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  1. I am 95% certain that in a previous modded playthrough, I had the ability to toggle a 'ground-anchor' functionality on landing legs, helping to hold mining landers in place / stop sliding on minimally (or even moderately) inclined surfaces while also preventing them from leaping up when time-warp ends. I know 1.12 stock (or because I also have Breaking Ground) comes with a deployable ground-anchor, but I seem to remember having it on landing legs (such that I could action group: anchor, radiators out, drills extend in a single press)... Thanks!
  2. I was looking at the contract mods that use contract configurator, but i noticed that all of them are 1.3.5, 1.2 etc. Do they still work for the newest version of Ksp or should i look elsewhere?
  3. I am considering buying Kerbal Space Program 2, but I already have the first game. Should I get the second for 50$? I heard they changed some mechanics that the community didn't like and the reviews are very mixed about it on Steam. Should I get it? Is it worth the money?
  4. I found an interview with Nate Simpson explaining how this works. https://youtu.be/d6db1-dILgM?si=Q_GthA6T536iIJ5h The "workspace file name" is the name of the file on your computer. The "vehicle name" is the name of your rocket in game. Original post --- Each workspace has a name. Each vehicle has a name. A workspace can only contain one vehicle. When you load a file it gives you the workspace name. When you save a file it gives you the vehicle name to overwrite. When you merge files, you merge workspaces. My first impression was, a workspace allows you to build variations of a vehicle. Like a rocket family. However you can only have one vehicle in a workspace. Is the intent that you're suppose to merge payload workspaces into a vehicles workspace and then combine them? Why then can you swap assembly anchor? It feels like "assembly anchor" should be called "vehicle", and you should be able give each one a unique name. A workspace now contains multiple vehicles. You then merge other vehicles from other workspaces into your active workspace to add to the list of vehicles. For example. "Apollo workspace" (contains vehicles) Saturn V Command/service module LEM Apollo–Soyuz Merge skylab from "space station workspace" into "apollo workspace". But this is not possible. I'm not sure what the intent here is... Does anyone know?
  5. We all know that Kerbals go into space and stuff. But what do kerbals eat? what are their snacks made out of? Where do they live? What do their houses look like? Do they have grocery stores? Kerbal Walmart? Do they play video games? Board games? What does the average kerbal do? Mow the lawn? Feed the dog, if they have dogs? What is life like on Kerbin? You guys get to answer that, and be creative.
  6. 1 of 3 parachutes failed to deploy yesterday. They were all on the same craft, snapped on with the triangular symmetry tool. All on the same stage. One of them would not deploy even when manually hitting deploy. It was not damaged. Identical clone to the other two as far as I can tell. The Kerbals did survive. Good thing it came down over water. Do we have random part failures?
  7. The clouds are now a little less pretty around the flying craft. Before the (great) update, the clouds around the active vessel looked great, no bleeding edges or anything. Now, the weird zone around the vessel is visible again, despite an even more beautiful shadow render for the clouds. So I'm curious: Why was this decision taken? Will we get a better performing rendering system for the clouds? Will this change be permanent, regarding the clouds edges rendering?
  8. I am trying to make some stealthy fighter jets, but the problem is that the stock air intakes just don't fit my style, any suggestions?
  9. I have the core of a space station with docking ports on the side and a fuel storage module with docking ports on the side. I want to dock and connect them, but i have no idea how to do it if both are on the side. Any ideas?
  10. Does anyone know of a mod that requires the player to stockpile certain resources, outside of career mode? For example: Rather than being able to fill a KSPIe antimatter tank with an arbitrary amount of antimatter, the player first has to collect that much antimatter, then recover it on Kerbin. Alternatively, a mod that lets you prohibit certain resources from being added in the VAB/SPH, so the player has to bring that vehicle to a space station/base that has some of that resource to fill up the tanks.
  11. https://imgur.com/k6ODcqn https://imgur.com/aoCg7Z3 It's like a surface texture of Moho but it's far too large. [It was the Moho Ablation, introduced by AVP, easily removable]
  12. I have made a helicopter that works except for one part. Once it gets up if it rolls one way i cant get it to roll back without changing the pich of the intire copter. How would i fix this problem??
  13. The title pretty much says it all. Is anybody in the modder community working on this, or is there some other workaround that makes that unnecessary? I would surely love to go back to using my thumbsticks to fly rather than my keyboard!
  14. (Sorry if my English is bad) I'm fairly new to KSP 2 and I was just wondering where I should go or what I should do at my skill level. I've been to both the Mun and Minmus before and have even been to both in 1 mission, I have a couple of satellites orbiting Kerbin, The Mun, Minmus and Duna but now I'm not sure what to do next. I've tried a couple of times at making a space station but I'm quite bad at rendezvous and docking, I could maybe just keep on trying to improve my docking skills or go to another planet but I'm not interested in the latter at the moment. I'd appreciate some cool ideas or tips on what to do and where to go from this point.
  15. I'm wondering because there's a lot of things you can not do either without a significant risk of the kraken or at all with landing gears and docking ports that you can with rotors and pistons. Examples include piston driven catapults (for carriers), legs for walkers/mechs as well as cranes and propellers.
  16. G'day! It's early days for Kerbal Space Program 2, but I am wondering if there are any relevant resources regarding development for modifications for KSP2. Has there been any official/unofficial information or tools released? Are there any unofficial community forums or resource locations which could be of invaluable assistance? I have not developed any mods for KSP1 other than editing files here and there to my liking, but am looking to try my hand at some more involved tinkering. Cheers in advance, Bradyns
  17. Does anyone knows how to add picture in your topic? I tried “insert image from URL” but it just ain’t work. Have any recommend website for images transform or any other way to upload images? Thanks for reading
  18. Hello comrades! I sincerely apologize for the grammatical errors. I have one humble question that flows into the second: Will the game be available in the Russian region? And (assuming not), why not? [snip]
  19. I tried to Google but Google doesn't understand me. I was wondering which seat a scientist has to be in to be the one who does the experiments. I am in a 2 seat capsule. Does Bob have to EVA to run the science? Jeb and Bob. What a pair!
  20. 1, will the current DLC parts be included on release, or will you have to buy them again? 2, what're the minimum specs for the game? I heard it'll be a lot more refined than KSP 1 so I'm hoping it'll run on my potato (Lenovo IdeaPad 310-15abr) 3, once it fully releases will you have to pay for it again? And 4, if I buy it on my potato and get a better potato will I be able to download it on there without needing to buy it again?
  21. https://photos.app.goo.gl/RU7GV8GyMqkTdtvK8 I've accepted this mission which tells me to put a space telescope into solar orbit somewhat close to Eve's, however, unlike the other 2 missions I have active for putting Satelites around Eve, it's not graphically showing me the orbit. It's "almost" circular, so perhaps it doesn't feel the need to show it, but I would rather have it as a guide if possible, I do have about 4.3k delta v in Kerbin orbit so either way it should be fine (bless nuclear engines xd). Thank you for your attention.
  22. Hi there and happy new year! I have long been wanting something like Orbital and in general offworld construction in KSP and think it is an amazing feature for KSP. Now my question is, do we know anything about an orbital VAB editor (screenshots?) and the building process in general? Like what parts and resources we will need and if there is a building animation or something like that? KSP2 Early Access is less than two months away yay!
  23. This might be too much to ask for but i would like a list of almost EVERY visual mod available for the most recent version of ksp. I have the basics like EVE and scatterer, but once i learned about how many more there really are, i'd like to know as many as the community knows about.
  24. I've stopped playing ksp for a few years now but I am now just getting back into it. Is there any links to an updated version of b9. What is the future of this mod?
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