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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. It's true. They usually release whether it's ready or not. ba dum tss People constantly bring this up. Do people actually live their lives like this? Worrying that one person in a hundred might not like what they did?
  2. The lead artist likes cameras as much as Final Fantasy likes zippers.
  3. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. What a sad, sad world this has become.
  4. Completely disagree. This is additive to the base game. An expansion on current features if you will. These sort of packs were once widely accepted in the gaming community. It's sad how much we want for free these days when we are entitled to actually very little. No you're not. Can we please go back to the days when you bought a complete game and no one expected anything afterwards?
  5. When ComNet was first introduced, I didn't really care for it. After adding Orbital Survey Plus, and giving it a fair shake, I've really grown to love the stock system. Really, just that one difficulty change was all I needed. Now I see little reason to install another comms mod. Even though DLC may duplicate mods at times, I hope their integration goes the same as it did with ComNet for me. The better stock KSP becomes, the fewer caveats I need to give to friends when introducing them to it. The less we need to rely on super fans doing work for free with little reward. Linux Guru Gamer can't be relied upon forever after all.
  6. If last update was any indication, I think @GregroxMun has retired the Hypetrain. Perhaps if someone wants to be the Hypebus driver, that could be arranged.
  7. If the announcement thread is any indication, there isn't a controversy. Most people seem to be really hype for the DLC. Let's not take the complaints of a small minority and paste them onto the whole. There's far to much of that these days.
  8. [citation needed] Personally, I highly doubt this to be the case. Consider how far ahead the PC version still is, and that gap is only growing. The console version, from the very beginning, has been the red headed step child of the bunch. I expect that trend to continue. Sure. ...but let's not let a few negative comments over shadow the majority praise this announcement has received. This community has been labeled unable to be pleased, but this is a fine example to the opposite. We are just as willing to give worthy praise as we are worthy criticism. Make a good product, and we will praise you to the Mun.
  9. ...and people thought the Take Two buy out would be the end of all things. This list is a great counter to my past pessimism. I've actually been pretty impressed by Squad recently, and that's saying something.
  10. Let's be real. This should just be default at the beginning of all your posts. ... Love your posts anyway. There's been many threads on how KSP could successfully pull off time based mechanics. I'm hoping Squad has read them, as reiterating them would take a long time.
  11. Your logic and reason has no place here! That aside. I think it would be beneficial of Squad to reconsider the tech tree now that moving across the surface of planets may actually have a gameplay function.
  12. Isn't that why Comnet can spot anomalies? Honestly, this closes that gameplay loop. Needing to see them by the naked eye is only necessary from a relatively close distance.
  13. Hopefully the modders can adjust the models. I am worried Squad didn't think through what surface features should go where.
  14. Here's my only real critique so far. Why is there a crystal here? Please put thought into where and how surface features are located. Otherwise, I am hype about KSP for the first time in a long time.
  15. I hear you. I pulled a 70 hour week recently. It was like pretending to be a game developer. Never underestimate the joy of tacos.
  16. Just wait tell you're an adult and have to do 8 hours of chores 5 days a week. Tacos.
  17. Sometimes you need a few pieces of evidence to be convinced. I needed convinced. Multiplayer confirmed!?
  18. Because clouds should have never needed to be a mod in the first place? Mods should be additive, not completive.
  19. Embracing time based mechanics? Who are you and what have you done with Squad?
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