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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. New textures and new .mu files but nothing save breaking. The colliders nodes etc didn't change. Just some tweaking of the UVs, new materials which is why the .mu files need to be updated... but yeah.
  2. Alrighty everyone, I forgot to post last night so here goes. The earlyRockets parts (The Thor, Vanguard, Redstone, Able, and Ablestar families) are now tentatively up on Github. Please feel free to take a look and give me feedback on what they look like in game. There are still some lingering issues (some inconsistencies with the thickness of the panel lines, the engine fairings didn't have their colors adjusted, etc.) but overall they're most of the way there. I just know there must be some details I missed. Let me know what y'all think! EDIT: Also, @akron just released a beta for the new version of Probes+, and you should all czech it out.
  3. You didn't tell Unity it was a Normal map? It's good that you're making them as proper normal maps outside Unity - exporting via part tools using the 'convert from grayscale' option can cause issues.
  4. I am pretty sure you can disable staging already? And Big G was never finished past the parts @Beale made (for those that don't know, those were his models), which basically is the crew cabin and the larger 2.5m heatshield. Any further parts required for it (and, most of the Gemini variants) simply don't exist at this time. DEVELOPMENT STREAM TONIGHT COME HAVE FUN AND GET STDS
  5. @dboi88 for your next sci fi thing you need to make the thing from Passengers
  6. (I didn't forget to reply to this no sir) Thanks! I love how ridiculous it is - they basically did it to save money but it wound up costing more in the end. Everything about Skylab is so ridiculous / inefficient... I can't really do it in BDB since, well, our Gemini doesn't even have doors like that...
  7. That and Juno are both in separate folders. These are literally in the 'earlyRockets' folder since they all take from the same texture sheets.
  8. Why are you bad. (Are you planning on being on Arma tonight or tomorrow? I'm debating) Makes sense.
  9. My website has been down for a while, I haven't been able to afford to get it back up. My most up to date stuff is on lobstersare.online
  10. Forgot to pay my screenshot tax... sorry for the slow progress on this revamp. The urge to spend hours tweaking invidiual parts is too strong... I feel that another evening of work may see the 'earlyRockets' parts completed. I'm also sorry for not making Github commits so people can see the new textures firsthand, I'll try and rectify that soon and get some initial uploads of things as they're finished Again, I'd just like to ask if anyone has any particular parts they hate that they'd like to see me put some particular work into, or if there are any serious parts that are missing (someone has pointed out a 2.5m to 1.875m adapter other than the Centaur one).
  11. If you don't address your doctor as JD you're doing it wrong! Get better soon!
  12. I can't, sorry. If that's not enough for you, you're well within your rights to be skeptical (and you should be! ) In any case, I feel that makes the original topic of this thread somewhat pointless, because honestly, the new Making History parts we've seen DO fit fairly well with the existing stock rocket parts. However, I still think we need a full stock rocket part revamp, because, well, we deserve to have the game look better and consistent. This really isn't about breaking stock balance. Heck, myself, @passinglurker, and a number of other modders who support a part revamp (Porkjet's or otherwise) would rather people DIDN'T try and stick with stock parts. But the stock artstyle informs what ALL our mods have to look like, since we all strive to make our parts match aesthetically. A mod seeking to correct these issues would be pointless, unless all other modders sought to follow that art style instead.
  13. @Warsoul I'm more just confused by the attitude. I am also a computer graphics artist by trade, but the difference is that this is a hobby - not 'work done for free'.
  14. Prove you're a senior modeler and I'll send you $35 for each hour you work.
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