for CelestialBodies.cfg (working on it right now) Actual planetshine (reflected lights between two planet/moon) Different reflected light color depending on the biome (land/sea/poles) Sunset/sunrise lights More performance tweaks, such as reducing the number of light depending on the situation, or using a diffuse wrapping shader Choice between presets for ambient light (realistic or stock) and other settings Better (future) compatibility with other mods Credits First and foremost to the original Mod Author @Valerian for creating this great mod. Original Mod Forum Thread: Valerian copied the planets/moons color list from the Distant Object Enhancement mod Thanks to TheSexiestofClowns on Reddit for his screenshot that is used at the beginning A lot of thanks to the people who helped Valerian over IRC, such as Thomas, Rbray89, and a few others Copyright 2014, Valerian Gaudeau, Apache license 2.0 Mod maintenance now supported by @Papa_Joe
  12. RealChute is a complete rework of the stock parachute module to fix a few of its inconveniences and get more realistic results out of parachutes! Issues that do not follow the bug reporting format will be ignored. NO LOGS, NO SUPPORT. Download - GitHub | Available on CKAN Dependencies: ClickThroughBlocker | ToolbarController Special thanks to @Starwaster for the KSP 1.4 compatibility update! ModuleManager patches for stock/ReStock are included in the GitHub download, and included by default on CKAN Issues that do not follow the bug reporting format will be ignored. NO LOGS, NO SUPPORT. NOTICE: I'm no longer developing this version, no new features are going in, only compatibility updates will be pushed out. I'm also not officially supporting this mod anymore, but plenty of people can help you, and I may pop in once in a while. My focus is on RealChute 2, which is coming Soon™ Features: Gradual deployment: Chutes gradually deploy, increasing realism and decreasing deployment shock. New Deployment Conditions: Chutes deploy in conditions ranging from Eve's crushing clouds to Duna's silken veil. Parachutes deploy either according to atmospheric density or altitude and will not deploy when not intended to; e.g. in space or on the pad. Autocuts can be set for a certain altitude per chute to cut some chutes while other deploy! Parachutes on Ground: Parachutes will not autocut upon nearly stopping mid-air or touching the ground, enabling drag chutes for planes! Parachutes Return to Staging: Parachutes can be restaged again and again without restrictions! Drag Chute: Drag chutes deploy at low altitude to slow landing airplanes. Full Customization: Parachutes' values can be edited, and modders can add the plugin to their packs. Combo Chute: Deploys a drogue and next a main chute. Custom parts: sumghai gave this pack its own parts! Vessel Hangs from Chute: Even nose chutes! Editor window: Edit parachutes from the editor for any shape, size, or characteristics! Presets: Quickly edit parachutes by saving configurations into presets and loading them quickly later! Thanks to Duxwing for rewriting this part Video by 7499275 showcasing the mod Changelog Documentation And now finally, if you want to donate a little something to support for all the coffee and the nights I spent on this, you are very welcome, and it would make my day my year. FAQ (if you ask a question that is here, I'm not answering you.): Q: How/Where do I edit and customize parachutes? A: This option is no longer in the action groups tab! To edit the parachutes, simply right click the parachute in the editor, and click "Show Parachute Editor" Q: This panel is too complicated, isn't there a simpler way to do this? A: If you don't want to use the editor panel, you really don't have to. There is a preset system that allows you to select the parachute's type (main, droge, drag, or combo), it's size (0.625m - 2.5m for cones/stacks, small - large for radials), and apply it to your current chute. You don't even have to complicate your life. Q: When I'm pressing apply, it's telling me that the craft is too heavy for the parachute. What do I do? A: Make sure the the only parts attached to the craft when you press apply are the parts that you want to land. Detach your launcher or any other fluff before pressing apply. The parachute is calculated with the weight of all the parts currently attached to the craft. You can also toggle dry/wet mass in the editor to help, but it defaults at dry. Q: What is this "parachutes used" field in the editor window? A: This is the amount of parachutes deployed at the same time to land your parachute. This option will spread the load of your craft throughout all the parachutes used, effectively lowering the size of each. Be careful: a triple canopy is only a visual effect, it's only one chute. Stach chutes, on the other side, are two chutes (one comes out on each side). This is why this field does not say parts; a part can have multiple chutes on it (like the stacks and the combos). This is why a cone chute with a triple canopy would put one in parachutes used, and a stack chute would put two. Four radial chutes in symmetry would use four. Basically, you just put in the amount of individual active chutes at the same time, regardless of what the canopies look like. Q: Why does the Engineer's Report say there are no chutes on the craft when I clearly put some? A: The Engineer's Report looks for stock chutes. I haven't implemented a check for RealChute yet. Be patient. Q: Does this work on Windows 64bit builds of KSP? A: As of KSP 1.1, yes. However, this is absolutely not something that is sure never to change. If the Winx64 builds of the game return to being unstable, buggy messes, you bet that the lock will absolutely return, and I reserve the right to bring it back at any