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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. It seems like it is doing that with dynamic texture loader? Can you try starting it either a) on a clean install or b) with just DTL removed (though I doubt that would successfully start for you with all those mods). Once I know if it's purely BDB, or if it's some interaction between BDB + some mod, then I can move forward figuring out what is wrong. Also, just for kicks, what happens if you delete the mariner antenna files? (two cfgs, two mus, one texture).
  2. I know. It's only going to get worse. The issue is that it would be a *lot* of work to split it up into packs and maintain them separately. If anything, I'm more daunted by that prospect than I am for doing Saturn.
  3. I was going to plug BDB but iirc that's not @MajorLeaugeRocketScience's cup of tea. ... exactly how much appeal is there in releasing a 'OMSK-alike' version of BDB that is just the Redstone, Atlas I, and Atlas V?
  4. I probably have more but one in particular comes to mind. While I don't use Real Fuels, I try to avoid throttling engines, especially on my lifter stages, and try to do the launch in a single burn per stage.
  5. I wasn't interested but apparently you're serious. That's great to hear!
  6. @Beale the gaps in the Botticelli normal maps (between panels) are significantly bigger than the pod ones. Can you confirm that the issue with the small ribs also occurs in game?
  7. I just checked the site and ran into an issue. I had my browser... uh, docked? I'm not sure what the word would be. It was pinned to the left side of the monitor, which in windows makes it automatically half width. That caused it to display in an inline manner, rather than rows like it normally does. I assume this is supposed to be responsive for mobile users checking the site. I think another step is needed between the two, perhaps one that just has 2-3 mods in a row, or has multiple rows or 2-3 or whatever. As long as the size of the mod pictures stay the same. As you can see they blow up far larger than the resolution of the thumbnails supports.
  8. @Beale I really don't know. I would see what it looks like in game before rushing to panic about it.
  9. I know @akron was interested in looking at the Venera and Luna probes for his landers pack. If I understand that post right and you're not interested in maintaining them, perhaps look into transferring them to him? I was actually going to add normal maps to the Hermes and Leo. They really need them. Thanks for taking that off my todo list. EDIT: Looking again, the little ribs that make up the panels should be represented in the normal maps as well.
  10. So many times I've tried to get back into an MMO and gotten this feeling. There are so many vestigial communities. Blacklight: Retribution and Planetside 2 come to mind. Personally, I think Squad should keep updating. I mean, sure, take a break, pull the dev cycle back a couple notches to a more relaxed pace for a while. Catch their breath after working for nearly a year straight. But absolutely they should start working on 1.2. Or 1.1.5 if you want to call it that. It really doesn't matter to me. Bug fixes from the last version, and adding the antenna relays and PBR that got cut from last version. After that who knows. I just don't want them to stop updating - I'm still busting my butt for mods and I'd be saddened to know I started working on them too late in the game's lifecycle.
  11. Mirroring is fine. I meant that along the length of the tanks, it seems as if it's the same segment of textures repeating. I've tried (poorly) to illustrate what I mean while my boss wasn't looking. Red lines are where my (inexpert) lines see seams. Also, looking at it again, the gaps between the panels on that RCS tank seem to be a little too thick / dark / obvious. I've tried to quickly draw something like what I suggested as a solution. I'm just saying I think they would benefit from a little more variation along the length. I made the stripe wrap completely around one of the segments, and added some extra panels. Out of curiosity, how comfortable are you with editing the textures? Are you just cutting up the Porkjet textures, or are you adding additional edits to make things work a bit better for your parts? Re: the mk2 / mk3 thing, are the textures different? I thought they were fairly identical styles.
  12. I think some 2.5m parts made from the Mk3 + Mk2 textures would be appreciated. @passinglurker this is looking pretty great. My one critique is that I think they are too 'uniform'. The long tanks are just the short tank textures repeated. Having some differentiating details along the length (think something like the stripes on the current FLT tanks or something) to break it up would be cool. Right now it seems a bit obvious that it's the same texture repeated down the length. Even something like having a colored band that wraps all the way around at the second 'segment' from the bottom, in additional to the ones that run lengthwise. That's my two cents. EDIT: To clarify, this is re: the fuel / RCS tanks. The structural pieces look fine.
  13. According to reddit you need to opt out of the prerelease to be synced on to the latest release branch. A lot of the long time modders (ferram comes to mind) still have the game thru the store so they have had to wait. I'm excited to have a lot of must-have mods, like KJR, back in game. It hasn't been very fun trying to test stuff with wiggly rockets.
  14. @Sgt.Shutesie awesome, thanks! I've relinked them in the OP. On that note, @DiscoSlelge would you like the current version of the manual linked in the OP? I don't know if you'd like to wait for the next 'stable' version or not. Also, YES I saw that 1.1 came out. I have no firm plans for what to do right now. I think the fastest thing would be to CUT the unfinished stuff, such as MOL, out for this update. @Beale is very close to finishing TRAILS so that would be 'stable' for a release. Right now I have a couple different projects going on, and unless we all want to wait a month or two for it to be ready, I personally think cutting out the unfinished aspects would be preferable.
  15. @Beale I think it's a very reasonable thing to want, and if anything we're all just stumped because we all had to learn without having that kind of capability. If you want to give it a try, I would like to motion SketchUp again if you're looking for something that has CAD influences. I've never used 3DS Max so I can't speak to it.
  16. Do you know about the antennas not functioning without animations? Disregard, I actually forgot that this had been fixed. I've been so buried in models and textures that I've hardly had a chance to check the new builds.
  17. Ah, the second one is amazing. It got released to open source years ago and still has a fairly active community. Massive campaign packs, etc. I can't recommend it enough if you ever need to scratch that itch again. The forum would be... www.hard-light.net. Yep, there it is. I almost feel as if I should drop by. That site is actual where I posted my first attempts at 3D modeling when I was 12 or so. Wonder what they'd think now that I'm almost done with my degree.
  18. I remember saving up my allowance for a month ($5/week x 4 weeks = $20, or the average price of an AA or discounted AAA game at Target), rushing to the car to open it up and read the manual on the ride home. I think Sid Meier's Pirates! is still my favorite, that thing was a straight up book. EDIT: I never got a chance to play X-Wing or TIE fighter, but I was a huge Freespace 2 fan back in the day, if you've ever heard of that one. It's the reason Titan is named Prometheus in BDB.
  19. Looks like you'll be good to do that.
  20. Yeah I definitely understand. I really don't know why that isn't easily accessible. EDIT: Hit post before I finished my thought. I know it's frustrating not having something like that, I'm trying to find workarounds to make the best of it.
  21. Assuming you're keeping track of everything, wouldn't it be simple to just plug it into, say, the windows calculator? I usually just model by feel other than the ends of the parts, which as I said I measure precisely by creating them at exactly the right size.
  22. Modo is bae but I don't want to have to add another program to my workflow.
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