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Everything posted by Castille7

  1. The Sea Warrior Aircraft Carrier is now released! Which would you like to see released next? See Details and Craft File Here!
  2. Sector 7 Space Laboratories Marine Division - Aircraft Carrier SEA WARRIOR Sea Warrior is supporting 3 craft all capable of launching from the deck of the Carrier entering the water and returning to air travel, the Stingray and Manta Ray Craft are Submersible Craft. I know mods can get you to the water quickly and load Kermans really quick but I like promoting KSP as Stock so please be patient with the craft it takes some time getting to the water but it's a lot of fun in the end. Operations: Right Click the Starboard Engine (Right) when arriving on the Runway and Activate with about quarter to half throttle and this will push the Carrier off to the left of the Runway. Travel on the grass until you reach the coastline. Speed on land was ok under 30 m/s not sure how fast you can travel to the beach, enter the water near 5 m/s not sure how fast the craft can enter without creating damage. With all engines running at full it will run fine but not sure for how long. Engineer's Report Mass - 559.7t Parts - 996 Height - 19.6m Lenght - 55.2m Width - 22.2m Craft File - Sea Warrior
  3. Planning to release the Carrier soon this week is the plan, it will support 3 craft, one VTOL (Remake of the Minute), Two Air to Submersible Craft, all craft are launchable from the Carrier.
  4. Really nice picks for this SCF, and big thank you for the mention of my Shuttle Craft build, it was a challenge indeed!
  5. You know me, I love mechanical engineering and creative ideas and this one fits the bill! Really cool stuff!
  6. Maybe Johnny Five Or Wall-E? http://www.johnny-five.com/ http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwjL2OTOtvDKAhWG5yYKHTUHDK4QjB0IBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com%2Fsearch%3Ftbm%3Disch%26q%3DWALL-E&psig=AFQjCNEdnFlvRld4setrJsTUaOAEih6_ew&ust=1455304683125688&rct=j
  7. I had a career operating large industrial vessels in the Gulf of Mexico, It's really fun when working with Mechanical things with lots of power, we can only imagine what it would have been like to be a Jet Pilot or an Astronaut, so much Power!
  8. I am planning to release one of these craft soon on the Spacecraft Exchange Forum, here is a spoiler of the upcoming craft. First Picture is a sneak peak of a large Dropship named AirLift One, Second picture is an Air to Watercraft named CP-105 SeaDog, Third picture is a large Aircraft Carrier named Sea Warrior and the last picture is a craft named Spritz - 105. Which would you like to see released next?
  9. An incredible amount of work here, after completing the craft and taking so much time with the GIF's it is all so amazing! great craft SaturnianBlue!
  10. And this weeks Kerbal Engineering Genius Award goes toooooooo!!!!......Bubbadevlin!!!! I've been wanting to do this for a long time, congratulations on the Rotarycraft Design, this is an amazing build.
  11. Sent a thank you to Imgur this morning for you and thought you might like to know

    We at Kerbal Space Program & Kerbalx love Imgur and I would like to thank you on behalf of Kerbalx for working with us! You have a great team and we appreciate your work. Thanks again and have a nice day!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Castille7


      It's a touchy situation for you I'm sure and I would rather hold my tongue on any advice at this point, good luck with this and I hope you get some resolution on this soon.

    3. katateochi


      I think I shall be patient and wait for them to respond to the currently open support request. At least with the https workaround things are mostly working as normal. Thanks for your support dude!

    4. Castille7


      Your welcome! I'm looking forward to the site coming back to normal soon and I am sure it will, this is a good promotional tool for Imgur as well.