moment I see fit, and at my discretion, and mine only. But, with the current look of things, I do not anticipate the need to do this in any foreseeable future. You have, however, been warned. Q: Do the parachutes hold on at 4x physical time warp? A: Depending on how fast you are coming down and which chute you are using, yes. Most often they will hold on just fine, but I really can't guarantee they will. However be careful, the chutes fully deployed added to high physical timewarp values can lead to bad stuff, you've been warned. Q: Is this FAR compatible? A: FAR has it's own built-in implementation of RealChute, added by me, providing basic RealChute-esque behaviour, minus all the fluff. If you want the in game editor and all the additional features RealChute provides, install this, it'll override the version built into far. Q: Can you make a ModuleManager file for *insert mod here*? A: I currently don't have much time to work on configs for mods, but if you make one and are 100% sure it works, send it to me, I'll see about including it. Q: I'm trying to add a secondary parachute to a part but it's not working! A: It's not working because you can't add a secondary parachute to any part. It needs a second parachute transform, a second set of parachute animations, etc. A modeller needs to make a part that has two parachute to allow it. Q: What is your favourite pie flavour? A: I love cherry and blueberry pie tbh. Special thanks to UbioZur, r4m0n, Sarbian, Cilph, sirkut, taniwha, NathanKell, ferram4, toadicus and the rest of #kspmodders for helping this mod happen The cut and repack sounds were graciously given by ymir9, big thanks to him! Very special thanks to @sumghai for those awesome parts, as well as the logos, icons, and flags!! GitHub repository (source) License: You are free to copy, fork, and modify RealChute as you see fit. However, redistribution is only permitted for unmodified versions of RealChute, and under attribution clause. If you want to distribute a modified version of RealChute, be it code, textures, configs, or any other asset and piece of work, you must get my explicit permission on the matter through a private channel, and must also distribute it through the attribution clause, and must make it clear to anyone using your modification of my work that they must report any problem related to this usage to you, and not to me. This clause expires if I happen to be inactive (no connection) for a period of 90 days on the official KSP forums. In that case, the license reverts back to CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 INTL.
  13. (KAX, FireSpitter, TweakScale - for 1.4.1 to 1.7.0 Kerbal Aircraft Expansion /L - Under Lisias Management, forever THE pack of selected vanilla-inspired parts for your aircrafting needs! In a Hurry Release [2024-0704] Announce. Download CurseForge (yay!!!) SpaceDock GitHub Issue Tracker Documentation Yes, it works with KSP 1.12.5 YES, it works with KSP 1.7.3 (with Making History and Breaking Ground) YES, it works with KSP 1.3.1 too!!! Project's README Install Instructions Change Log Known Issues TODO list Description An Add'On for Kerbal Space Program Originally created by Keptin, then maintained by SpannerMonkey and the SM Industries team, and now under Lisias' Management, KAX is a pack of select vanilla-inspired parts for your aircrafting needs! Included Parts: Turboprop Radial Engine Radial Engine Long Cowl Electric Propeller Helicopter Main Rotor Helicopter Tail Rotor Heavy Landing Gear Jump Jet Engine 2M Aircraft Cockpit 2M Fuselage (jet fuel) 2M Structural Fuselage (empty) 2M Tail Boom This Add'On Requires Firespitter and Module Manager to enable all the features. Project Directives This Management (Lisias) had agreed to oblige himself to the following directives for this project: KAX will remain KAX it will not be rolled into another Add'On it can be expanded expansions must be in keeping with the tone of the Add'On it must be vaguely (as much as possible) stockalike. This project aims to preserve the stock a like compatibility and versatility of these parts, and any subsequent parts will be designed with that in mind. The goal is that any new part will blend seamlessly with the current parts and add to rather than detract from the Add'Ons functionality. Acknowledgements Powered by Firespitter, special thanks to Snjo for his plugin. Additional Models by @SpannerMonkey(smce). Stockalike textures by Doctor Davinci. Greetings to @TheKurgan for his helpful work on the SMCS's add'ons (including this one). See LICENSE for the formal legalese. Please note the copyrights and trademarks in NOTICE. References SpannerMonkey(smce) -- Previous Maintainer Forum GitHub Keptin -- Original Author Forum Curse Forge
  14. Foundations (FND) An addon for Kerbal Space Program which allows establishing a connection between parts and the ground. Prevents ground constructions from float/sliding away By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Sparkle adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes: See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. If you are having issues please let the CKAN people know and refer to the CKAN thread. My support of CKAN extends as far as me checking the checkbox in Spacedock when I upload. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L Supports On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Tags parts, physics, plugin, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @Sparkle for creating this glorious parts addon! @4x4cheesecake for the picking up where @Sparkle left off see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS: How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal and it is true. Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  15. (first OP on the new forums, excuse the formatting) Not In My Backyard (NIMBY) - A plugin that restricts vessel recovery to a limited range around "recovery beacons" inspired by @inigma's request. The operation is simple: if you're within range of a beacon then recovery works as normal, but if you're out of range you'll receive a message stating that no recovery is possible. Why would I want to limit my recovery options? Perhaps you like the extra challenge of trying to land near a particular spot and the engineering challenge of building rescue vehicles for ships that land out of reach. Perhaps you roleplay different countries and vessels landing in a foreign country can't be easily recovered intact. Whatever your reason, if you want the option then here it is! This mod is a work in progress. There is a playable alpha (a proof of concept basically) available on GitHub, which I will link below. I barely have time for my main projects though, so if someone wants to take this up (perhaps someone who has an interest in learning to mod but would like some help along the way) then I'd happily work with them or even pass it off entirely. If not, then I'll continue on it in my spare time By default the KSC is the only recovery beacon and has a range of 100km. You can create additional beacons in the Beacons.cfg file (which is automatically generated after you load a save and go into flight or the tracking station). Alpha Download and Source Code License is MIT, which is a very open license (so feel free to submit pull requests, make forks, do whatever) A picture provided by inigma: Some ideas for future features (in no particular order): A GUI to create/edit static recovery beacons A part that provides a mobile recovery beacon. From a career perspective this would be how you expand your recovery zones (rather than adding static beacons in the config) A GUI to show the distance and direction to the closest beacon Showing beacons (and possibly their zones) on the map Non-circular zones (for outlining land masses/"countries") Non-Kerbin beacons for recovery on other Celestial bodies Saving beacons per-save rather than globally (but with part-based beacons, is this needed?) Adjust recovery rates based on distance to the beacon, rather than KSC (so recovering on top of a beacon but on the other side of Kerbin could net 100% instead of 10%) The default Beacons.cfg (which will also give you an idea of how to create additional static recovery beacons): Beacon { name = KSC latitude = -0.0917535793462422 longitude = 285.370302576335 range = 100000 }
  16. Contract Configurator - A config-file based solution for creating new contracts! How it Works Contract Configurator exposes various hooks into KSP's contract system through a standard config file syntax. This means that modders using Contract Configurator can create new contracts without writing any code. The config file format has 5 basic sections: Contract Summary - This contains all the summary text, expiry/deadline dates, and reward information. Parameters - These are mappings to the stock ContractParameter classes which specify what the player has to do to complete the contract. Requirements - This is what is required before the contract will show up. Most of the ProgressTracking information is supported, along with a few other things. Behaviours - These are behaviours that are applied at the contract level. A behaviour can create additional objects related to the contract (such as spawning Kerbals), be used to store persistent data or any number of other things. Data nodes - These define new data for use within the contract using Contract Configurator's powerful expression language. And if the provided parameters and requirements aren't enough, Contract Configurator is extensible. New parameters and requirements can be added in as little as a dozen lines of code. Download Contract Configurator can be downloaded from GitHub. Source The full source and test configuration is available on GitHub. Documentation The user guide is hosted on the GitHub wiki. Change Log Version Checking This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. Recommended Mods The following is a list of mods that enhance some of the things Contract Configurator does: Waypoint Manager - this will help with any contract using the stock waypoint system by drawing the waypoints in the flight view. Makes hitting targets more accurately much easier! License Contract Configurator is licensed under the MIT License. RemoteTech integration (CC_RemoteTech.dll) is licensed under GNU GPL v2.0. Like what you see? Consider donating to the coffee fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  17. Kerbal Flight Indicators Note: @DaMichel has given me his permission to maintain this mod in his absence. I have forked the Repository and will continue support going forward, or until he returns to continue support. I have cloned his page to note the change in mod support. I'm not renaming the mod to make it easier to keep track of it. What is Kerbal Flight Indicators? It draws a couple of markers directly in your field of view. It shows Horizon Attitude Velocity Vertical direction You can turn it on/off with the toolbar button. Download Release Page on GitHub (Source code on Github) Installation: Extract the contents of the zip file into the GameData directory. Note: I have added support for KSP-AVC version file now included. Configuration: Is done by editing settings.cfg in GameData\KerbalFlightIndicators\Plugins\PluginData\KerbalFlightIndicators. To change colors, you'll see lines like "horizonColor = 0,0.5,0,0.8". The numbers represent Red, Green, Blue and Alpha components, going from 0 to 1. Alpha means opaqueness, where 0 is completely transparent. New values should take effect on