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  2. I really don't know what's wrong. This is the problem that's taking me the longest to troubleshoot, still no water in Duna and all the other things I posted, but this specific one broke my playthgough and I really don't want to abandon KSP again...
  3. You can get procedural parts (including wings, fuel tanks, etc.) with mods on KSP1 as well.... Just as an FYI.
  4. I think I said it in another thread, but I'll say it again here for posterity: My biggest fear coming out of all of this isn't that KSP2 will simply get cancelled. What I worry about is that not only will KSP2 get cancelled, but KSP3 will get the green-light to correct what happened with KSP2, and then all those of us who have KSP2 will end up having to pay for the next iteration even though we trusted the company to give us the current one. I'll be up front and honest that if this happens - if development on KSP2 continues OR if KSP2 is stopped and KSP3 is done, and we end up having to pay a second time for it - I'll be done with the franchise. I refuse to have paid for a product that was never finished only to be told "give us more money; we promise we will finish this time". Fool me once and all.
  5. *** Earlier @JadeOfMaar was so kind to give some advices on the manufacturing (EPL and others) here.
  6. The largest problem you will find with mods in KSP1 is that the more you add, the longer it takes the game to load. Load times for stock are already too long; once you add a few mods you start talking in terms of 10s of minutes for loading. Even with better-than-average hardware, you could be looking at 15-20 minutes just to get away from the "Applying Patches" screen at initial start-up. With that said, the list of mods any one individual user would stack onto KSP is all really dependent upon the type of gameplay you want to have. For example, what kind of additional parts are you looking for? Colonies? Orbital launchpads? Russian space program? American space program? Probes or command modules? Tanks? And even with all these parts, are you looking to update stock textures? Use additional graphics mods to get the new parts looking their shiniest? And considering there are thousands of KSP1 players, you are bound to get thousands of different answers. So be prepared to sift through a whole host of lists. Kind of like the one I'm about to give you. My recommendations on must-have mods, those things that I believe the game should include as stock options but doesn't: MechJeb Kerbal Engineer Redux Kerbal Inventory System/Kerbal Attachment System Community Tech Tree Un Kerballed Start Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes This of course is my preferred list and applies only to myself. You may find that you agree with any, all, part, or none of this list. And keep in mind that this has nothing to do with parts, contracts, graphics, or anything else you may be looking for.
  7. What was really the only improvement, was the wings. That was something worth of a sequel. All else except loading times, you can get with mods on KSP1. Also, all mentioned doesen't make life better playing the game, it is just cosmetics. As for UI, this is more personal preference than actual improvement.
  8. See also: Satisfactory (headed for v1.0 / exit from EA 'soonTM' and (I would argue) Dyson Sphere Program (no idea when 1.0 is coming, nor what it might include, but their game is fairly fun, well-received/reviewed, and continues development with reasonable levels of communication, though it has been a while since I've heard anything...)
  9. Feast your eyes on the footage included in this doc; excellent! Some great Gemini 6 & 7 rendezvous footage. Entertaining historic radio chatter also
  10. I suspect the real reason for this is poor mission planning, they forgot to add an antenna with high enough signal strength to keep us updated. Either that or they went offline due to their solar arrays not being aligned with Kerbol...or perhaps something more sinister, the Kraken!
  11. Short answer, no. Long answer; In my opinion, it should be abundantly clear at this point that the intention in 2019 was to release a feature complete game; to which the development team failed miserably at. Take Two / Private Division gave them three years worth of additional development time which still was not enough time for them to get anywhere close to a shippable product. I don't think we will ever know for sure due to those with knowledge being unable to disclose any details, however, I believe Take Two gave them (Private Division and/or Intercept Games) an ultimatum to start generating revenue or stop incurring expenses; so they elected to hastily try to patch it up to get anything they could shove out the door in 4 months and slapped an Early Access label on it in hopes they could generate enough revenue to sustain them through completion (e.g. what your essentially saying in the above quote). The EA announcement was largely where they lost me in terms of communication as the rational regarding launching as EA in that video seemed completely hollow and disingenuous to me. It made no logical sense in context with all of their prior communications, even the ones made just a few short months prior to that video. Watching all of the "delayed" and intermediate update videos sequentially upto the EA announcement video it is hard not to come to the conclusion that they were either lying or substantially misrepresenting things in all of their prior videos; or they were being very disingenuous in their stated reasoning for launching it in Early Access. To me the latter is far more likely in my opinion.
