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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Had a little chance to work tonight... put a bit of love into the Gemini Lander Can. This is without speculars - rest assured it will be shiny!
  2. You need to go into your game's settings and enable advanced tweakables. That lets you access autostrutting from the right click menu in the VAB/SPH. Alternatively, just get Kerbal Joint Reinforcement since that does it automatically and saves you time.
  3. That Dragon is really cute...
  4. Some misc canoodling in Maya due to @TimothyC's prodding, and because I can't find my tablet pen at the moment. Large Diameter Titan parts, to fill out the 3.125m size family, and a test of the E-1 engine, seeing how much I can reuse from F-1. It needs a lot of work still.
  5. I made a thing! Updated LEM textures are now on Github. And @Pappystein, thanks for the info! Enjoy some treats below. Ok, this morning I also noodled around with the LEM Lab segment and experiments. Also, I really quickly roughed in the SEM module for skylab. Sticking it between the MDA and Spacelab's Airlock Module makes it look like the Quest airlock...
  6. (That's the part category. Tech node is defined several lines up in 'TechRequired')
  7. Cormorant Aeronology and Shuttle Payload Technologies are pretty good if you're looking for stockalike stuff.
  8. Y'know, because @technicalfool wouldn't know what they're talking about...
  9. @Foxxonius Augustus nice crafts! I'd like to see a picture of the satellite design too! Apologies for the lack of stream last night, I was dead tired. I'll try and make it up to y'all soon. EDIT: Can anyone identify what experiments are represented here? I think they'd be cool as possible additions to Skylab's parts.
  10. ... crap... I forgot to finish that before I started freaking out over the rest of the art assets... lol @Foxxonius Augustus just for that imma work on probe stuff tonight
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