the next flight scene. To let indicators appear on top of the IVA cockpit again, change drawInFrontOfCockpit = False to drawInFrontOfCockpit = True. Mod Recommendations If you want to see more information, have a look at SteamGauges and RasterPropMonitors (IVA) and NavHud Renewed. Mouse Aim Flight Supports Blizzys Toolbar. The KSP app toolbar is supported since KFI R11. Picz My Imgur account is almost full of images so i'm probably going to delete the previous sequence. Have this instead. Changelog on GitHub Known Issues * This release has the potential to cause strange issues with other mods, like HUD elements or use custom cameras. Please report odd issues. Acknowledgements Current mod maintainer: Papa_Joe I've only continued maintenance on this mod. All credit is due to the original mod author. Original mod author: @DaMichel Original Mod Post: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72595-13-kerbal-flight-indicators-release-15-2017-08-14/ @DaMichel originally acknowledged the following: * I used some code from SteamGauges http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40730-0-23-SteamGauges-V1-5-Analog-Radar-Altimeter-and-More! by Trueborn. Thanks for putting it under a not too restrictive license. * Thanks to Blizzy for his Toolbar. * I would also like to thank Pizzaoverhead (KerbTrack) and Navyfish (DockingPortAlignment) for their plugins from which i learned how to do things. License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
  18. Textures Unlimited The Textures Unlimited addon brings the Unity 5 Standard shader functions to KSP along with a suite of utilities for loading shader and model asset bundles, and a host of shader and texture-related functions to support them. It does not add any new part or textures by itself, but is intended to be used and distributed by other mods who do not wish to develop their own plugin code or shaders. Features: Asset-Bundle Shader pack loading system Texture Replacement system - replace the textures on any .mu model, in a mesh-by-mesh fashion; complex material arrangements fully supported TextureSwitch module - includes a simple texture-switch module that can be added to parts through MM patches to facilitate in-game user-driven texture switching User-driven 'recoloring' system for parts. Define the pattern on the part through a mask texture, and let the user specify the color scheme. Legacy and PBR versions available. Requires special texture and shader setup. Asset-Bundle Model loading system -- supports loading of BlendShape/ShapKey models compiled as AssetBundles (and/or any other model). Supports loading of models using non-KSP shaders. List of included shaders; all are compatible with KSPs part-highlighting, thermal glow, and underwater fog functions: TU/Metallic - Unity Standard Metallic shader implementation, with full mapping compatibility with Unity Standard shader inputs. TU/Specular - Unity Standard Specular shader implementation, with full mapping compatibility with Unity Standard shader inputs. TU/Transparent - Unity Standard Metallic shader implementation with transparency support, with full mapping compatibility with Unity Standard shader inputs. TU/Legacy - Legacy Specular shader implementation that supports input of KSP mapped textures (e.g. specular in the diffuse-alpha channel). All TU/XXX shaders support recoloring, subsurface scattering, and have functional versions of icon-shaders. Any/all of these functions are optional. Use only the features that you want or need. Potential uses Mods wanting to use PBR textures and rendering for their parts Mods needing custom shaders for their parts (either the included shaders, or their own custom shaders) Mods needing BlendShape/ShapeKey animated models PBR stock-conversion mods Downloads: The latest releases will always be available from: https://github.com/shadowmage45/TexturesUnlimited/releases Dependencies: Requires Module Manager (not yet included) User-created Configs and Texture Packs: (PM me to be added to the list, not required for use): Used in the following mods: (PM me to be added to the list, not required for use): Legal/Licensing Licensed under GPL 3.0 or later (https://github.com/shadowmage45/TexturesUnlimited/blob/master/LICENSE). Source for the plugin and shaders are provided online at: (https://github.com/shadowmage45/TexturesUnlimited) You are free to use and distribute this mod as long as the terms of the license are followed. Generally speaking this should place no restrictions if an unmodified copy is bundled in full and included in third party mod's releases. Modified copies are subject to further restrictions as are detailed in the license. Examples Examples of some of the capabilities of the shaders (all examples using parts from SSTU) PBR - Reflective and semi-reflective (reflections can range from mirror-sharp to dull based on texture setup) Masked/Recoloring (PBR and legacy versions, require special texture setups) Back-lit Solar Panel Shader + PBR shaders (+EVE + Scatterer) (solar panels still using legacy backlit shader) Reflection of surroundings; colored ambient light handling Technical Support All requests for support must be done through the GitHub issues page: https://github.com/shadowmage45/TexturesUnlimited/issues All issue tickets must be accompanied by a KSP.log file Known Issues Uses the stock reflection system for reflection probes; so any issues present there will also manifest with TU reflective shaders. No EVE or Scatterer in reflections Issues with improperly authored SQUAD DXT5 normal maps (investigating solutions) Any other issues listed on the issues tracker: https://github.com/shadowmage45/TexturesUnlimited/issues Future Plans Documentation on shaders properties and texture setup Documentation on