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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Its called British Rocket EXpansion and Integration Technologies. Any abbreviations or political implications thereof are the onus of the user.
  2. Serious progress on the tank tonight! The tank you see will be cut up and rearranged (and probably some more new texturing) to total 5-6 tanks in the end, rounding out the 1.875m tanks for BREXIT. Note the labels on the smooth portion of the tank. You won't be able to surface attach to that part of the tank. In return, the tanks will have lighter dry mass compared to normal tanks of the same volume. This reflects the stage's IRL partially balloon tank construction. I'm sure you all will be able to design around this. This sort of 'ruleset' will be used for the revamp of the Atlas (non Atlas-V) parts.
  3. *blink* I didn't even know, the phrase was just in my head when I went to throw the post up! I plan on trying to stream tonight as well, though I don't know what time it would be. I'm fighting hard to get this composite to look... right. Also, we were wondering last night about the center engine on the bottom two stacks? It's a vacuum optimized variant of the RZ.2, I can't find if it's supposed to be air started or not.
  4. Yeah I noticed that last time I was testing. I'll take another whack at it. Does anyone know what other parts are doing that? I *think* the MOL doesn't do it, Mercury still might... Apollo and Gemini maybe... New mod me and some other modders are working on, I just dropped it here cus I haven't made a thread yet. Yeah well... I had something good to start from. Yuppers! Blue Streak, aka the Europa first stage engine. And it will have... 3 different mesh switches? You'll see. I'm hoping to stream again tonight, maybe make the first stage fuel tank? I'd like to test some ideas I have for how I'm going to model/unwrap/texture Atlas's tanks in a more interesting way, so that's doubly productive, right?
  5. I mean... It's on the todo list...
  6. My class let out super early (the professor showed up just to tell us to go home and apologize for not having anything for today, long story) which means I'm home early enough for it to be worth streaming! Come to Twitch and check out something special/unique I've been working on.
  7. I mean, we talked about our significant others on the phone this morning but I can't say I know him that closely. And what do you mean, we have an Atlas-Centaur! (that's old. and ugly. and has to be remade)
  8. I would just use StrawPoll. http://www.strawpoll.me/
  9. I am pretty sure we have our own native Cryo Engines functionality, since trying to balance Saturn with stock LFO became impossible (the increased density of LFO upper stages become an exponential issue, and we wound up needing the F-1s at something like 90% of their real world thrust output!)
  10. If I may also voice a request for something, I would personally like to see a Rokot/Strela... really any of the UR-100 variants. I probably will never use your parts (both because I play stockalike, and because I never actually play anymore) so don't think that this is a serious request. I just think they'd be really neat to see in KSP in your style.
  11. Best I've got. EDIT: Forgot, kudos to @EmbersArc for making this
  12. Check this tutorial. It's for Wings 3D but everything translates to Blender fairly readily.
  13. Check Github, it should be fixed now. You may have to rebuild the craft, I'm not sure. Unfortunately, yes. LDC Titan ( @Foxxonius Augustus to be clear, it's one set of parts that represent the 'average' of all the big Titan proposals - it's not a separate set of parts for LDC Titan and Titan Barbarian) is still a long ways off. I was just messing with it because I was prodded to do so and didn't feel like working on anything else. The alternate Gemini SM may or may not actually be added, idk. It's up to how many people want it. I'm at the point where I'd feel guilty about essentially just moving some vertices around the same part again. It definitely fits the docking ring better. Also, real quick, I didn't realize I never implemented the shorter Gemini-MOL service module that matches the angle of the capsule and is shorter. @tg626 made it but I forgot to add it to Github.The docking ring needs a serious pass, but in the future it should be a nicer part to use, with folding and/or toggleable dishes to make your fairings more streamlined. For those that don't know, that was a real quick attempt in Maya to recreate an image from @e of pi's Dawn of the Dragon ATL. Hopefully the designs/missions performed by China in that ATL can be recreated using BDB in the future. (see bottom of post) https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/tliaw-dawn-of-the-dragon.383156/ On the subject of landers - the geometry of the Gemini lander's frame was changed after some suggestions by @Daelkyr and now actually fits in a 1.875m shroud. So, hurray?
  14. I have to say Alcentar, this is some amazingly impressive work that you've been doing. The community appreciates all the great new Russian hardware.
  15. Well the lockers shouldn't be KIS storable in the first place...
  16. I, uh, am not sure what you mean. The volume is defined in the part cfg. I don't believe any calculation is done at all. I'd like to find a solution for the cardboard.
  17. Sorry for the delay! Thanks! I've pushed an update with these changes! I don't have any real feelings on locker balance so if you have any suggestions let me know! Update is now available on Github and Spacedock
  18. A BDB dev stream? Tonight? On Twitch? Starting between 6 and 7 Eastern and going until Cobalt passes out? Who'd have thunk it???
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