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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Well, not to set any expectations but I *did* unwrap the S-IVC engine mount the other day. Didn't get much done re: texturing it I'm afraid.
  2. You know the stock radial attachment port? The original plan was to make Skylab-style versions of those, using the same 0.9375m/0.625m attach point design as the rest of the station. If everyone likes that idea I can be sure to include it in the reelase. Very nice! Some day I'll get around to those... Not that I don't appreciate your work, but I want the Multibody to have more bespoke textures and UVs. Unrelated, but I noticed that the Saturn 1 texture sheet hasn't been updated... soooo, yeah. Only the S-IV IU and tankage, as well as PART of the S-I tankage so far. Also, I have reached kind of a road block on the Venus Flyby part design-wise; trying to figure out how much work it will be to get past it. Stay tuned I suppose.
  3. It's a 2 stage lifter. Boosters are considered stage 0.
  4. The ETS moon stuff is 'out of scope' for BDB, as it is based on the Constellation Altair architecture and unrelated to the LEM. However, I get what you're saying and indeed any further moon architecture in BDB will be based on modified LEM hardware. I already have plans for at least two different modules - the Early Lunar Shelter (which some people may remember as having been partially modeled already) and the SheLab. as you pointed out, that will require extensive modifications to the LEM Descent stage to clear off the various hardware specific to the original configuration. It will be a bit of work, but I have to make a new texture sheet for any further LEM updates anyways. Rest assured, it's on my list.
  5. Yup! I was seduced into making it by some friends. It's basically one part... Of course, to do it I'll basically get the alternate SLA with detachable panels some people have asked for, for free! OwO
  6. I'm not sure what you mean. Last I checked, the petals are supposed to open before the CSM is released, is this not the case? Aha, you have run into the well know, but little understood bug of 'Cobalt is a lazy piece of trash that forgets entire functionalities during revamps'. I forgot to make the new switching geometry, though the new iteration may take advantage of mesh switching instead of autoshrouds so that people could potentially use 3 engines at once... see, this is why it's great when people try and break the stuff on Github! Similarly, I must've accidentally adjusted the thrustTransform of the Inon in Unity, which in turn offset the RealPlume. In short, the cause is not somewhere between your keyboard and chair, but between your computer and a blue, mangy, alcohol-soaked wolf.
  7. No problem, I think i know what it is. The rescale cfg universally rescale all the Saturn parts, then goes back and adds exceptions/overrides. I was mostly concerned with the adapter below the IU being the right size (since it needed an alternate model) and forgot to check the IU itself. It's an easy enough fix. Gah, hopefully the forum merges my replies. Anyways, don't know anything about the extra stuff since I didn't make it. (Worth noting the official Block IV MM is coming this update) as for crashes, I have never encountered a crash testing BDB that i don't know the cause of, and that's in a mostly stock game. Now, saying 'it must be another mod' isn't fair, since plenty of other mods work fine together! so if we can track down what in BDB is aggravating another mod (or, indeed, perhaps the game engine) we'll see what we can do to fix it.
  8. Glad you like them! Make sure you check the RCS options as well. In some of them. They're not a priority and I don't make them myself.
  9. Sure! They already have basic descriptions but could probably use something better. Same for all the new stuff I've uploaded today. On that note... The basic Centaur parts have been 'mostly' updated. I think if I have this much time free next weekend as well I might be able to get the remaining Atlas / Centaur stuff pretty sorted.
  10. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't understand how the Squad fairing module works but it does that to me too sometimes.
  11. Hmm, but don't forget the OWS is supposed to have an IU as well. What does it look like compared with Skylab with the IU on top, and the engine mount in place of the IU on the bottom of yours? No, the new adapter includes the same fairing. I believe you're right and some passing mention is made of Spacelab having more substantial shielding but I'm not sure what it is exactly.
  12. No, I never got around to making it. Someone should though. EDIT: The ion / xenon parts as well as the Pioneer 6 parts are up on Github. 15 new parts to try and break / give me balance feedback on!
  13. Ah, it is an alternate history written by the same author as Eyes Turned Skyward. Deals with exactly that - Shuguang, and a bunch of other early chinese tech. Basically, it's about what was possible with CZ-2 level launchers and nothing more. https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/tliaw-dawn-of-the-dragon.383156/
  14. @hraban have you read Dawn of the Dragon lately?
  15. Very nice as well! Though, there is a new part that replaces the original Skylab airlock/adapter part since in Spacelab the airlock functionality is moved to an annex module... However there is some weirdness to the part right now, I need to try and track it down. Also, I just noticed that your reskinned S-IVB is very short. I was trying to think of why, then I remembered - the length of the engine mount part is already included in the Skylab OWS! Which in turn makes building a wet workshop version (using the actual BDB parts, not yours) a bit of a minger... Hurray! I know I already told you but I like it! EDIT: For @Drakenex and anyone else testing the Spacelab bits, I just made a commit to Github that fixes the broken adapter module.
  16. Yup! By the way, these are on Github for testing... they need some balance feedback since I just copied in values from other cfgs without getting a chance to playtest. Tomorrow I have another mostly-free day, I'll try and finish up that Xenon stuff as well.
  17. Spacelab Sole American space station as of 1982. Heavily modified and upgraded version of Skylab, it was designed to serve as the home of ASTP II, where Soviet and American spacefarers would spend several months together in space. After doing so, it became a joint US-European station with the addition of the European Research Module, ERM, in October 1979. Routinely plays host to American and European astronauts.
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