configs for shader and texture replacement and texture switch module More comprehensive texture-replacement methods for technical textures and materials; skyboxes, ksc buildings? Credits / Contributors @Lilleman for his original work on using PBR shaders in KSP. While I didn't use any of his code directly, I did learn a few things from it. @HaArLiNsH for his updated/maintained TextureReplaceReplaced, which provided valuable insight into the rendering setup used by KSP @shaw for his work on TextureReplacer (legacy), and @rbray89 for his original work on the reflection code. @blackrack for including workarounds in Scatterer that allow for integration with TexturesUnlimited (by using the TR reflection camera naming scheme). @Electrocutor for his work on the Stock conversion patches, and for helping track down issues with the code/configs/shaders. @Manwith Noname for his work on the TexturesUnlimited Recoloring Depot, and patience while working on tracking down issues with normal maps.
  19. AtmosphereAutopilot plugin I'm a flight man. After getting bored from mundane KSP launch routine I found myself enjoying my old hobby - atmospheric flight. And then the struggle was born - lack of control. SSTO's were annoying, keeping them on ascent was hard. Flying anything but overdamped dart was exhausting even with joystick. I felt like i'm in 1940-s, and it was not the feeling i wanted to get from a game I love so much. One year ago, in November of 2014, I started working on this plugin to solve those problems for me. I needed three things in my life: generic fly-by-wire, cruise control and automatic lander. It makes me sad, but after one year, I only managed to implement the first autopilot (cruise control is also implemented). Considering my free time shortage as a student, I decided to still release this mod here, for one may find it's functionality useful for him, or for another to see the potential in this mod and help it with his advice or coding\engineering skills. Autopilots list: Standard Fly-By-Wire. Control signal abstraction autopilot, SAS replacement. Here is a short flight footage of statically unstable plane I took: VIDEO. You can see roll-yaw induced isolation, AoA and G moderation, as well as general behaviour of the autopilot. Mouse Director. Plane tries to fly towards camera direction. Use middle mouse button hold + mouse turn to look above the craft and have a convenient camera angle. Precise control (CAPS LOCK) prevents from roll-over while accelerating down, as well as restrains acceleration in general. VIDEO. Cruise Flight. Maintain course, altitude, speed, fly towards a waypoint, picked on Kerbin in map view by click. More details in documentation. AoA-Hold. Maintain desired pitch AoA. Videos: Quick overview by KerbalItalia dude (in Italian of course, but that doesn't really matter): https://youtu.be/k3rLK4uuJg8 Short feature-review in english by Jongsh (timestamped): https://youtu.be/ukcW2SW29fg?t=526 F-35 post-stall piloting with FAR (no commentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi-zXRDfyAs Download links: SpaceDock or Github As usual, put .zip contents in gamedata. License: GNU GPL v3. The KSPUpgradeScriptFix.dll and its source can be found on this post (link for convenience) (alternative: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksph/KSPUpgradeScriptFix). Dependencies and compatibility: You'll need ModuleManager. FAR is supported. No wind mods are supported, as well as any mods, wich are changing control surface, rcs and engine gimbaling behaviour. I recommend using Kerbal Joint Reinforcement by ferram4. If you're using "Stock Bug Fix Modules", turn off ModuleControlSurfacePlus and ModuleGimbalPlus modules in it's manager. FAQ: >FAR? - yes >My control surface settings are not respected - Make sure you reconfigure your crafts (set pitch, roll, yaw again) after mod installation, if you're using stock aero. You will not have to do that again, unless you delete the mod. >Wobbling on my plane. - yes. In 99% of cases I'll know what's the problem, it's just that to fix it would be impossible under my time budget. Warm it up by pitching\rolling, tweak some stuff, it may help. Ask me, if desperate. >How to make the plane follows surface-level pitch, instead of orbital, while using fly-by-wire? -Put navball in surface mode. >AFBW mod is not cooperating with the standard fly-by-wire. -Activate "AA compatibility" in AFBW's GUI. Documentation: I tried my best at providing documentation of the code itself and writing a readme you can find in the archive, or in Git repo - https://github.com/Boris-Barboris/AtmosphereAutopilot/blob/master/README.md. Please, make sure you've examined it before asking any questions. I'm not very good at support, but i will try. FPS impact: Computational complexity of plugin (when active) - O(n), where n - number of parts. You will feel it on 100+ part crafts, and you will feel a heavy GUI, wich is full of numbers (Unity is slow with rendering strings, or maybe I'm just a bad coder), needed for debugging. Fortunately, most of the time, you don't need any GUI at all. Hotkeys: Default ones: "P" - "Master switch" you can use to toggle AA. "Shift"+"P" - toggle Autopilot Module manager GUI. "O" - default hotkey for moderation switch, when Fly-By-Wire is active. Can be changed in Global_settings.cfg in Fly-By-Wire section. KOS integration: Acknowledgments: Sarbian - for support of ModuleManager and consultation on numerical precision issues, and other cheesy KSP stuff. Kobymaru - he kindly helped with initial criticizm and debugging of plugin in August-September. Ferram4 - for providing a license application example to copy from, I'm new to this stuff. Morse - neo-GUI design and implementation. Hotel26 - multiple UI-related additions.