  12. That’s awesome!! Maybe you could set up a GitHub or a discord and we could help you out, I’m really eager to have configs for the restock parts
  13. Can't disagree with any of the above to be honest.
  14. Also in "countries" jurisdictions within countries, à la Québec... <Looking into what our laws might provide for>
  15. There is no mod/s to my knowledge that covers the fundamental basics of 'Colonies', at least not what the developers described. You'd (or people in general) probably be better off trying to implement such a thing into KSP2 as it's basically made for it. That said, there's loads of good stuff for KSP1, Hab Tech for example, or Planetary Base System which is really cool and adds a wonderful aesthetic to that particular category. Life support, your answer is Kerbalism and pretty much only Kerbalism, all of the other ones are half-baked in comparison. Science is broadly covered in Kerbalism. But there are a few mods that add more experiments and such, like Scan Sat. As for parts, Nertea's mods are a basic requirement of a good mod list, all of Benjee's stuff is solid too. But there's so many you'd have to kinda be specific about what sort of parts in particular you looking for? Utilities? You able to be more specific? If we're talking about stuff like cargo bays, et cetera, Universal Storage is a great starting point. Might I also recommend FMRS, for booster recoveries and stuff.
  16. Today
  17. No option applies. I wanted what was initially promised, in a functional state, without major bugs, and full of innovative new features with a solid foundation to grow on. I kept my money because: 1. The above product was not provided. 2. The dev team was not a small team charging a reasonable amount to keep the lights on while working on a passion project, but was instead a large and well funded team of pros who charged what amounts to nearly full price for a pre alpha build dumped into EA in a sorry state.
  18. I have a mid-range laptop with an RTX 3060M and the game runs fine to be honest, 1080P all settings to maximum (except for textures) and I get in the region of ~50 FPS.
  19. Plenty of bugs left, one common one for me is falling trough the ground after time warp on the ground on wheels or legs on bodies with no atmosphere. I entered an underground orbit at Minmus once, just braking a bit and then burn sideways to raise Pe, however probe was tagged as landed so I could not leave it. Another one is that using wheels on many discoverables will make you jump as crazy, it happened twice at Moho, first time I managed to recover, but landing on the moheart, my manned lander was damaged and tipped over. Luckily I had an second lander there, I landed unmanned on first mission but that lander had an seat and enough dV to reach orbit. Problem was getting to it, it was pitch dark so I had to install an headlamp mod to see anything, Old lander used the small landing legs who did not jump but it had slid off the discoverable object. I came out of the hole at significant speed
  20. He also says going public in a few years... though this must be Starlink I think, not SpaceX.
  21. I'll have to check this post out once im home - imgur is blocked on school computers...
  22. There's something prophetic about a guy who's last name is Baron able to invest $1 billion in anything (looking him up, he's apparently got $45 billion in assets). And he'd have that information too, wouldn't he?
  23. ok I found the fix and it had to do with uninstalling simple repaint even though the bug with that was fixed
  24. Or in other words, "Exhibit A" for some proposed legal-pursuits?
  25. Hello, again! Today I checked file integrity (via Steam) without mods, but KSP keeps freezing from time to time (aproximately 20s every 5min). Here is the latest Player.log: Fastupload.io It feels like garbage collecting. Is there any known issues about it? Any suggestions is very welcome! ;-)
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