  12. If you've watched the video I apologize for the camera not keeping still at the beginning, still learning what not to do when creating videos.
  13. Sector 7 Space Laboratories Space Exploration Division - Mini Space Shuttle Skip Audio is from the original Launch, and the craft has been through a few changes, many launches and videos so you may see some minor changes in the Craft. I've added some extra launch pad action so the part count will not be accurate, this seems to matter from some. Two small Service Bays opt for Satellite Transportation or other Cargo. After experiencing this build I found Space Shuttles are a very tedious thing to build if you plan to have decent handling and to enter an Orbit around Kerbin. Hope you enjoy it and as always feedback is welcome. "Remembering Atlantis The Final Mission" Flight Operations: Engage SAS, throttle up to Half Throttle then press spacebar. At 15,000m press RCS roll to 35 Degree then disengage RCS, the rest of the Operations are your skills Craft File - Skip
  14. Because you seem to like the MIG how about the Mig 15? Also that's nice work on that 29! If you would like a challenge put three are more in a flight formation, that would look really cool!! Check these out! http://i.imgur.com/9DmO30D.png
  15. Sector 7 Space Laboratories Space Exploration Division - Mini Space Shuttle Skip This Craft has been through a few changes, many launches and videos so you may see some minor changes in the Craft. I've added some extra launch pad action so the part count will not be accurate, this seems to matter from some. Hope you enjoy it and as always feedback is welcome. "Remembering Atlantis The Final Mission" Parts - 101 Mass - 111.8t Height - 22.2m Width - 5.6m Lenght - 10.5m
  16. Weapons! Weapons! Weapons! The A-10 is known for the 30mm gun on the nose for the most part. I recommend showing some weaponry when presenting the Warthog if you want to tweak the craft. Also that's a really nice job with the cockpit!
  17. I thought the same about the music but I don't know which country the OP is from, this may be more popular in their country, overall I like the low part count and clean look of the craft and the Cinematic work is nice.
  18. I like clean looking craft builds and this one is very clean looking, although I do admit mine are not so clean looking. Your craft also has a low part count which is liked by many because the average gamers are not running computers with the graphic cards needed for large craft. I would also like to say this is a nice job with the Cinematic!
  19. Here is a video of the Drilling Process on Duna, keep in mind this craft didn't have any Action Groups set for this flight test.
  20. I was hoping it would make it to Duna but didn't know what to expect, often I wouldn't have enough fuel to orbit Duna. As for now it can't escape Duna but can travel its surface as long as Ore is available. Maybe I should have named the craft Duna Leech?.....haha
  21. Thank you for the mention Columbia!....Often a simple looking craft gets overlooked as being simple and some of these you picked are just that, they could have gotten overlooked. Congratulations to everyone who made the cut this week, after reviewing them I found your craft was an impressive one! If I had to pick a favorite in these that were picked it would be the X-wing, great job Yukon0009! Thanks again Columbia these are great picks for SCF.
  22. Sector 7 Space Laboratories - Space Exploration - Star Leech If you have been following my recent work you already know I haven't been doing much space travel in a long time. I decided it's time to get away from Kerbin and take a trip to deep space and Duna is where I decided to go for a quick craft build so I can determine what it may take to reach Eeloo in this new Version 1.0.5. In this build I only had a couple of mistakes, in the past it would have been more I'm sure. Here is what took place, the first stage went great, then rolling to a 45 Degree I did the famous somersault and recovered fairly quickly. After releasing the next stage I noticed the craft had a bad wobble and I immediately killed the thrust, the craft settled down and I was able to continue with my trajectory heading for Duna. At this point I noticed I hadn't set up the asparagus fuel style to maximize my fuel usage. Now I am coming down on Duna's surface to attempt a landing and of course I have a good habit now to use that ole F5 and the savior F9 key and sure enough I came in to hard and smashed into the surface. After a second or third try I did manage to land but I was struggling because I didn't bother setting any action groups until after this test flight. As I was falling to the surface I was frantically doing fuel transfers and shutting down the engines to get the best out of my fuel consumption. I am now fixing the Weak Point in the craft and the fuel lines while Bob is drilling for Ore on Duna. After I finish fueling on Duna I will then see how far I will be able to travel, Ike, Dres or Eeloo? not sure at this point. Also check out how little fuel I had left after landing, I barely made it.
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