  20. Ship Manifest Current Version:, 28 Apr 2023 -- Download: SpaceDock | CurseForge | GitHub (all releases). Also supports CKAN and KSP-AVC for your convenience in updating. NOTE: This version of SM is KSP version 1.11.0+ Ship Manifest is a tool to manage your ship's "things". I originally started with Crew Manifest as a basis for this work. My great thanks go out to vXSovereignXv for creating Crew Manifest, and Sarbian for contributions to and continuing maintenance of Crew Manifest. I've now re-imagined it into Ship Manifest, Crew transfers are now only a small part of what SM can do. Ship Manifest moves crew, Science and Resources around from part to part within your ship or station. It also manages docked vessel refueling, hatches, deployable Solar Panels, antennas and lights. Kinda like your Ship's bridge... Ship Manifest has a LOT of flexibility and a lot of Options. So much is available that is NOT seen in a default installation (Realism mode set ON by default) that you may be missing a lot of what SM has to offer. Please go to the Settings Window to see what options are available, and play with them. You will be surprised at the number of features that exist in this tool. I believe in choice, so you can configure SM to be pretty much exactly what you want. You want a "realistic" experience? Check. You want to be a god and chafe at realism mode restrictions? Check. I also invite suggestions for things you would like to see. License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Original license on Crew Manifest was do as you want. I felt the original and contributing authors deserve due attribution, since this is a derivative work. Source code (and all releases): http://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest Ship Manifest WIKI: http://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki No Mod Dependencies!: Ship Manifest is mod independent. You don't need any other mods to use Ship Manifest. However, if you install the mods below, Ship Manifest provides specific support for their features. Toolbar, by blizzy78. This mod is the "original" and a great alternative to the stock toolbar. Connected Living Spaces (CLS) by codepoet. This mod provides the player with graphical information on livable spaces in a ship. It shows you where you could go internally on your ship. Module Manager. This mod allows you to extend the configurations on your parts. Used by CLS. RemoteTech. This mod overhauls the unmanned space program and makes antennas much more important. Very powerful mod. DeepFreeze. This mod provides part(s) for cryogenic freezing of kerbals for long duration flights. JPLRepo has taken over maintenance of this mod. USI Kolonization System (MKS/OKS) Inflatable Modules. Very cool mod for compacting your trips and station builds. KSP-AVC. This mod checks your installed mod versions against the mod's latest version. Let's you know when you need to update. CKAN. The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network (CKAN) Package Manager (CKAN) is a multi-platform app that manages nearly all your mods from one clean executable. Performs installs, updates, and uninstalls of your mods automatically. NOTE TO CKAN USERS: don't expect support for installs via CKAN. if the CKAN install fails, contact the CKAN folks, NOT me. Acknoledgements: Special thanks to @micha for his support the past few years. For continuity, a link to his thread is here: Ship Manifest What's New: Version - Release 28 Apr 2023 - KSP 1.12.5 -------------------------------------------------- - New: Added horizontal window resizing to all windows. SM will remember these settings between saves. - Fixed: Correct window scaling issue where other mods were affected by SM when changing the KSP Scale. This was caused by GUI.skin issues as SM was altering the built in skins. SM now uses a custom skin constructed dynamically from the selected built-in scales, so only SM windows are affected. Issue: Forum post https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/56643-112x-ship-manifest-crew-science-resources-v-6070-25-apr-23/&do=findComment&comment=4277051 - Changed: adjusted window heights for the Unity skin and the KSP skin. This makes window resizing more reliable. Version - Release 25 Apr 2023 - KSP 1.12.5 -------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Correct error in Manifest window with the vessel name. Was using a nonlocalized name. Now properly localized. - Fixed: Rate Modifier field in Science window was displaying incorrect value. Now properly displays the value. - Fixed: Correct resource display error when RealXfers setting is changed and Saved in Realism settings. Issue: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/issues/63 - Fixed: Memory leak on SM destruction. One handler was not being removed. Issue: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/issues/64 - New: Refactored mod to support KSP UI scaling. You folks with the 4k monitors should be able to see the text now. - New: Localized Screen messages in Crew transfers. Note: Many localizations are machine translations. Any help in improving them is appreciated. - New: Added a Settings button to the Roster window when in the Space Center. This button appears if you disable the Settings icon on the toolbar. This setting is in the Config Tab. - Changed: Refactored remaining windows and tabs to clean up display code. Moved a lot of redundant code into GUI utility methods. - Changed: Refactored all windows to cache all localization strings and object size values. Object size values only recalculate if the screen resolution is changed. Hopefully this helps a bit with performance. Installation: 1. Remove the ShipManifest folder from your GameData folder before installing any new version.. 2. Overwrite your GameData folder with the contents of the archive. Ship Manifest is KSP-AVC aware and is CKAN indexed Support: If you expect me to provide support for issues with this mod, I will expect that you have read and will follow these instructions. Change History: This work was originally based in large part on Crew manifest by xxSovereignxx as modified by Sarbian to work with 0.22. It has since been completely reworked and massively expanded. Videos: - Kottabos did a fine review here: (Feb 28th, 2014). It was very educational for me . I've long since fixed the bugs and added much more... Screenshots: Donations: I wrote and support SM (and other mods) as it is an opportunity to give back to the community I love in some small way. But, some folks have asked me how they could donate. It completely blew my mind. So, I've added a donation button. It is Completely voluntary, absolutely amazing, and I very much appreciate the gesture!
  21. Release thread: This thread is for the development of a mod I am working on called Modular Climate & Weather Systems (MCWS), which is meant to allow climate and weather data (and possibly simulations) to interact with KSP's physics systems in a modular fashion. I am creating this thread to get feedback and suggestions. I also currently don't have any climate data to use with this thing, which is something I would like to have before a full release. Completed features: Functioning API to take in data from other plugins and interpret it for use in the flight scene. Can currently take in wind, temperature, and pressure data. A very refined stock wind simulation. GUI that displays various aerodynamic and thermodynamic information. New set of prograde/retrograde markers that display prograde/retrograde but adjusted for wind. Reader plugin that can read .bin files of climate data based on configs. Current To-Do List: Make some kind of climate data for this thing. (insert additional things that may come up) Installation Download from: Github: https://github.com/CashnipLeaf/ModularClimateWeatherSystems/releases Dependencies: ModularFlightIntegrator ToolbarController ClickThroughBlocker HarmonyKSP (Bundled with download) Documentation (WIP): https://github.com/CashnipLeaf/ModularClimateWeatherSystems/wiki Source: https://github.com/CashnipLeaf/ModularClimateWeatherSystems/tree/main License: MIT
  22. CPWE - Configurable Planetary Wind Effects (v0.8.6-alpha) This mod is under active development and is a WIP. Everything in here is subject to change. Please report any bugs and issues to me so I can fix them. CPWE is a plugin designed to provide a framework for defining wind patterns for any celestial body, including custom/modded ones. These wind patterns will then affect any craft that fly through them. In the time I spent on flight simulators, wind was always a persistent challenge element, and I've wanted something similar in KSP. However, none of the (admittedly very few) existing wind mods for KSP had what I wanted. Namely, I wanted to be able to configure the wind based on location to allow for interesting wind patterns. At the same time, while I loved the sheer depth that Kerbal Weather Project brought to the game, I felt that running a climate simulation for other celestial bodies might be a bridge too far (especially if we include custom bodies which may not necessarily be grounded in reality). CPWE is my attempt at filling the need I created for myself. It is designed to be relatively easy to configure and provides many options for configuring wind patterns and prevailing winds. The structure of the config entries is included on the GitHub wiki page, which will be updated as I update this mod. NOTE: CPWE does not add any visual effects to the game. However, integration with a mod that does is something I am considering. API (Coming Soon™) At some point in the future, I intend to include an API to allow other mods to not only retrieve the wind vector that CPWE is using, but supply CPWE with their own wind data. Exact details are not yet finalized. Planned Features (in order of priority): Support for dynamic wind patterns (i.e. ones that can change with time) The aforementioned API Possible integration with other mods I am open to ideas and feature suggestions. If you have any, please leave them below. Installation: Download: GitHub: https://github.com/CashnipLeaf/CPWE/releases Download includes some (kinda terrible) configs for Kerbin, Laythe, and Duna. Dependencies: ModularFlightIntegrator Toolbar Controller ClickThrough Blocker ModuleManager Source: https://github.com/CashnipLeaf/CPWE Mod Compatibility: Recommended Mods: Kopernicus KSPCommunityFixes Compatible With: FerramAerospaceResearch Most, if not all parts mods Conflicts With: Other mods that modify the stock aerodynamics system Documentation (WIP): https://github.com/CashnipLeaf/CPWE/wiki Known Issues (as of 03/09/2024): Changelog: Credits and Acknowledgements (not necessarily in order of contribution): @sarbian, @ferram4, & @Starwaster for making the ModularFlightIntegrator that allows interfacing with KSP's physics system. @cmet24 for creating Kerbal Weather Project, which was a big source of inspiration for this mod. License Information: The plugin, source code, settings & localization config files, and toolbar icons are licensed under the MIT License. All other config files and textures are licensed under the WTFPL license ( http://www.wtfpl.net/ )
  23. Stock Alarm Clock Disabler This is a small plugin that disables the stock alarm clock, perfect for those who prefer to use the popular mod Kerbal Alarm Clock. I created this because I was getting tired of accidentally creating an alarm due to the buttons overlapping on the maneuvers nodes. With this installed, it should no longer be an issue! Dependencies: HarmonyKSP Download: or Source code: GitHub License: GNU General Public License v3.0
  24. On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) By zer0Kerbal, originally by @`Orum adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Preamble by Orum The plugin requires a set of Module Manager patches to function, as it does not do anything unless integrated into a part. There are two different sets of patches available on CKAN or SpaceDock. One set that copies the fuel cells from Stock, Universal Storage 2, Jatwaa Demolitions Co, and Solid Fuel Cells (soon more) and replaces the stock modules with ODFC with three modes (four if Community Resource Pack is installed correctly) of operation. Also adds a 0.5 EC/s multimode fuel cell to all stock command pods (easily disabled since in separate patch) Another set that modifies the same set of parts instead of copying them. Features adjustable fuel cell use - much more than just On/Off operation multiple fuel modes (serial usage - one mode at a time) variable activation threshold configurable to produce byproducts (so O+H2 = EC + H2O) very small memory footprint Brown and Black out protection assistance PAW (Part Action Window / Right Click Menu) grouping with auto collapse, click the down arrow to drop the ODFC control panel down (KSP 1.7.1). Two new features from the game settings: Stall: fuel cell stops working if vessel total electric charge falls to close to zero (0f) and will not start until there is more electric charge. Fuel cells require EC to work. autoSwitch: automatically switched fuel mode looking for fuel if the current mode becomes fuel deprived. more features coming soon See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L Parts designed to use, or patches to modify existing parts This addon does nothing by itself. Supports GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) AllYAll - supports by removing Either BackgroundProcessing (exclusive to BackgroundResources) (see known issues list) Background Resources (exclusive to BackgroundProcessing) (see known issues list) Community Resource Pack Suggests (These mods have Fuel Cells) Hot Beverages Irradiated - Fuel Cells (HBI/FC) Bluedog Design Bureau Stockalike Mining Extension (SMX) Univeral Storage II Universl Storage RLA Reborn Solid Fuel Cells Jatwaa Demolitions Co Does not work with parts from (because they use own generation MODULES) Kethane USI @Angel-125's mods (Buffalo, Pathfinder, et al) CONFLICTS [ODFC-Refueled-CopyPatches][ODFC-C] [ODFC-Refueled-ModifyPatches][ODFC-M] REPLACES ODFC ODFC - On Demand Fuel Cells by Orum >-- ORIGINAL (outdated)--< [ODFC-Refueled][ODFC-R] Tags plugin, config, flags, agency, control, convenience, sound, resources red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @`Orumfor creating this glorious addon! @4x4cheesecake for helping with the initial adoption see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Known Issue Tracker [NEW][BUG] AmpYear doesn't seem to recognize ODFC [BUG] TweakScale will not scale module ODFC [BUG] Kerbalism doesn't recognize ODFC, ODFC still functions correctly [BUG] B9 doesn't work on ODFC enabled parts [BUG] next fuel mode should not be visible when only one mode [BUG] BackgroundProcessing or Background Resources mods don't see ODFC, so ODFC doesn't work when doesn't have focus. Should not have both BackgroundProcessing and BackgroundResources installed. any mod that requires to use onLoad() instead of onStart() to update a part Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
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